They say every story, history, fable, and heroic journey must start with a bang. A problem to solve or a world to save. But my story is on the more boring side. I attended school, trained hard and became the best I can be but what was it for really?
I think back to my previous time when I was younger and full of hope, a time before I ruled as a true villain in the eyes of the population which dot the worlds like ants from a plane. This is my story, one of attitude and indifference.
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I came to this school not because I wanted to but because I was requested to come here.
I don’t know why I am here or for what purpose since my academic accomplishments put me at the highest level but here we are I guess.
I stand at the entrance of A. M. I. The Abora Magical Institute or Amy for short.
I take my bag following the map into my room to put away all of my things.
The room is very small, just a single bed with a nightstand and a dresser. Totally something that was a janitorial closet before but I can’t complain since the door has a good lock and I get my own personal room unlike the other students who share 4 to a bedroom.
A mirror is on the back of my door so I stop to look at my current appearance.
My height is average and my slim yet muscular figure doesn’t carry much weight but it allows me to have greater speed.
My black silky hair matches the jagged coal color of my eyes. My skin has still always been a brownish red dirt color
I tried on my school uniform which is this ugly yellow color with guys wearing a colored tie and girls wearing a large colorful bow. Since I’m a first year my bow is brown.
A quick twirl looking in the mirror confirms my greatest suspicion: I am a duck. Not just any duck but a duck wearing a brown bow.
Since I got here a day early I just walk around in uniform since it’s not suspicious and find the layout of the various buildings like the cafeteria, classroom building, and overall size of the place.
I went to sleep early then had an early start the next morning, just because I am in a new place doesn’t mean my daily routine will stop.
I start my day like all others with a 2 km sprint doing two laps around the entire school, dorms, and training fields to get warmed up before I do the more strenuous training.
I do 1000 sword swings with my 10 Kg wooden training sword to practice my endurance, control, and strength.
The last part of my training is the hardest for me in particular since it’s basically killing two birds with a single stone and that’s energy and magic training.
I begin my mixing both raw energy and magic power in a yin yang harmony to achieve perfect balance but that is only the easy part.
The follow up is immense concentration and refinement while increasing the amounts of both constantly adjusting the amounts then condensing and repeating the process.
This particular method is more experimental and not even mother has mastered it to the degree I have but it greatly strains the body and makes the nerves feel like they are on fire.
The benefits I receive from this training are a higher level of mastery in both magical and energy warfare so I guess it’s worth it.
My training regiment is tough but the results speak thousands of words and it’s why I continuously grow in power.
I finish training and head back to my dorm to shower and change into my uniform before I head to the cafeteria.
The first day is a massive new student auditorium day with school tours and meeting the teachers. We ended the day in class with our home room teacher giving us a first lecture with what’s to come. I’ve been like a zombie all day just going with the motions like why am I even here? The teacher must have noticed since he told me to stay after class for a few moments and the jeering looks from the students was more than enough to tell the situation.
He introduced himself as Mr. Karlson and the first thing he ever said to me as he walked the classroom was that he was personally told by Yumi to teach me the fundamentals of magic and manipulation and to pay attention since the class is updated by all published works of Alimah and Stranda. Now that caught my attention and I didn’t ask anything further but nodded and understood, this is a class I will not miss and will give it my everything day in day out.
I spend my days in a constant routine of morning training sitting through my other classes as a zombie then paying full attention to my last class. Going to the cafeteria to eat then go to my dorm to do more training then sleep and repeat.
I spend most of my school days in the first 3 months in a complete blur of a first person training montage.
Between working out, training my endurance and practicing my sword swings, magic and energy unison condensing, being as bored as a zombie while sitting in the back row next to the window because grandfather Astar says that’s what cool aloof mysterious kids do, and only paying attention to my last class. It was just a blur of a moment.
That is until sibling transfer students came into the main classes with me like three months into the year.
They were very quiet kids mostly however when it came to our combat classes outside in the arena they didn’t do too well. The younger sibling girl was named Maeve while her older brother was named Amari. They were very timid and quiet while keeping to themselves. They didn’t seem to be that well liked since they came into the school year after everyone started and they didn’t like the drama or social norms of the classmates.
They paired them up with the experienced kids which didn’t go well in their favor.
The young boy Amari went first, taking his wooden sword and shield against this large giant of a boy who took a large wooden axe.
They were too far away for me to hear any trash talking but from the laughing face of the large one I can assume he had done some bragging and the small kid looked scared.
With the instructor starting the match the small boy charged the bigger boy and all of his swings were just light and easily blocked by the large axe. One swing from the axe slammed against his shield causing him to slide back in the dirt. Like this kid is gonna die real quick out there if he can’t even stand up straight against one solid hit.
The boy rallied himself and charged again and at this point the sister had a fire in her eyes watching her brother with just full belief and hoping he would win. But sadly this is reality and the largest and strongest rules over all. The large one was just toying with him until he grew bored and with a flurry of strikes broke his defenses and launched him backwards onto the ground.
The match ended without bloodshed, boring.
The next matchup was the girl Maeve and she went down even faster. Very boring and a complete waste of my time and everyone else’s time. However the fun is about to start since I’m going up against that bigger kid and I’m tired of the other students talking crap about me for sticking up for these terribly weak siblings.
I’m excited since my match is next.
I walk out there and take a wooden sword and wait for him to stop bragging to his friends and to get his equipment.
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Dana: I don’t have all day boy. Get up here.
He seemed to be irritated by that but grabbed his stuff before facing me in the arena.
Boy: You seem kinda weak.
Dana: Oh I am not weak just don’t like to flaunt or show my power for no reason.
Boy: Anyone who tries to stand up for those new kids is just plain weak. You wouldn’t know real strength unless it stood naked before you.” He smiled and jeered.
Dana: Do not beg me to stop as I beat you to a near death little boy. You are a bug beneath my feet. Know your place little boy before you get hurt.
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He laughed and thought that was the funniest thing he’s ever heard.
A hand drops and the instructor yells to begin.
He charged me head on and with a powerful swing of his axe I stopped it with my hand. I threw him back a bit and told him to try again. He did not take that well and since I wanted to anger him I told him he was not powerful and his axe swings were but of a mere toddler. He lashed out in intense anger shouting that I didn’t know what true power was.
I countered that he is a mere bug under my boot and a waste of my time and energy.
He went berserk using magic power to enhance his body to the utmost limits and dashed at me slashing relentlessly.
I just stood there in the most bored, uninterested, and irritated way blocking each attack with a pitiful sigh.
Dana: What, you're tired now?
Boy: I’m not tired, I'm just taking a break for a moment.
Dana: What, you're frustrated being tired from what - that excessive volley of attacks?
Dana: What are you, a toddler swinging an axe?
Boy: I am no toddler you filthy mongrel brute.
Dana: Know your place, you vermin , for I am true power you've never seen before. And you will kneel before my power.
He spent his remaining energy and dashed towards me swinging extremely hard once more which I blocked with my hand and with a twirl of my sword I made little loops out of uninterested boredom.
I slashed once with my sword at 20% power launching him backwards slamming into the wall cracking it.
Dana: You will know what true power is and you will never cross me again boy.
I took a single step forward and appeared right where he was to grab him by the face and drag him back into the arena and told him to stand and fight. He refused and began to whine so I said he was a waste of space and pathetic. This was his first and last warning that I will not hesitate to kill him and everyone he cares about if he dares to cross me.
I should actually show some power here.
I used 50% power stomped breaking and cratering the entire arena making him feel true terror and fear before I snapped my fingers and used magic to restore the entire arena without a silly spell or incantation to cast.
Class ended and I went to my last class for the day and it was kinda disappointing that kid didn’t bleed or die so here we are just relaxing classes like usual.
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After classes ended for the day the new siblings found me outside my dorm during my training sessions. The siblings stood there quietly as I was doing more sword swings so I kept training while talking to them.
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Dana: What is it new kids?
Amari: We wanted to thank you for what you did for us back there.
Dana: I didn’t do anything to deserve any thanks, he was just a cocky kid who needed to know what true strength is.
Maeve: Still you are so strong and you stood up for us and that is a fact. I admire you and want to be just like you.
Dana: You won't be able to be like me even if you trained for a thousand years. I’m not trying to be hurtful or offensive but that's just a simple fact, you may strive to be stronger but you won't ever reach the level I stand at.
Maeve: Still I want to grow stronger so I will copy your ways and train with you no matter how hard or tough it gets.
Dana: Suit yourself just don’t get in my way, I am not the nice person you think I am. Do you plan to join as well boy?
Amari: It’s Amari and yes me and my sister Maeve will be joining you to become stronger. We thank you and are in your care master.
The siblings join me for training every moment of the day with me and they do work very hard copying what I do and have grown stronger from it.
They kept doing this for a few months and in no time we had another arena class.
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Amari: Master, what do you think of our current power levels?
Dana: You two have grown much since we have been training together. Amari you have grown strong in the use of swordsmanship but you still lack in the magic department. Maeve you are the exact opposite of your brother excelling in magic and shadow casting but you are quite lacking in melee combat.
Maeve: Yes master, I will try harder to live up to your expectations.
Dana: You have 1 week before the next arena class so you both need to focus on reducing your weakness by building it up. After morning training and classes you are to focus on your weaknesses for this next week. If you can’t place well in the next arena class I will forbid you from training with me going forward, are we clear?
Amari: Yes master I will improve my magic casting.
Maeve: I will keep improving myself master.
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A week flew by and they became stronger by the day, then the day came upon us where we talked of the Astarium and of the next arena class.
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Teacher: Today class we are going to talk about the Astarium, power scaling, and the date of the next arena class. Now what is the Astarium you may ask, well it’s a place that measures a person's power. It is a huge dome area which will judge and record your power onto your empiric record card and it will be connected to your id badge. This will give you specific job opportunities as well as special access to various things within the empire's domain. We will do something similar here at the school as a temporary measure but if you ever get the opportunity to go and measure your power I would recommend it. It does take walk-ins but mostly is all appointment based and sometimes there is a long wait for it. Currently there is 1 Astarium and 5 mini Astariums in the empire that you can visit. The smaller ones can measure your power up to World level so it shouldn’t be an issue for any who want their power measured. If you do have an updated Astarium level let the teachers know on the power level day and we will scan your id to make sure and you can be exempt from that day. Does anyone have any questions?
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Student: Yes I do, what are the levels exactly?
Teacher: Let me write them on the board and we will talk about them.
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Teacher: Plant. Tree. Boulder. Town. Forest. City. Mountain. Castle. Continent. Ocean. Moon. Planet. Planet 1 moon. Planet 2 moons. Planet 3 moons. 2 Planets. 3 Planets. 5 Planets. 1 Solar System. 3 Solar Systems. 5 Solar Systems. 10 Solar Systems. 1 Galaxy. 3 Galaxies. 5 Galaxies. 20 Galaxies. 50 Galaxies. 1 Universe.
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Teacher: So each one of these represent a person's power to either completely destroy or destroy something 80% in a single spell, ability, or strike. Going by this list may seem simple but there are many Demi Human races which don’t have the same capabilities as some of you so even obtaining Boulder makes them powerful in their tribes and cultures. When it comes to things like forests, cities, oceans, and the like it means a single use spell or ability destroys them. Most mages train for lifetimes to reach continent or ocean level and on the various worlds these mages are hailed as archmages oven gods. So keep that in mind if you ever get the opportunity to learn or train under someone that’s higher ranked, for their skills and abilities are far greater than your own. Currently I have the magic rank of Forest while the strongest teacher at this school the headmaster Mrs. Skal. has the magic rank of Mountain. Train hard students and obtain the powers you wish to have. Hard work and dedication will see you through. Does anyone else have any questions? No, okay then. Now to wrap up this class the next arena class is in 2 weeks so make sure to train hard.
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I train the students harder then usual to push them to be stronger for this next arena class.
The morning starts like all the rest and then everyone gathers once again in the arena for our combat class. I was exempt, I sat and read all the previous editions of the magic books that our instructor was able to obtain for me. He's overly nice to me. I could only guess why. The next fights went incredibly in favor of these twins with the younger sister fighting that big kid again. She easily bested him although she did block a few times and took some damage from his powerful hits but he was defeated nonetheless.
Maeve: If you can’t even beat me, how will you beat my brother who is much stronger?
Axe Boy: You don’t know that. I have become much stronger since last time.
Maeve: You are weaker than me. You should come and train with us. I will make you strong.
It has been sometime since that match and his kids from the classes keep showing up and the siblings have taken more of a mentor role with the new kids. Although I do not interact with them and ignore their existence they keep showing up and learning and becoming better. One day I look over and the big kid arrives with his little gang to train as well. The siblings tell me that he’s going to be joining in order to train so I looked at them and told them I don’t care what is this friendship, talking, taking the defeated enemy under your wing class. And I continue to ignore them while constantly training my own way. They try to lift and swing my training sword like all the others and Maeve exclaims to the students that she can do 25 swings before she is exhausted and her brother Amari can do 45. Their training continues and they all grow very close by the mid to end of the school year with the students learning what they can from the kids who learn from me. Very much like second hand learning.
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Our school began to get ready for the big festival that takes place. Our homeroom class was doing the cliche maid cafe. I was pretty excited, for the entire 3 day festival I get to wear a maid uniform and not this yellow duck uniform. We spent the week prior practicing standard stuff while also decorating. It seemed like no one knew what to do since the ordering and equipment acquired were not up to par and were taken from other classrooms. I went to the student council room and offered my help, they were hesitant at first but since im the best negotiator by stating the obvious and how they have really botched this whole process. I gave them some suggestions and different things to do to organize the event and they let me be in charge. It took an entire day to completely fix that mess but it all worked out in the end. I trained through the night to make up for missing the day and went to class the next morning like usual. The day of the event came quickly and I looked at myself in the mirror. I’m looking kinda cute, might take it off later I don’t know. I left and headed to the classroom to start the maid cafe. I run back and forth greeting, seating, and taking the orders of guests at my assigned desk table. I ended up making a few tips, before I knew the day passed by. We earned enough to cover our costs but nothing more, the remaining few days of the festival continued the same and after the last day we cleaned everything up and went back to attending classes as usual. I got called into the office.
Mrs. Skal: I want to thank you for your work with this matter.
Dana: It is fine, it’s no problem.
Mrs.Skal: You seem to have experience in this field.
Dana: I do this on a world level so a simple classroom or school level is nothing. If they need my help for the next one I will gladly help out and can help their finances and organization.
Mrs. Skal: That would be appreciated.
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Training went back to normal after the festival, it was a nice break from all the hard training. I pushed them as far as they could go without killing them, I broke in most of the new kids and the three of them became little instructors teaching and helping the newcomers that joined. This continued on for the remaining mid to end of the year until I got a message over the intercom to head to the principal's office so I had the three go on without me for the time being.
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I get to the large heavy oak door which has an intimidating aura around it coming from the other side, but I ain’t no chicken. This door has blocked my path many times yet it is still just as intimidating.
I knock on the door and get invited in. Before me is my magic teacher Mr. Karlson and the headmaster, a very intimidating woman, Mrs. Skal.
Mrs. Skal: I will be completely blunt and honest with you Dana.
Dana: That would be most appreciated.
Mrs. Skal: I want you to continue teaching and mentoring the students for the next few weeks and take them to the magic school competition.
Dana: I will continue training them but I will be bringing 2 from my clan here to push them. A great Skal warrior and my general.
Mrs. Skal: That is fine we will make an exception for those 2. We can set up arrangements and have them shuttled here immediately.
Dana: No need I’ll just open a gate and get them here instantly. I’ve already sent them word to prepare themselves and to get basic supplies, they will be ready this afternoon. I will begin their training for the day then I will step away to the Astarium to check my latest power levels.
Mrs. Skal: Understood. I hope you test well. Keep up the good work and we thank you for your generosity and gracious behavior.
Dana: May I ask a question about the magic competition ?
Mrs. Skal: Of course please go ahead.
Dana: Do I need to compete cause I won’t compete in this Magic competition if yours.
Mrs. Skal: You do not need to compete, all I ask is that you act as an advisor and teacher chaperone to keep the kids safe and deal with any issues that may arise.
Dana: What issues will arise?
Mrs. Skal: Things of a sensitive matter that the police force or other students will be incapable of doing. I do not need sympathy or an easygoing teacher. If they mess with our students, beat them to death or kill them I do not care.
Dana: To be clear you wish me to keep our students safe and do not care what happens to the others am I right?
Mrs. Skal: That is correct.
Dana: Then I will do it. It has been a minute since I stretched my legs and went for a walk with my axe.
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For the last two weeks of school the other schools in the world do a large magic competition and of course we’re invited and we are planning on winning.
My instructor bribed me with various foods, snacks, chocolates, and candies from his homeland and more books to read so I can’t say no to that therefore I will protect the students.
I increased the training regiment of the students to further increase their power since they will be competing on the schools behalf, I just didn’t tell them that and pushed them to the limit for no reason until the day before we leave for the competition.
I pushed them harder than they ever have coming at them in one on one matches with the intent to kill. They felt my bloodlust and power first hand and even my mood change prompted them to take this seriously or they will die. I left them to their training while I stepped off and I called in 2 of my Viking subordinates, my Skal trainer Dagan, and my general Duren, who is a formidable warrior to help train the kids. I opened a gate and the kids seemed shocked.
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Amari: Master what is that?
Maeve: It looks dark and sinister.
Dana: It is a gate. It connects 2 points together and allows for instantaneous travel to and from. It requires a ton of magical power to open one let alone keep it open. They are very handy and you can set any points you wish so long as you have been there before and set it in a safe place.
Maeve: So it’s like instant teleportation?
Dana: Kind of. When we open a gate we check to make sure there isn’t anyone or anything in the diameter of it, otherwise whatever it is will be split in two. It’s pretty gruesome honestly.
Maeve: So it’s also a weapon.
Dana: It can be, there are even some who like to use them in combat however they can be pretty dangerous so it’s not recommended. It just costs too much power to use so that’s why it’s not used often. Plus getting an entire army or ships somewhere is a great surprise mechanic just don't expect to fight afterwards since it drains you so much depending on the size and length of time it’s open. Anyways I’ll be leaving for a bit, I'm calling in some of my clan to help train you all so be nice.
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They arrived by gate and began to train these students in various warrior training. I left them to the training and decided I should check my current level since it’s been a bit. I take a gate to the largest of power convergences in the empire: The Astarium. It is a large dome like building which can easily house a million people yet is for the single purpose of measuring one’s power.
The line is long yet I just walk past it because I don’t have time to wait nor do I want to stand in a place. The few in the line are quite vocal and protest yet are silenced from another in line.
The staff watched me walk past in a slight confusion but when I scan my ID on the device my name, rank, position, and power level of mountain came up as a hologram projection and the voices in the auditorium are silenced immediately.
Oh yeah that’s right my rank of mountain since I can consistently destroy mountain ranges in a single strike that makes sense, well that was before.
I have grown so much stronger.
I stand in the center and enter a yin yang stance holding a perfect balance of energy in one hand and magic power in the other as the Astarium does its process. The images flash above as it measures my current power level.
Plant. Tree. Boulder. Town. Forest. City. Mountain. Castle. Continent. Ocean. Moon. Planet. Planet 1 moon. Planet 2 moons. Planet 3 moons. 2 Planets.
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Then the Astarium stops and a message plays echoing across the Astarium.
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Congratulations your current power level has [increased] from [Mountain] to [2 Planets].
Congratulations you have increased 9 levels faster than any other person ever has.
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She turns and a flick of her wrist opens a gate and she leaves to attend her first class. They were pushed by the three of us until they collapsed. Then the last day before we leave arrived and the kids said goodbye to their new instructor friends as I had them all gather around for the news.
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Dana: Everyone gather around.
Amari: What is it master?
Maeve: Are we getting more training, cause I am good to keep going master.
Dana: I have pushed you all harder and more aggressively this past week, and I thought I would tell you why at this time.
Vidor: It had better be good cause you have been putting us through hell.
Maeve: Quiet Boy master always has a good reason and she doesn’t waste effort.
Dana: You all have been chosen to represent the school in the upcoming magic competition. Now I expect you all to win, if you don’t then training from me stops immediately. You all have had tremendous growth but now it's time to test that fact, you all are first years with the strength and abilities of third years. Don’t waste your talent and let's go show them exactly how strong the monsters of this academy truly are.
Maeve: We will do as you ask master. Are you going to be competing with us?
Dana: I will not be competing but I have been asked to escort you all and join you as an administrator. I will also be a chaperone for some of the teachers as their assistant. I will keep you all in line but make sure not to get into trouble or to cause trouble for me or the school.
Amari: Sounds like a plan master, when do we leave?
Dana: Tomorrow.
Maeve: Tomorrow?
Dana: Yes, tomorrow. Why are you all still standing here? Get moving, go pack and get ready!
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The kids scatter filled with new found energy sprinting to their dorms to shower and change before they pack. The next morning light hits differently since it is the faithful day and we make our way to the large grand stadium which does all the magic competitions. We get our dorm rooms assigned, who’s doing what competitions and then we head out to the town for the night to look around and see the sights. Of course a bunch of them want to be thugs trying to start fights which I had to deal with personally and left them beaten and bruised in a back alleyway. I enjoyed my time walking around and seeing the sights and eating tons of food, before all the kids were in for the night. I continued exploring and seeing the late night sights yet I kept getting glared at by the locals. Sun rose and I was already at the arena waiting and checking roll-calls for the students before heading to the teachers lounge and getting food which made the rival schools teachers mad as hell. Apparently a student shouldn’t be in the teachers lounge but I ignored them and got food to eat. It was a tense situation until other teachers of ours arrived and sat with me and we chatted while I passed over the roll call and a note about the previous situation that happened yesterday so they could be on the lookout for students trying to sabotage us. And thus the grandiose magic competition between rival schools began with an opening ceremony.
The competition kicked off with announcements match lineups and the introduction of the schools how many victories in a feat they have and apparently we are on a losing streak but overall have an average 65% win rate.
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First competition is summoning magic. It is graded by how fast the creature is summoned, how accurate the creature is to its original creature, and how well the summoned creature behaves.
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Dana: Alright you guys, it's summoning magic so let the summoners handle it. I expect you three to do well but it’s ok if you don’t. You only had three days to train in summoning magic so if you can place in the top ten that's ok. Good luck, now get out there.
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Our three students took their stage, one summoned well coming in third place with an angelic warrior, the other two did all right coming in fifth and sixth respectively summoning more common things like a giant slime and dark wolf. A good start but nothing to ride home about.
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Dana: Next up is our fast casters. Get out there and show them what you can do. Don’t hold back and go full power from the start, it’s a quick cast not a slow showy cast.
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The second competition was a speed invoking competition. It is graded on one single factor, how fast you can complete and manifest the magic you cast. Judges make sure no spells are previously activated then they begin their cast which we ended up wiping the floor with them, since our students can cast abridged versions that are shadow casted so that was a silent yet quick victory. One casted multi-fireballs, one casted chain lightning, and the last one casted earth golem and rose up a few meters. Got full points for all three in the first place position.
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Dana: Where are our rune boys? Okay guys now this is one you guys just aren't prepared for in the slightest. Our school doesn’t teach runes until the midpoint of the second year and that's why they do this challenge. Even though we are meant to fail this one, keep your heads held high cause we are gonna wipe the floor in the one on one combat.
The third competition was a runic challenge where the students will decipher what runes there is and provide the correct answer. Needless to say they flopped that one hard. We just haven’t learned any of that since we get a full class about it next year. I encouraged them and explained where they were long so they can improve which made other kids and teachers look at me real quick.
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The last competition is one on one matches in a bracket system so winning a match gives points and the higher the contestant goes the more points they get.
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Dana: Alright first match is you Maeve. Good luck and go ham, don’t hold back from anyone.
Maeve: Yes master I will live up to your expectations.
Dana: Good now get out there and take that win.
The first match of the quarterfinals was our younger sibling Maeve the flare knight. She dazzled the crowd being against an ice mage who closed the gap pretty quick on her and hitting hard with intense volleys of sharp icicles. She did a good job keeping up a fire shield to melt the ice as she met that guy in close combat until she broke through his icey armor with a barrage of fire bolts in rapid succession. She was bruised and tired but a victory is a victory.
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Dana: Welcome back Maeve, that was a good fight. You have improved so much from training.
Maeve: Thank you master for all the teachings you give me.
Dana: Your turn Amari. I expect you to win hands down. We are now tied for second with our current points so make sure you don’t lose.
Amari: I will do my best master.
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Her brother fared much better in the second match showing great swordsmanship and magical enhancements against a crazy fast opponent that had multiple floating swords. He was able to use his enchantments in a clever way turning them on and off causing him to take more damage from his opponents blows but get his opponent in a weaker position to counterattack and take the victory. Although it can be considered sloppy and risky he still pulled through conserving as much strength as possible for the upcoming matches.
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Dana: Welcome back Amari. That was a good match however you were sloppy.
Amari: Sorry master, I will work on it.
Dana: see to it, I’m not teaching the weak and feeble here. Alright boy, it’s your turn. Go show them what you can really do with that axe of yours.
Vidor: So less for I will take the victory.
The strong boy took to the arena with his large axe and parried a flurry of attacks until the right moment and twamped his opponent with a single dedicated heavy strike winning the third match. It wasn’t a quick win but the strength of his attacks overwhelmed his opponent for a decisive victory.
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Now the last match I had the students study carefully for the rumors about this girl are told throughout the entire city. The last match was won by a rival school's most powerful mage, the Lightning Princess of Antiok. She fights with a spear which she can throw and have it return to her. She fights as if she has survived a dense jungle death world using a makeshift spear. She acts so reserved and calm when she walks, she has grace and elegance to her posture and steps. But she enters into a feral rage when fighting, I can see why many fear her.
The first match up in the semi finals is the brother vs sister sibling match.
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Dana: Alright you two you guys did great to get here. That means only one of you will be the victor and come out on top. Let’s get a good clean match and keep your magic levels to a minimum.
Amari and Maeve: Yes master!
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They entered the arena and the sibling bout had the announcer and school riled up. It is a long volley of strikes and blocks before it goes in favor of the brother taking the win. The sister put up a great fight sending out constant barrages and keeping a shield up at all times, but it just wasn’t enough to win against her brother.
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The second semi finals was between Vidor and the Lightning Princess. His large axe was like him swinging a heavy tree with great destruction but her spear was like a flowing river. She nimbly dodged his attacks and easily took him down with a few quick timed executed thrusts of her blunt end of the spear into key muscle groups rendering him immobile before the final strike to knock him out. Now the last match had the students and crowds go absolutely wild, The young boy and the Lightning Princess took the stage and the crowd echoed across the arena and town with blistering cheers.
This match was a fierce one, after the ref started the match neither one of them moved. They careful watched each other’s matches and knew the others charge so they simply walked towards each other calmly and cautiously. The spear struck hard with its extended range and the sword blocked, a powerful thundering clap popping a pressure wave bubble echoes across the arena. Every strike sends large blistering echoes and their rapid strikes and blocks begin to increase in speed. She calls down lightning strikes and shoots lightning directly and he either senses then side steps the strikes or blocks the direct lightning with a small projected shield. There combat lasts a long time each one enjoying the encounter as if fate dictated it, yet their battle hunger lust won’t last very long due to their lack of stamina. A solid hour passes of strikes and the setting sun helps to conclude their match. Although the young boy fought hard the victory fell into the Lightning Princesses hands, she was very impressed that this school was able to make such capable warriors in such a short amount of time.
We take our overall first place victory and head back to school trophy in hand for our school celebration.
The headmaster and teachers alike gathered for us to congratulate and throw us a party feast to celebrate. The siblings danced and they even wanted to dance with me so I obliged them and we danced and made marry all night long.
The next day was the day of our departure and we all said our goodbyes for the time being since we had a break before the next school year. After saying goodbyes and everyone departing I went home via gate and threw myself on my comfy bed and slept for days to recoup and regain lost sleep.
Dad was the first one home, he works in the Research and Development department. He is very calm, cool, laidback, and has a mysteriousness about him.
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Dana: Welcome home dad.
Dad: Hello child, how was school? You made good grades I hope.
Dana: I completed my first year receiving high marks. The classes are boring but I still perfected all tests.
Dad: That’s good, your mother was wondering how you were faring since you were gone for so long. Although depending on what’s going on, time will slip her mind.
Dana: Very true but that is the lifestyle of the supreme. How’s work going, you make anything cool?
Dad: So far we have just been working on the same universal magic casting device that Astar prototyped.
Dana: The smartphone device thing?
Dad: Yeah, it will be a device that can be a gauntlet, glove, even a weapon itself. Basically he wanted something that anyone with any magical power can use which we have completed. We are currently working on a magical battery powered one for him in particular since he can’t even use magic let alone be hurt by it.
Dana: Weird. Why isn’t he able to use magic?
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Mom came through the door shortly after I began to talk to dad and she is like she always is. She is a very stern serious woman due to her job as a supreme general, she oversees all magistrates, high generals, generals, and military affairs in this galaxy.
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Dana: Welcome back mom.
Mom: Thanks. How was school?
Mom gave me a single look and my entire body shuddered in fear.
Dana: It was good. I received high marks in every class.
Mom: Good. About why Astar can’t use magic. One cannot use or be affected by what one creates.
Dad: He can’t use it but on the flip side of the coin he can’t be affected by it either so that’s a good trade off.
Dana: Interesting predicament.
Dad: That’s why he wants a general use one and a special magic battery charged one for as he puts it “for funsies”.
Mom: So child what are you planning on doing for the month you have until you go back to school?
Dana: I plan to keep training but I want to visit my territories. I have been overseeing them by tablet but I like to actually be there in person.
Dad: Make sure to set a watch or notification to go off so your not late for school. Check your local time in regards to galactic and the academy time.
Dana: I have been overseeing training and the tournament at school for the past month so I slept super long when I got home.
Mom: Just make sure not to develop bad habits and stay up for weeks on end.
Dana: Yes mom I will keep that in mind.
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We had dinner and chit chatted about various things before returning in for the night. After morning broke I gated over to my territory into the lords hall.
The familiar place took me immediately for even though it has changed and become modern it is still the Viking longhouse I have always liked.
I stand at the entrance with large braziers roaring away surrounded in luscious meadows of bright flowers. I follow the wooden steps admiring the carved decorations of stories and achievements etched into the guiding rails. I ignore the people who stop and kneel before me for they do not exist at the moment. Right here right now I’m this very moment it is just me and this longhouse. The straw rooftop is adorned with the wooden mantle of a swarm dragon and its eyes are solid red gemstones. I pass into the open door way and immediately feel the coziness and warmth of the fire pits. The smiles and cheers of return echo the halls as I pass by lightly touching some on the arms as I walk towards the single rich deep oak smelling wooden throne and take a deep sit sinking down into the wood as if it embraces me. I flick my hand upwards and all rise to carry about their business. My general and my adjutant stand before me they wait to greet me since they know I like to admire the longhouse. I look at them before me and they walk to my sides. My general Duren is a formidable stout battle hardened warrior with a large gash across his face. He will serve any who are powerful enough to lead and with his ambitions and bloodlust he makes for an excellent yet capable general. He does not like any ships or ship combat that happen anywhere but the water.
Korven, my adjutant is an excellent advisor that has no problems overseeing all domestic affairs and even watches over a few worlds as a minor magistrate without the title. He will always wear his gear and garb. What’s it called again? Astar says it’s something like Viking or Norse style culture.
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Duren and Korven: Welcome back Jarl Dana.
Dana: Ah thanks.
Korven: How was school Jarl Dana? Did you meet any strong or interesting people?
Dana: I didn’t meet anyone strong but I did meet a few who were interesting that’s for sure. A teacher who teaches magic going off the works of The Supremes and the headmaster or elder teacher as you call it was a nice kind woman in the face of The Supremes.
Duren: So only brain strong not strong strong. That’s kind of disappointing.
Dana: Tell me about it, your clan is much stronger than any of those “powerful” warriors. They are but mere children swinging sticks and casting magic as if a child throws a rock.
Korven: We were once that week as well my Jarl. It takes the strong to lead, remember there were many who did not want to follow a young one such as yourself. You proved your intelligence by making various battle formations and tactics and you proved your wisdom by passing judgment on various personal matters for the clansmen.
Duren: You proved your might when you stomped and split the plains and mountain. Your strength and resolve were proven when you used this clan to take the entire world. You even showed us what magic is and not just rituals done by shamans.
Korven: My Jarl you are far greater in power than any and that is why we serve. I mean your orders are delivered by the glowing runic carving on the wall when you are not here. They are your messages for all to view, they are your teachings, thoughts, wishes, and desires for the clan and world and we value them highly. There are many who come and revere you and worship the ground you walk on. They stay here to read your teachings and get to know your legacy and they come in droves of millions by star ships to see the place you call home.
Duren: We can praise the Jarl all day but she comes tired and wants rest. So here is the updates and reports. Pass your judgment and feast plenty tonight for our Jarl has returned.
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I had my hair braided into the clans nots and adorned in their flowers and wore my Jarl garb to fit into the world. I read through the reports and gave my opinions, even passed my verdict on a few matters and then we feasted and made marry all night long. The next morning we walked the land and I got to see many new and interesting buildings. Even though many of them are modern and new with those who worship staying in normal housing, the clansmen all stay in their traditional garb and houses. I greeted any and all who wished me to as I made my way to the deep crack in the world for some of my swarm remain there growing and evolving. I leave the clansmen on the cliff and they wait while I jump down and disappear in the blackbirds below. The onlookers who do not know of this seemed to look startled and alarmed but no matter what I carry onward.
I land softly and greet my many swarm pets. I keep 2 of every type and variant and they are self sufficient and co exist with each other. I have a large nest of powerful world creatures that birth quickly and grow in power fast for my swarm to fight and grow ever stronger. They are so individually strong that each one can literally conquer and consume an entire world each and are considered as ancient monsters within the swarm ranks. They are my children and I am very fond of them. They all greet me and now their heads low in respect to my greatness and power. I spend time placing my hand on each of their heads and hearing their thoughts while responding to them. It took me a while to get through the entire swarm down there since they number close to a thousand with a few of them immediately running off after greeting me to switch out with the ones deep in the field. I answer their wishes and desires then return topside to the clansmen and a large hoard of people who wait. We continue our walk late into the night before returning to the longhouse. I spend only a few days before my watch timer goes off and I must return to school for the new year. I leave the clan with a large feast and extra braids before gating back to my room at school to switch out the colors on my uniform for the start of the next year.