Training was finally over so the first new day of the year was the biggest break we needed. We gathered once more in the large assembly hall for the third years. At this point people will greet us and allow us to take any seats we like so we sit front and center. We have all the same classes so it’s a true bonding session for the ages. After they finish the assembly we head to the training grounds. Vidor and Midi rush off somewhere. 141Please respect copyright.PENANAYbaWT7YQH6
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Amari: So master shall we do it this year as well?
Dana: Do what this year?
Maeve: You know the long awaited master pupil fight.
Dana: Master pupil fight?
Amari: People look forward to it even some instructors are gonna be watching.
Dana: Why?
Maeve: Because we are super strong and kind of awesome.
Midi and Vidor come rushing back: We have gathered all the onlookers.
Dana: Alright then. Ready yourselves. You get the first strike.
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The 4 of them really do give me a run for my money with intense elemental attacks and Vidor acting as an extreme support and anchor they make for a great team. Still not stronger then me so I toss them and smack them around a bit. It was some good fun. The people who are watching us entail the all years with the 1st and 2nd years paying very close attention to how we fight. It’s not about showing off super strong and powerful magic spells, but instead small spells with the best timing possible. A longer battle of dazzling swordplay and weapon usage with high decision probability spell usage makes for a great spectacle to watch. Everyone has a favorite amongst the challengers with each one strong enough to rival the teachers of the academy. Maeve the Flare Knight, a super strong powerhouse. Amari the Icy Fortress, a stout strong tank. Midi the Lightning Princess, her spear play is only second to her beauty. Vidor the Enchanting, a forward thinker who specializes in enhancement magics yet is a strong heavy axe and hammer user. I’m just a broken overpowered war boss so I guess that’s fine. They beat me around pretty good in return but if it takes 4 of them to deal some damage it’s a slight issue. Time to increase their training for this year. Hopefully they don’t die.
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Maeve: Why are you smiling so wickedly master?
Amari: This can’t be good.
Vidor: She smiles so evilly when she thinks of training us even harder.
Midi: I don’t wana die from this years training though.
Dana: Oh no worries you won’t die. Probably.
Maeve: Probably?!?
Dana: I have thought up some new training. You shouldn’t die.
Amari: Okay good it’s a shouldn’t and not a will. We got this.
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Afterwards I instant heal them and we carry on to meet the teachers and begin the normal routine of early morning training, breakfast, classes, after class training, dinner, and sleep to repeat. This year has more people copying what we do to add to their own training to become stronger. After a few weeks my appointment comes up and right after class I tell them to meet me asap on the training fields with their ID cards. They all came running as soon as the last class got out. Ah such a good sight to see. They really do try hard and care.
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Maeve: We are here master what’s going on?
Dana: Everyone step through the gate and get in the line as a group I’ll burrow your ID’s for a bit.
They all step through the gate and get in the line while I talk to a robbed man and get us checked in and pay for the fee. They look around at this massive building adorned with great beautiful images. The walls are inscribed with a pictograph of the various ranks. We look at the wall and try to memorize the power level ranks.
Plant. Tree. Boulder. Town. Forest. City. Mountain. Castle. Continent. Ocean. Moon. Planet. Planet 1 moon. Planet 2 moons. Planet 3 moons. 2 Planets. 3 Planets. 4 Planets. 5 Planets. 1 Star. 2 Stars. 1 System. 1 System 2 Stars. 2 Systems. 3 Systems. 1 Galaxy. 2 Galaxy. 3 Galaxy. 5 Galaxy.
Dana approaches us.
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Midi: Master what is this place?
Maeve: I sense great power here.
Dana: This is the Astarium. Where they test your magic and power.
Amari: This is the place we learn about in school right?
Vidor: I never thought we would get to come. It takes a long time to get an appointment.
Dana: No worries I’m awesome so I got us in. Now we are all going in as a group since it’s okay for y’all to know each other’s level. So the big question, who wants to go first?
Midi: I will master.
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Midi steps forward and scans her ID and steps into the center.
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The images flash above as it measures Midi’s current power level .
Plant. Tree. Boulder. Town. Forest. City. Mountain.
Then the Astarium stops and a message plays echoing across the Astarium.
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Congratulations, your current power level has [increased] from [Unranked] to [Mountain].
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Maeve: Wow great job Midi. I hope I get mountain level as well.
Amari: I’ll go next I guess.
Vidor: No I’ll go we all know you and Maeve are the strongest of us four. I’ll get mine out of the way. They you to can take the spotlight.
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Vidor steps forward and scans his ID and steps into the center.
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The images flash above as it measures Vidor’s current power level .
Plant. Tree. Boulder. Town. Forest. City. Mountain. Castle.
Then the Astarium stops and a message plays echoing across the Astarium.
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Congratulations, your current power level has [increased] from [Unranked] to [Mountain].
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Maeve: Great job you 2 getting Mountain level!
Amari: You guys did a great job.
Vidor: Thanks. Now get in there and let’s see how strong you 2 are.
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Maeve steps forward and scans her ID and steps into the center.
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The images flash above as it measures Maeve’s current power level .
Plant. Tree. Boulder. Town. Forest. City. Mountain. Castle.
Then the Astarium stops and a message plays echoing across the Astarium.
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Congratulations, your current power level has [increased] from [Unranked] to [Castle].
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Amari: Alright my turn.
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Amari steps forward and scans his ID and steps into the center.
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The images flash above as it measures Amari’s current power level .
Plant. Tree. Boulder. Town. Forest. City. Mountain. Castle.
Then the Astarium stops and a message plays echoing across the Astarium.
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Congratulations, your current power level has [increased] from [Unranked] to [Castle].
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Dana: Congratulations you guys. You are all ranked higher then most of your teachers and all of the students. Keep up the good work to become strong.
Maeve: Master what is your current level?
Dana: 2 Planets.
Amari: 2?!?
Vidor: We gotta work harder now.
Midi: Can’t let master get away from us like this.
Dana: Keep training and you will get to my level. One day at least.
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We leave the Astarium and continue with class and training for a few more months. I have them focus heavily on magic shields, barriers, and protection spells. They were hesitant at first but began to pick it up after my explanation.
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Dana: Alright it’s lecture time.
Maeve: I hope it’s not about this shield training we’re doing.
Dana: Dong ding ding that is correct. A shield can protect you or block an area giving you time to relax and restore oneself. Controlling the flow of battle will mean victory even if you are outclassed.
Amari: But how does a shield help with a power difference? All it does is block something.
Dana: They can be used for diversion, distortion, and combat. I’ll briefly go into each one with a simple example that even Amari can keep up with.
Amari: What is that supposed to mean?
Dana: Okay let’s have a demonstration then.
Dana looks at Amari and smiles.
She then creates a powerful shield at him launching him across the school grounds.
Maeve: Fair point master.
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They wait as he makes his way back to the group.
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Maeve: Welcome back Amari. How was the flight?
Amari: Ha really funny Maeve.
Dana: To continue a powerful warrior who flails their weapons in a mad dash will lose to a weak yet skilled opponent. Shields can give you the upper hand and can even stop weak opponents. They can be used to create leverage on a target and can deflect things. Shaping it like a cone or triangle can change the flow of things like water and air. They can be used for diversion, distortion, and combat. I’ll briefly go into each one with a simple example that even Amari can keep up with.
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We focused primarily on shields for a few months and surprisingly Vidor came out on top with a standard shield. Midi has here enchanted with Lightning. Amari is thick Ice while Maeve is a fiery death wall. Vidor has a simple yet thick shield which lasts longer and is tougher with no flashy elements.
One day we began to talk in depth about magic during a really long lecture. The bell rang yet we all stayed to continue listening to the lecture but we only covered really basic things as to what magic is. The next day was where the meat of the talk was.
Some kid asked about how magic works in relation to spells or incantations and the lecture became very interesting.
The instructor began explaining.
This galaxy is not known to have magic, in fact only about 3% of all life in this galaxy can even use magic. Therefore the many schools that are teaching magic are considered the forefront of magical technology and innovation in this galaxy. Where as in the main Astarian Empire galaxy almost 98% of the galaxy can use magic. At the school we are training you to learn to use magic and then to go to a magical style university or a magical style military Academy so that way you can become fully fledged mages.
That being said do take in mind that all the power levels and things of this galaxy are relatively low in comparison. But there still are things you need to worry about like for instance the Magistrates and the Supremes. Magistrates are governing bodies of people that usually govern entire systems or many systems. Currently we only have about 180 of them for this new galaxy because we haven’t begun to really colonize it and conquer it yet. However in the other galaxy the main one we have hundreds of thousands of them over seeing huge chunks of territory. On top of them sits the Supremes who normally oversee magistrates every now and then. They have their own like home world or help worlds but for the most part they are governing bodies as well. The big take away is there a word is lol no matter how you feel what position rank or how strong you are a Magistrate will always oversee a regular slave, citizen, or civilian. to become a magistrate is a goal of many however you have to not only become so magically powerful that you can stand against all opposition but you also have to have the recommendation of other magistrates. They start from the bottom like everyone else and they work their way up to that position so they need to be as strong as possible using all of the tool sets available to them and that is where we begin to talk for magic and what types you have available to you as an individual.
For the talk to really begin we need to cover what elemental affinity is and what they mean to the average person.
Most people are born with magic power or have the innate ability to use magic power from within themselves. They usually have 1 elemental affinity while most can usually cast some of other elements or most of a secondary element. Some people will strive to become various kinds of mages or magic casters even taking on multiple different elemental affinities by working extremely hard to acquire it. Like an individual’s personality, people have a specific element they are naturally comfortable with or naturally uncomfortable with but they can overcome that feeling and weakness by working extremely hard. Magical power in a person is a form of muscle the more you work it the better and stronger it gets, however there is a drawback to overworking it and that is the power will increase but the size will not. So proper growth of your magical muscle is required, to increase its size as well as its power. Think of your magical muscle as a large chalice. The more you overwork out the muscle the deeper the chalice is. But you also need to work out the size of the muscle increasing the width of the chalice to hold more. There are many different methods to work out your magical muscle and we will cover some of them now. One of the work outs is a slow growth of casting large magical spells or very condensed spells and waiting for the magic to come back to you. As you all are aware your individual energy levels are tied to your magic and the less you have the worse you feel. Since the body has no means to regulate your natural energy and magic, over exertion by physical or magical activities will make you feel drained. The military approach is to cast everything you got until you loose all the energy in your body and you collapse. When you wake back up you continue the day as normal but cannot over exert yourself. Some people will recommend a mix of them but the main problem exists and that is to find a location you are safely and legally allowed to shoot off tons of magic. The main elemental affinity’s include but ass not limited to: Physical, Astral, Void, Nature, Spiritual, Angelic, Demonic, Divine, Arcana, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lava, Stone, Ice, Lightning, Light, Holy, Dark, Unholy, and many more. There are many kinds of magic power in the universe and every world is kind of governed a little differently depending on how they see their magic and what rules they wish to follow as a world.
First we will start with Incantations or what is called Spells.
Incantations and Spells are condensed magical power accompanied by a phrase of words of power with various meanings. The magical power is formed and changed to the desired size, density, power, and effect in order to change the magical power from either the person or world. To give an example some worlds may require in order to cast spells do use incantations which are usually different forms and amounts of syllables and blocks of words that are established in order to cast spells. So the phrase and syllables that are used for the mid tier red fire magic fireball goes like this: The emperor of flame, He who calls will reign down, Engulfing enemies before me. It is a 3 block incantation with 5, 6, and 9 syllables in each block respectively. Sometimes people add an extra block at the end which is even more syllables which will allow for greater power. Or they can even add a smaller block at the end which will speed up the incantation but reduce the power. There are many forms and kings of magic but mostly it will be done with just the voice however you can add gestures to it at your own discretion. Most magic is cast while chanting or invoking the spell out loud but there are a few that can use shadow chanting or concealed chanting which makes the phrases spoken in one’s own head. The power is reduced in this regards but not by much, another form of chanting is displacement chanting. Displacement chanting is much harder to do because you make up your own entire phrases to say using your own cadence to cast the desired magic spell but the main drawback is you have to verbally say the chant. It is much harder to do displacement chanting and casting but some of the best under cover mages can do it while just using normal phrases and talking. All are valid forms of chanting to cast but what you want to focus on is your own choice for higher learning.
In addition to magic casted you can use an even higher level of magic called Unison magic. This is when 2 or more people gather magic to cast a spell in unison. It take decades to learn and master and requires the exact same ratio for everything to work. The same magic power, amount of magic, area of effect of the spell, casting type like single cast or channeled cast, and affinities all go I to a single unison magic spell. However such a grandiose feat is not rewarded for the spell power is compounded and can become the greatest in history. Since it requires so much magic power usually it will take decades or centuries to master the magic and become powerful enough to single cast the same spell.
For instance look at the spell Twilight Healing, it is a healing spell created by Supreme Magistrate Alimah and Supreme magistrate Stranda. This spell invokes a large area that’s about a kilometer and a circle around the caster to instantly giga heal or fully heal all affected targets. The spell instantly fills the entire area with black star field radiance that causes everything to just stop in awe. Surrounded by vast space of beautiful stars and planets is enough to stop all kinds of combat and hostilities to just enjoy the sight. Large droplets of what looks to be cosmic energy in the form of magic healing essence drips from above in a shower of rain and hits a target which heals them. It closes all wounds, stops all bleeding, repairs all kinds of biological damages, speeds up natural regeneration, resurrects any fallen targets who were freshly killed in the last 20 minutes, enhances the cells to super clot blood for the next few hours, and even regenerates lost limbs. Since it is considered the most power healing magic around it requires such great power to achieve that the results speak for themselves. A single cast of Twilight Healing on the battlefield is the same as 500 grand healers. In the beginning to cast the spell Supreme Magistrate Alimah and Supreme Magistrate Stranda had to lock hands and were able to casted and complete unison within a moment now they’re strong enough to just cast it with a flick of the wrist. Their power makes it a world wide cast that can heal all forms of life biological and mechanical in nature. In summary unison magic is the strongest magic their is but it is hard to use and master.
For the second main point we will talk about Magic Circles and Runes.
Now when it comes to drawing magic circles, sometimes people employ magic power into ink and dry it on the ground or on paper. The size is what’s important when it comes to magical circles and magical runes. Magic circles are more powerful than runes since they are usually made up of various runes however the power level comparison is slightly less. A single fireball casted by using an incantation will always be stronger than a fireball cast of using a magic circle, and that will always be stronger than a fireball casted by runes. However with runes you can enchant all kinds of different enchantments to weapons, armor, and other forms of equipment which will allow you to use magic so long as you have magic power regardless of one’s elemental affinity.
Equipment can be enchanted in 3 ways.
The first is with an enchantment spell which will wrap the equipment in a spell enhancing it for either a certain amount of time or uses. This is used to add fire damage to a sword for instance.
The second is by placing gems or catalysts into a piece of equipment which acts as a magic storage for said enchantment. It allows for longer activation and can do some powerful things. This is used to add damage mitigation or increased healing for long periods of time like days or weeks.
The last is by using runes. This is a very long and expensive process which etches the entirety of a spells effect and foundation into the weapon or armor. So long as the runes that make up the effect are clear and not damaged they can provide the biggest boons to any piece of equipment. So long as one has magic while using it, it slowly takes magic power to use the weapon. It can be countered by destroying part or all of the runes that make up the magic. The larger the runes the more powerful the magic power while also costing more magic to use.
Now when it comes to magic and magical power there is always an exception to the rule and that is what we call Supremes.
The Supremes are beings who only say or motion gestures for the show that is casting. They can look at you and you can be engulfed in flames without them batting an eye. They are beings which transcend power and time and will easily make a mess of a situation because they are offended. They like to put on shoes like Supreme Magistrate Alimah the Black Mage who we will talk about later likes to dramatically stand and lift her arm high in the sky before swiping it down and just saying Me-Te-Or which brings down as many meteors as she desires to any destination she wants.
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We have an assembly and get word that we will be going to a nearby world and actually doing class for a few months there. We will all be taking an online version of our current classes and our main class will focus on survival and adaptation.
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We ready our basic things and receive a survival pack which contains camping and medical supplies, our gear was specialized due to us being the chosen vanguard team.
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Maeve: Oh my god guys we are the chosen ones!
Midi: I don’t feel like a hero of light or have a great origin story.
Vidor: Stop the racket guys I’m trying to pay attention.
Maeve: You pay attention. Yeah I would like to see that.
Dana: I’m with you Vidor. I'll pay attention as well.
Maeve: Wait both of you guys are paying attention what’s going on?
Amari glances at the current speaker, a 4th year teacher.
Amari: Ah plot and substance. I shall pay attention as well.
Maeve and MIDI: What are y’all looking at?
Dana: If you don’t get it then you don’t get it.
Vidor looks at the girls.
Vidor: Maybe one day y’all will get them.
Maeve: Get what?
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We pack our things and aboard the shuttle leaving for our survival class. When we arrive at the spaceport it is a nice serene beautiful forest encampment surrounded by a lush sea of trees.
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After that lesson we began to increase our training regiments due to the fact the magic competition is coming around us once more and we plan to have all five of us as the veteran competition team for group challenges to come.
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We arrive at the space port and go drop our things off at our designated area. We have a free day so we wander the markets and areas just looking around. We split up into myself with the siblings and Vidor and Midi as we wander around in the same area.
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Amari: Master look at all these crazy stall of weird foods.
Dana: They are the local ingredients, fruits, and vegetables. Read the pamphlet it has everything you need to know.
Maeve: Master look at them they are like a super gang of villains. They look like punks and thugs from the stories you tell us.
Vidor: Modi look at these magic pendants.
Midi: They look nice. Not to expensive. Which one suits me Vidor?
Maeve: Master those people are attacking those citizens. Ima go help them.
Dana: Don’t kill them Maeve.
Maeve: Okay! Hey get over here bad guys.
Amari: Welp she ran off. So master what do you like to do for fun?
Vidor: You look good in either this pale blue or deep purple one.
Dana: I enjoy training and managing my world.
Amari: Oh here she comes. Back already Maeve?
Maeve: They went done with a few punches. Some even cried. I got thanked by the woman and she gave me this weird fruit.
Midi: Oh well now how did you know my favorite colors?
Dana: Ah that’s a Salmon Apple. It is very sweet and tastes like the sea. It even has a pick swirl inside.
Vidor: I pay attention to you Mimi. Here let me get it for you. It only enhances your beauty.
Maeve: Welcome back you 2. Here, try this crazy apple. It tastes like ocean.
Midi: I didn’t know ocean was a flavor.
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We continued our exploration and got to see all kinds of touristy spots and locations. The town went crazy for some time due to a “Judgment” walking the streets. We entered the local tavern in the middle of the day with only a few inside and inquired about the situation.
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Barkeep: Good afternoon and welcome to the Frothy Stout. I don’t normally welcome kids inside but you don’t look like locals.
Dana: We are from The Abora Magical Institute.
Barkeep: Ah so the AMI kids are here for training. Welcome and good luck on your hunts. Now what can I do for you?
Dana: Thanks for the support. We stopped by to ask some questions. Since we’re not from here we were hoping you could help us out.
Barkeep: Okay. What would you like to know?
Maeve: What are the Judgements and why is the market going crazy about it.
Midi: Is it like a book or scripture?
Barkeep: The Judgements are the people who are in service to the Magistrate and are directly in charge. Stay clear from them they are bad people who would exploit kids like you.
Midi: I’m really strong so I don’t worry about the trivial things. What are they like really?
Barkeep: They have a habit of taking kids and people and either forcing them to work for them or enslaving them. They tend to over tax and outright take things from those under them. They are powerful and have authority over us so we can only stand by and watch it happen.
Maeve: So thugs in power. Wonderful.
Barkeep: Just do your best to stay away from them and try not to pick a fight. Worst case they take it personal and take it out on your school or world.
Midi: Definitely sounds like thugs in charge.
Dana: Can you tell us about who the Judgements are? Their personality, their habits.
Barkeep: Why do you want to know about them?
Dana: If we know about them, their personalities, their habits, who they are, then we can stay away and avoid them. If someone doesn’t like a particular thing and we unassumingly do it, then we revoked their wrath. We want to avoid and stay away, not antagonize.
Barkeep: Okay I’ll tell you about them. I don’t know much about the Magistrate but I know they are a mysterious person who is rarely ever seen and they tends to be over the top. How do you say it, like overly dramatic? They use large war fans and have an extravagant personality. In fact they all have an over the top personality. I didn’t think people had real personalities like what you find in fantasy books about nobles but they have them. Really that’s the biggest descriptor of them besides their weapons of choice that they use to flog people for no real reason. One has a large spiked club from an elder stone tree. One has assassin tools and poisonous blades. One of them is actually a knight in all dark armor. He doesn’t say much he just stands in silence and beats people. One is an aggressive female who yells and screams at everyone constantly and will grow irate and hateful towards any and all who don’t listen.
Maeve: They seem like peachy individuals.
The group gets ready to head out.
Barkeep: A word of advice before you go. If something happens just agree and let it happen. The school can always offer counseling and money but they can’t un-death you.
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With their questions answered they left and enjoyed the rest of the evening. When the night grew long we went back to our campsite and got ready for the next day. We spend a blur of time camping and doing survival training while hunting the magical beasts, all of which are just to easy for our current power levels. From large cat like beasts to giant fire acid breathing chickens we hunt and ate well while receiving high marks. We were able to leave the camp site due to our great records that while on a stroll through town it went much the same day by day. Maeve found thugs to beat up that were hurting the citizens while we enjoyed the sites and shopped to our hearts content. Towards the end of our camping survival trip we encountered some good opposition. A large dragon-like beast in the forest was out stalking prey so we felled it by letting the 4 of them unleash total havoc and playing with it to test their skills.
Midi and Maeve took the majority of the agro and unleashed some crazy spells. They worked together and felled it with their new magic. Unison Magic Flaming Thunderstorm. A huge lightning storm began unleashing huge flaming electrical bolts at the dragon ripping it apart.
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The next day as we continue our training deep into the forest since the shallow areas just aren't a challenge anymore, we get approached during a standard hunt. Midi and Maeve were out for a walk to rest since they drained almost all of their magic power to fell that beast. They only take basic protective gear and skinning knives for any prey they catch. Maeve heads off to check the nearby creek while Midi was climbing a tree to see their surroundings and map the area.
A woman appears from deep in the woods and confronts Maeve.
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Woman: You girl what are you doing in these woods?
Maeve: Who’s asking?
Woman: I’ll say again what are you doing in these woods?
Maeve: I’ll say again who’s asking?
Woman: Listen here little girl, these woods are property of Magistrate Kren. You are trespassing into his territory. I will ask a final time what are you doing in these woods?
Midi: Hey Maeve we just finished off that basilisk. It wasn’t nearly as hard as that dragon was yesterday. But we’re heading back to camp. Are you coming? Sorry I didn’t know you were in a conversation.
Woman: You are the ones who killed Magistrate Kren’s dragon? You will pay for your insolence. Your fate is death.
Maeve: Hold on. There must be a misunderstanding here. We were only.
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And with that the woman charged Maeve. She was faster then they expected and she swung hard with her hand knocking Maeve back to the area where Midi was and they both engaged the enemy. They were beaten back, losing in the exchange of blows. Their opponent fights with sword and shield and it takes everything they have to block and parry her magically enhanced attacks. Midi takes a few slashes as she is unaccustomed to knife fighting techniques. Before they break through her magic barrier and get a single wound across her face and Maeve gets a small fire blast into her face to do some damage. She is blinded and at this point Vidor rushes into the frey sending the woman flying with a arcane blast and taking the girls and fleeing back to camp.
They were wounded and beaten badly but they were alive. Vidor did what healing he could for them. When Amari and I got back and saw them I fully healed them.
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Dana: What happened?
Amari: Wasn’t it just a scouting assignment and a walk?
Midi: I climbed a tree to map the area and found Maeve under attack.
Maeve: A strange woman appeared from the forest and asked why I was there. I didn’t have any time to explain before she began fighting me and Midi.
Dana: Hopefully you don’t run into her again. If you do you had better win. Failure is not an option.
Maeve and Midi: Yes master we understand.
Dana: Anyways let’s rest up for the next few days. We may have some company it seems.
Midi: There is a small compound deep in the forest. It looks to only be a few buildings. Maybe we should go there when we’re all patched up and ask around.
Maeve: Oh yes let’s. I bet they are there and I wanna give them some payback.
Dana: Sounds like a plan then. Get some good rest. I'll formulate the plan.
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After a few days rest we leave our camp and head deep into the woods where that compound is. I keep an aura up to scare all creatures away as we tread deeper and deeper until the walls of the compound are visible in a clearing. As we emerge from the forest Amari and Vidor next to me with Maeve on the far left and Midi on the far right we are greeted by 5 people who stand in front of the compound gate to greet us.
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Midi: That’s the girl who smacked me and Maeve around. The one on the end there.
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Before the group stands a formidable opposition. The Magistrate that runs this world and a few others is relatively new and up and coming so she has a lot to prove. Her 4 Judgements have proven their skills in battle as they have laid waste and destroyed many opposing armies and smaller worlds.
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Dana: Well looks like you two can get your revenge. They seem about your level of not a little stronger than you all. Keep your guard up.
Woman Yelling: You dare to attack our dragon and then proceed to come into our sacred forest. Know your place, children. Now be good children and bow before your magistrate.
Dana Yelling: I only bow to Supremes. I will not lower my head for one so insignificant as a magistrate.
Woman Yelling: You insolent worm. You are nothing but trash children. You will be executed all the same. For treason against the black empire you will feel our wrath.
Dana Yelling: My kids will fight against your pawns and we shall see who comes out on top. Your a leader of bandits who couldn’t even listen to an explanation before jumping to hostilities.
Dana: You each get one. Quartz parchment and sheers for who gets to revenge fight the shouty woman. Failure is not an option. Beat them senseless however you may not kill them. We gotta set an example.
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With that the kids battle cheered and each took one opponent. Midi with her spear took on the loud shouty hostile woman. Maeve with her sword took on this large brutish guy with a club. Vidor took on the robed magi using his casting and stave. Amari with his sword and shield took the stout dark knight and Dana took on the fan welding and scantily dressed magistrate. Dana charged the magistrate and threw a powerful energy punch which she also did and kind and launched all other people far into the woods. They each split off and charged their respective target.
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Vidor Vs Magi:
Vidor found his target who was leaning against a tree carving an apple. As Vidor approached he did not feel much magical presence yet at the figures side seems to be a few bottles of mysterious liquid, some small knives, and twin curved blades.
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Vidor: I took you for a powerful spell casting magi. But it seems I was wrong. You are either a bandit or an assassin.
Assassin: Ding ding ding. You are correct. I am the assassin known as Shadow Haunter in service to Magistrate Bandok.
Vidor: Well this is easier than expected. Give me a good fight would ya. I haven’t gotten any exercise lately.
Assassin: It seems you are delusional. A magic caster thinks they can defeat an assassin.
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With that Vidor charges the assassin and stops early swinging his stave hard behind him causing the assassin to block the attack from stealth.
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Assassin: Oh you can see my hidden self. Impressive.
Vidor: I may be a magic caster however I am a warrior first.
Assassin: No matter how strong at fighting a caster is they will still only be as strong as the spells they cast. Once your out of magic power your done little boy.
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Vidor and the Assassin unleash a flurry of attacks with each one parrying, dodging, and blocking the others attacks. The assassin throws poisonous powders, smoke bombs, and coats his weapons in venom. Vidor carefully heals, cures, and enhances himself as to not take much damage of any kind. He slips up a bit and takes a really good clean hit deep into his leg. The assassin seems pleased with himself and brags. They continue their rally of attacks and the assassin slowly but Shirley gets the best of Vidor. The poisons taking effect slowing him down causing him to take more and more smaller injuries from the different poisons.
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Assassin: Even a mage warrior like you will succumb to my poisons. You may have a strong will and greater resistance then most but it amounts to nothing.
Vidor: If only you knew.
Assassin: What does that mean? A final word of parting by someone who is all to cocky and thinks they will win?
Vidor: Shall I show you true fear and terror, little assassin?
Assassin: What do you know about fear and terror little boy?
Vidor: Swarm Form Release!
Assassin: Wait what? Swarm what?
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Vidor begins to change a major transformation takes place as the assassin watches in horror. He shrinks down to 2/3 of his original size. His skin becomes thick chitinous plating. His nails become sharp extended claws. He begins to grow spikes from his ball joints and off of his head and back. His head elongates into an oval growing many eyes around the sides giving him 360° vision as well as splits open revealing times of spikes and teeth. He begins to create thick biogel acid that he coats his claws in with his long snake-like tongue. As the acid drops to the ground it begins to dissolve it and the assassin truely watches in fear and terror.
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Vidor shadow casted a combination spell of full heal and full cure.
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Vidor: Sorry this is enough playing around. I will start to take this seriously. Don’t be upset when you lose to a magic caster.
Assassin: What?
Vidor: Why so quiet little assassin. You are just a mere human beneath my boot. Know your place.
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Vidor began to charge the assassin launching many large area of effect shadow casted spells causeing huge damage to the area and battering the assassin with a flurry of blows defeating him in the process. After he rested up a bit and de transformed he grabbed the assassin and dragged him towards the center of all the fighting.
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Maeve Vs Large Club Guy:
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Clubby: Are you ready for our grandiose fight small child? Maeve: A fight is a fight, club guy.
Clubby: We shall have a glorious fight to the death. Mono e mono. You and me. To the death.
Maeve: I can’t fight you to the death.
Clubby: Why not?
Maeve: I was instructed to beat you up not to kill you. So no fighting to the death.
Clubby: You're just afraid to fight to the death. It’s okay I will teach you the ways.
Maeve: I am not afraid to fight you to the death I’m just not allowed to.
Clubby: it seems like you are afraid. Shall I use my fists instead of my spiked club? I can give you a handicap if you would like.
Maeve: Do what you wish, just skip these boring dialogs.
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The eerie silence was broken as the guy charged Maeve with a large heavy swing. She pulled her sword and used only the sheath to block his attack. He looked puzzled for a moment then unleashed a barrage of strikes chained together as a grand attack to cause immense damage yet she just blocked and blocked and even blocked some more.
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Clubby: All you do is block. Can you do anything else?
Maeve: I can do much more Mr. Clubby guy. I just don’t see the reason or point to do anything more than the bare minimum.
Clubby: I knew you were scared.
Maeve: Well I tried really hard master but now I must kill this one.
Clubby: What, are you serious little girl?
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Maeve steps forward and draws her blade releasing an intense heat wave making him step back from the power release. Her sword then bursts into flames raveging the nearby area causing the large stone trees, nearby fauna, plant life, and debris to melt from the intense heat. She took a single flash step closing the gap in a mere moment and slashing her sword. He blocked the strike with all his might as the sword melts through the club and gashes him through the armor burning and cauterizing the deep wound across his torso. He rally’s with a powerful magical energy boost to increase his healing and further strengthen himself as well as boosts his fire resistance. They leap at each other slashing and blocking with her flames doing little to no damage now and he gives her a good kick knocking her back.
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Clubby: You may be a strong warrior who uses flames to their advantage however I now have resistance to your flames. What will you do now?
Maeve: Flames that are hot enough can melt even the strongest of metals. You think this is the limit to my flames? These are mere embers in comparison.
Clubby: Yeah okay sure. Come bring that fiery spirit over here and let me test your metal then.
Maeve: You do not seem to know fear.
Clubby: I know fear far greater than you could ever imagine. I’ve seen hundreds of people slaughtered. What have you seen?
Maeve: I have seen the swarm rip and tear through people like bullets into jelly. Let me teach you a thing or two about fear.
Maeve: Swarm Form Release!
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Her skin becomes a deep brown chitinous plating which have small gaps in between the armored plates allowing a gaseous mixture to leak out and become engulfed in greenish flames. Horns erupt from her skull and she gains a long tail covered in armored plates and spikes. Her nails form intense flaming claws which she can use to gently slice through steel. She is fast with every step leaving a burning footprint behind her as she walks across the ashlands she naturally creates around her.
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Her flames are so intense they burn the entire area into ash, heat which melts trees rocks and stones into a thick ashy goop. She slashed her weapon in the air sending intense flaming pressure waves in the desired direction with little to no effort. She dashed forwards slamming into him launching him back burning him through his resistances as he slams through trees. He immediately passed out from the trauma. She de transform and rests a bit before dragging his limb body towards the commotion in the middle of the forest.
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Maeve: Yes I’m first!
Maeve tosses the body forwards but another plops down first.
Vidor: Looks like I’m first.
Maeve: Noooo. Dang it.
Vidor: Muhahaha revel in my greatness.
Maeve: Yes yes con grad ulations hey hey ho hey hey ho.
Vidor: Why do you sound so emotionless and dead inside.
Maeve: No reason. Anyways congrats on your fight. Let me heal you a bit.
Vidor: Thanks. Looks like yours was an easy one.
Maeve: The most boring fight ever. All they did was monologue and yap.
Vidor: Rough man.
Maeve: Dis you transform during your fight as well?
Vidor: Yeah and it hurts like hell.
Maeve: Never did I think my skin splitting open would hurt that bad.
Vidor: Same. My entire face split open.
Maeve: Holy crap. Did it hurt?
Vidor: Oh god yes it did. Hurt worse then my skin splitting and cracking. Hurts a ton.
Maeve: Yeah it does. Sounds like the others are going at it. I couldn’t really hear the lightning strikes on my side.
Vidor: I was fighting pretty close to it but it’s surprisingly easy to ignore when your in the thick of it.
Maeve: Huh is that so. Interesting.
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Amari Vs Dark Knight:
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Amari stands before this knight in black and red armor and looks at him with admiration.
Amari: This is the coolest armor I have ever seen. Are you an actual knight or just someone who took the armor?
Dark Knight: Thanks. I am an actual knight and these are the colors of my homeland.
Amari: Why did you leave your homeland to work for a magistrate that treats people poorly? I thought knights were people who stood up for those in trouble?
Dark Knight: I was in service to a king who became corrupted with madness. I listed for power as a young squire and became a knight on the battlefield. My greed and lust turned me into a evil person yet I still need to provide for my family. It just comes down to a simple fact.
Amari: What’s that?
Dark Knight: The magistrate offers great family security and high pay.
Amari: That’s it? Thats all that’s needed?
Dark Knight: Kid you will also get to a point when you realize family is the most important thing. You would do anything for family. My kingdom lost. Plain and simple. The magistrate offered me a job instead of beheading me so I took it. Regardless of how good or evil they are. They protected my family.
Amari: I have a younger sister fighting one of yours as well. Maybe one day I’ll be as great and noble as you.
Dark Knight: Walk a path you choose just don’t have regrets. Whether that be good or evil.
Amari: Thank you for the advice. I will strive to be the best knight possible. Now it’s time for us to duel. Don’t be upset when I bring you down.
Dark Knight: Do your worst kid. I’ve lived through many hells. It will take a lot to bring me down.
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Amari draws his sword and shield and readies himself as the dark knight does the same. After a few pauses Amari steps forward and strikes which is blocked by the knights shield and then the endless rally of strikes and blocks begin. The dark knight throws some dirt and shield bashes a few times teaching Amari the way of knight fighting before the day grew long. The dark knight and Amari both are tired yet press onwards as the knight loses most of his energy Amari reveals his hands. Using magic he bestowed newfound energy. Wrapped his body in a healing and endurance aura, and made his sword and shield tougher. The dark knight was taken aback. This kid not only was keeping up with him in knight fighting but also is a powerful mage. A long rally of barrages ensues and Amari gets pushed back. The knight before him is cautious experienced and knows when to strike and when to defend.
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Dark Knight: You are a powerful warrior, but you won’t be able to beat me. I’ve been doing this a long time and your current level isn’t high enough to beat me. It was a valiente attempt but you just won’t win.
Amari: I am far stronger than even you expect. Don’t be upset when I win this fight.
Dark Knight: Oh is that so? Let me see what you have up your sleeves then. I can handle it.
Amari: Swarm Form Release!
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Amari begins to change, doubling in size and thickness with his arms becoming massive and log like in thickness. His body has tough dense chitinous armor plates with his hands having massive thick flat plates that he can use to become a large tower like shield. He is a large brute like giant with high mass and speed.
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He dashed at the knight slamming his fist into the knights shield pushing him back. They began striking each other blocking with their shields but every hit from Amari is still just as strong and fast while the knight is slowly being tired out due to the fatigue of the knights armor. A few good clashes later and Amari brings him down to the ground.
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Dark Knight: What are you going to do to me now?
Amari: We were only instructed to beat you up and defeat you. Not to kill you. So I’ll put you to sleep and drag you to the rest.
Dark Knight: That’s a mercy I accept. Who instructed you to do so, that little dark girl?
Amari: Yes she is our teacher, our master, and our council. Dana reigns at the top and is far stronger than even your Magistrate.
Dark Knight: Dana. Dana. Dana. Where have I heard that name before? Oh wait a minute is she?
He casts a sleep spell at the thankful knight for he gets to live another day and de transforms. He grabs and drags him towards the center.
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Amari: I thought I would be the first one to arrive.
Maeve: So did I honestly but I tossed mine moments after Vidor tossed his.
Amari: Rough. Nice job you two.
Maeve: I fought a brute of a guy.
Amari: Mine was an honorable knight. Yours seems to be a thief hidden by a magi cloak.
Vidor: I had to fight an assassin. He specifically said that he hunts mages, little did he know though I’m not a mage.
Amari: I mean you're a warrior first and foremost.
Maeve: Those robes he wears disagrees with you though.
Amari: True. So did you guys transform?
Maeve: I did and it was crazy. I’m so hungry and I’m pain from it.
Vidor: I did as well. My head split in half so I have a massive headache and hurt all over.
Amari: I did as well and I’m starving and am in pain. This is a rough transformation.
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Midi Vs Shouty Woman:
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Midi stands before the loud shouty woman:
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Shouty: You again. Come back for more little girl. Where is the other one? The fire one?
Midi: Don’t worry about her right now. She is off beating up someone else at the moment.
Shouty: Ha I would like to see her try and win. You are all very weak.
Midi: Oh do you really think so?
Shouty: You could barely stand after I was smacking you around. And I wasn’t even in my armor nor did I have my weapon.
Midi: Yes you smacked us around pretty good. However we were very tired and couldn’t use our magic properly.
Shouty: So what does that have to do with anything. Weak is still weak no matter hos you slice it.
Midi: If you beat up an opponent who is at 20% and you win that fight how well will you fair when it’s at 100%?
Midi: Know your place.
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In a mere moment Midi shadow casts many spells wrapping herself and her spear in intense lightning clouds and storms ripping apart the surroundings as she stands there. In a flash of a moment as lightning strikes she is instantly before shouty. She strikes hard launching shouty back through some trees slamming into a boulder behind. She has been blocking all of Midi strikes but has been launched backwards into various trees and rocks breaking them. The sheer amount of force she is withstanding with every strike is enough to split someone in half but she’s using all of her magic power to enhance herself so she doesn’t die. Her face of an underdog victor in the making changes when Midi began to take this seriously and aggressively began striking her and moving so fast she appears before her in an instant. She began increasing her speed and power with each increment she would state her current percent and unfortunately for her the girl could only take 55%. After she was thoroughly beaten she was drugged by Midi to the pile with the others.
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Amari: Ah the lightning has stopped.
Maeve: Welcome back Midi. How was the fight?
Midi: Boring and anticlimactic. I only used basic Lightning enchantment and natural skills and she didn’t last at all.
Maeve: Rough.
Midi: So who was first? I’m rooting for the underdog but I guess it’s you or your brother right?
Maeve: I tossed mine moments after Vidor tossed his so the underdog one this one.
Midi: Ha that’s great! Did you all get to transform?
Everyone/ Yes I did.
Amari: What about you Midi?
Midi: She was so weak that even half of my power bested her. So unfortunately I didn’t get to transform.
Maeve: Rough. I will say it hurts like hell when you do though.
Vidor: Yeah it does.
Amari: Come now let’s go watch Dana fight the magistrate.
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Dana Vs Magistrate:
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Dana and the Magistrate stand before each other in silence before the conversation breaks.
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Dana: Sounds like the fighting has begun. Your guys are in for a world of hurt ya know.
Magistrate Bandok: My guys are far stronger than yours little girl. They are powerful commanders with each one at the level of m captain. They won’t go down to some kids.
Dana: I’ll ask you once. Kneel before me and worship me and I may spare you.
Magistrate Bandok: I only kneel to supremes. I will not bow to someone like you child. I am a magistrate and one of the originals of this galaxy. My power and authority govern a hundred worlds. I won’t come down to such a small level for anyone.
Dana: Know your place little magistrate.
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Magistrate Bandok charges Dana and they begin unleashing a series of powerful infused blows each one when blocked, sending shock waves throughout the forest. After they fill each other out and test the waters they begin increasing in strength and power. The magistrate and chance themselves their fan becomes razor sharp with a single slash attack sending a powerful gust of razor sharp wind slicing through trees like hot knives in butter however with a single raised ham Dana can just sweat it away. A single punch from Dana that the magistrate dodges slams into the ground and even craters cracking for splitting it open sending sharp shrapnel made of rock and stone bursting outwards. The magistrate then invokes a powerful aura and builds intense magical power that can be felt across the world. Now every strike that Donna blocks sent her flying backwards in great distances knocking through trees and rocks becoming a bowling ball of power ripping through the pins of trees laid before her. She then stands before the magistrate once more and it evokes her Swarm Form First Form.
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4 large spider like legs ripped from her back allowing her to run and climb faster and leap great distances. Her power immensely increases her nails turn into a really long sharp clocks her skin becomes thick with carapace building small spikes at her joints. Her skin turns dark reddish black and begins to crack in form plates of armor on top of the carapace. The four legs are great in power able to withstand blows like her own arms so now she’s able to block and attack simultaneously which is then pushing the magistrate back greatly.
The magistrate looks flustered and surprised at the sudden words spoken and the new form taken by Dana.
She been built very powerful poison on the tips of her four legs and takes it straight dead center blow from the magistrate tearing a hole right through her stomach before grabbing on with the biggest bear hug she could possibly muster and piercing right through the magistrate with her poisoned legs. They both fall to the ground And the magistrate watches at Dana’s body begins to reconstruct itself due to her Swarm Form nature. They both lay limb and then after she has reconstructed her body she gets up and stands before the magistrate once more.
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Magistrate Bandok: I didn’t know you had a Swarm Form.
Dana: Know your place little magistrate. For I am far more powerful than even you can comprehend.
Magistrate Bandok: What will you do now kill me? You will invoke the wrath of the supreme general and supreme lord herself.
Dana: I do not fear the wrath you claim will be invoked by Orcca’Thal or Tanya. I welcome it the wrath of family.
The magistrate was speechless. The hill of this girl to lie about something is crazy. She couldn’t be lying right? Her strength and power would be acceptable. She isn’t lying right? If she’s not then what will happen to me?
Dana: Take a little nap girl and think on your actions.
And with a powerful blast she knocks her out and takes her to the pile for the celebration victories.
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Maeve: Welcome back master. I’m glad your in better health and have a newfound combat form.
Dana: Thanks. Looks like you all fought well and claimed your victories with your own hands. I’m proud of you. Keep up the good work.
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After the party claims victory and heals any wounds suffered. They drag all of them into the city and staked them up on wooden crosses for all to see. The city was in a riot shouting and throwing various things at them but once they were fully strung up and th message was plastered next to them the crowds became eerily quiet. The message of: Dana is here, know your place. The crowd began to bow in forgiveness as they walked through the marketplace with those who threw things in tears ready to be executed on the spot.
Dana: Take what you want from them. They will only thank you as we leave. Adjutant prepare the video and send it to them. Let’s all go home.
In spite of taking things thrown at them they leave while only grabbing a few items from the stalls. And the people silently cheered watching them leave the area to return back to school.
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They arrived by gate so they were earlier then all the other students so they slept their day away to recover their fatigue and injuries. Once the students got back they went crazy with the rumors and stories of their trip, especially how Dana and co destroyed a magistrate. School continues as normal for the next week as the rumors begin to die down until a ship arrives at the space port and the entire world gets a message for the arrival of a magistrate.
They go through more combat training being pushed harder then ever before for their good efforts in their victory. They do worry that picking a fight with a magistrate can be very bad for them but Dana keeps reassuring them they will be fine and to not fear anything. They carry on with their normal days until Dana gets a message in one of her classes and immediately leaves to inform the headmaster of her sudden departure. The other kids hear the news and eagerly await by the school gate for her arrival. I swing by my room and throw down my stuff before using quick change dematerialization of my school clothes and a materialization of my black uniform before heading to the front.
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Maeve: Master, where are we going this time?
Midi: What is this uniform?
Dana: This time you all need to stay here.
Maeve: Why master haven’t we always been together?
Vidor: She’s right master. We can handle it.
Amari: No matter the craziness or the situation we wish to be at your side.
Dana: Very well but I’ll say this once. Don’t speak and stand where I tell you. Watch and observe but do not distract.
All: Understood Master!
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With that I open a gate and we all head through.
The ship explodes in loud bolstering welcoming cheer at the arrival of Dana. She points to the spot and all the kids stand against the wall trying to understand the situation. The bridge of the ship is filled with black uniformed soldiers of the empire. Around them is gold and silver adorning the walls and bridge of a massive star ship. It has a large throne made of solid marble and Dana takes a seat. Out the display window they see hundreds of ships gathering with this ship in its center. Some are really massive while others are long and small. There are huge swarm-like creatures that tower in size to most of the fleet all around. The situation is tense and people are running around and waiting all on edge on the brink of war.
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Captain Harvik: Welcome aboard. We have gathered the fleet and are awaiting orders, High Admiral Dana.
Dana: Begin the formation with a vanguard to pierce through their center.
Captain Harvik: Begin the formation. Get a heavy fleet to the center.
Dana: How far out are they?
Captain Harvik: They are going to enter weapon range in 10 minutes.
Dana: Good ready the volley from the back line. Make sure it barely misses the front line so it falls short.
Captain Harvik: Ah make them think they still have room to lure them in. That's the most tactical plan submitted for the battle yet it took you only a moment. They spend all day deliberating and trying to formulate strategies.
Dana: Old men arguing doesn’t yield results.
Ship Adjutant: A large group of ships are exiting the space jump.
Captain Harvik: The enemy is here.
Dana: Forward Shields at full.
Captain Harvik: Forward Shields at full.
Dana: Open Coms to enemy fleet.
Ship Adjutant: Coms Are Open. All Channels Open.
Dana: This is High Admiral Dana of the Black Fleet of the Astarian Empire. Leave this area at once or we will open fire.
Nothing returns.
Dana: Fire the short volley.
Captain Harvik: Fire Volley.
The rear line opens fire and the power drops slightly as it impacts enemy shields. They press forward with their advance as the blasts didn’t impact their shields.
Dana: Charge all batteries and ready to fire on my command.
Captain Harvik: Charge all batteries.
Dana: Let them in close. Hold. Hold. Steady now. Are we charged?
Captain Harvik: Last battery just finished charging.
Dana: Fire!
Captain Harvik: Fire all guns!
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The ships exchange heavy firepower. The kids stand silent against the wall watching the battle play out as they see a destroyer ship in the right column loose it’s shields and begin to pull back. Midi is the first to act even though she stays quiet she sees the enemy ships begin to charge a heavy penetrating laser and charge all heavy weapons. She raises her hand and begins to wave it slightly as she shadow casts a very large Lightning Magic Shield and begins to absorb the heavy firepower unleashed on the ship. The beam is constant and her magic begins to deplete quickly as her arm begins to shake aggressively followed by her entire body. The beam stops and the ship is grateful for the large protection as it pulled back to recharge suffering no damage. The bridge crew watched in awe and hope as the ship made it back. Looking at Her they see the other boy and girl immediately raise their hands in a similar manner and a huge Flaming Magical Shield encompasses many ships in the thick of combat keeping them safe while a massive Magical Ice Shield protects the largest of ships from the entire fleets focus fire allowing both ships to pull back as well. The entire bridge crew is looking at the kids seeing one not doing anything. The kids then look to Vidor but he looks at Dana.
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Vidor: Master.
Dana: Go ahead and participate if you would like.
Vidor: Thank you master I am grateful.
Dana: Make the strongest shield you can. Protect this entire fleet. All 200 ships in the main fleet need to make it out safely. Failure is not an option Vidor.
Vidor: Yes master. It will be done.
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The entire bridge crew takes that as an impossible task for even protecting many ships at once is very hard for the most experienced of mages. And he has to do the entire fleet. Rough kid. They watch and in a single moment a triple shadow cast goes off and large honeycomb shields appear before the entire fleet. At 3 meters thick and 5 meters in diameter they appear across the entire fleet protecting all the ships.
Dana: Message to the fleet. Use this time to restore and charge all energy capacities. Get your weapons and shields up. Once the shield in front of your ship fails then you may engage the enemy.
The entire fleet enters a charging state, even a few moments is enough to raise the sails and panels to absorb energy from the nearby star. Heavy barrages begin to break through the various shields to encounter nearly charged warships which re-engage them in battle. Their energy depleted much faster then the Black Fleet due to their charging cycle. The enemy locked their fleet on the source of the shields, the Black Fleet Flagship. The enemy fleet focuses on the flagship and the shields begin to fail. Dana immediately recharges the entire ship's energy supply with a flick of her wrist and throws up a massive honeycomb magic shield to block a few volleys in a single go. They route and destroy most of the enemy fleet only taking minor damage across the fleet and getting the crew safely off of some destroyed ships. They began pursuit of the enemy forces deep into their territory while also orbital bombarding their worlds and sending the untold trillions of swarm down upon their worlds. In a single galactic day Dana took 24 worlds for the empire and destroyed 26 that was of no strategic or agricultural value. 5 additional worlds on the new territory line we’re given to the swarm to bolster their numbers and raise their broods. With that 55 worlds were conquered in the name of the Black Fleet. Word of the kids' strength and power echo through the fleet.
After her successful victories they return back to school and attend classes like normal thinking of what all transpired and how awesome Dana truly is as their day is thrown through a loop at the arrival of Magistrate Bandok and their crew at the school grounds. They head towards and enter the cafeteria and stand before Dana and co. They mostly ignore them and eat as the rumors spread through the school like fire once more as they were the ones Dana and co beat up and left for all to see. They stand before them. Dana and Maeve look utterly bored at the whole situation.
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Midi with a Hateful Glance: What are you looking at punks?
Amari: Do not make us beat you again and in front of this school.
Dana: Midi Amari stop it. As you were.
Loud Woman: Ya-
The magistrate raises her hand and the woman stops. Then she forces them all to bow.
Magistrate Bandok: We came here to apologize for our insolence.
They raised their heads.
Magistrate Bandok: We were aware that your school was hunting in the forests however we did not know you were a student here. My guys should of listened to your kids' explanation at the death of our pet instead of jumping to conclusions. They are good guys who I will wrangle in.
Dana: Make sure to see to it and your apology is accepted. You came all this way to show your resolve. We were not aware that it was a pet and not a magical beast to hunt. Going further I would recommend using a tag or marking. No worries when it comes to this issues it’s fully resolved and no harm is done.
Magistrate Bandok: If I can inquire a few things from you and your kids.
Dana: Sure go ahead.
Magistrate Bandok: How are you so strong? You must of been training for quite some time and at a young age to catch up to my guys in combat and even surpass them.
Maeve: We have only been training under Dana for 3 years now. We were weak and pathetic back then. However we have been beaten into shape and molded into powerful individuals.
Magistrate Bandok: Impressive. That must be your strong resolve and will. You and the smaller boy seem to have combat experience. Have you served in a military capacity?
Amari: My sister and I have joined Dana in the defense of her worlds and fought and killed on the battlefield. I’ve even ridden a swarm beast into battle.
Magistrate Bandok: Impressive. I don’t particularly like the swarm but they are necessary creatures.
A few moments of silence pass.
Dana: Is that all the questions you have?
Magistrate Bandok: Yes thank you for your time. We will take our leave now. May you have good health and fortune.
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And with that they leave and the next few weeks of school are the talk of a magistrate bowing to Dana and co.
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We rest up and further increase our training regiment since the big champion fight in the magic tournament is coming up. We got the details and we are fighting some elite vanguard teams of 4th years at the rival schools. Each school has a big lineup of prodigies and we have kept the rumors from spreading so we remain nameless to the other schools. We pack our bags and head off to the magic competition once again. The other matches go off easily and we spend our time going over a slideshow of materials gathered by our instructor about the other schools' players.
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School 1 Balkon Academy
Instructor: This is the school Midi is from. They focus primarily on magical strength with combat being a close second. First is their team captain Dalton Sapon. He is average across the board stat wise with extra points in leadership and communication. He will be issuing the orders for his team so make sure to pay him extra attention. They have the Salvon Twins Kris and Tris who are extremely heavy hitters duel wielding massive hammers. They use strengthening magic so watch out for their hits. The last to are relatively unknown with one focusing on a magical crossbow and the other weilding magic directly. We know the most about this school of course since Midi went their previously.
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School 2 Heldor Magic Company
Instructor: Next up is the captain of this next school. She is a dominant and abrasive leader with her entire team enslaved to her will. She likes to focus on bdsm style weapons and attacks while cruelly playing with her prey before taking advantage of them. Although can’t assault you on a more intimate level due to the nature of this competition make sure to stay clear of her. Her thralls are powerful heavy hitters and they don’t tend to leave her side.
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School 3 Seiton Academy
Instructor: The only thing I know about this school is they have consistently dominated the entire event overall coming in second place with almost no knockouts. They tend to stay hidden in the shadows and rarely fight anyone in the open. They get points for stealth takedowns mostly so be aware of them.
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School 4 Treltan Academy
Instructor: Lastly is the Treltan Honor Guard. They are an elite knight corps focused on the growth and power of students in an honorable fashion. They are all tough hitters and usually come out first in individual matches due to their excellent combat experience.
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The competition for the vanguard teams as well all head into the large forested arena. We climb a tree as soon as the battle begins and hide ourselves with intense stealth magics and watch the battle unfold. The other schools go hard battling it out before they mostly retreat and regroup taking only minor Injuries. That is when we broke stealth and all of them realized we were sitting above them just watching as the kids did a quartz parchment and sheers mini battle to see which two would go down. Midi won first and as she jumped down she charged and sent a massive lightning wave out which destroyed everything in its path and shocked the hell out of most of the students except the captains of 2 schools. Maeve lept down next and as she landed she took her stance and with a single draw she then sheeted her weapon launching a single heat wave burning all the trees and people except the captain. Both of them leveled the entire forest in their respective areas and kept the students alive but hurt. The crowd was quiet at first trying to register what happened then they burst into cheers. Our schools cheer was bolsterous and echoing throughout the stadium. With that single one one two and one on one matches began but ended in single strikes. They soon realized the rumors of the kids beating a magistrate and her crew wasn’t baseless. The day ends in our victory and we spend many merry moments around town celebrating.
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We head back to school and spend the rest of our year focusing on classes and training having the top 5 marks in the school while also training up the newer kids. They really are taking on the burden of training and showing the new kids how to become powerful and each one leads an entire grade.
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As summer break begins I decrease the training regiment for a few days.
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Amari: Master what’s wrong?
Maeve: You don’t seem like your normal self master.
Dana: Worry not we are doing less physically intense training and more potency and capacity training. Train hard and become stronger.
We spend the rest of summer break training just magic power and capacity to the end of the school year.