"so..." Jake started brushing his fingers through Heart's hair as they laid there, Heart hummed in response. "you gambled and Kelly got mad?" he questioned. Heart frowned and leaned up on him. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAQCtXBOkScV
"she's always been a do right kind of girl." 153Please respect copyright.PENANA3jil5kFwMS
"then how did she end up in hell.." he mused. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAc7jvXPn8sM
the blonde sighed and sat up drew circles onto Jake's chest with her finger. "she was on drugs." she explained, Jake raised a dark eyebrow. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAJTY48yf1H8
"I see" 153Please respect copyright.PENANAKpRX5eEGKl
it was silent for a few moments as they laid there, Heart listened to Jake's heartbeat dully as he played with her hair. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAcGYrehTVzB
he took a shaky breath and she tensed. "do you think we ever met in the overworld?" he questioned, she frowned. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAxfcpyuJFCR
"it's possible... but I don't think we did" 153Please respect copyright.PENANAuwX36ANu8f
Jake shrugged and kissed her forehead. "what will Kelly think if she finds out you slept with me?" he questioned, Heart rolled her eyes and sat up the blanket rolling off her pink body. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAP4esSIjbe5
"what's it to her?" 153Please respect copyright.PENANAPdDOEQk4pu
"she's your girlfriend."153Please respect copyright.PENANAveZQdGElmg
Heart frowned. "not anymore...Homosexuals can't take the throne." she sighed, Jake blinked. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAhRw6nKrA3S
"so you are a royal..." 153Please respect copyright.PENANAlOOKgbIkOQ
the blonde met eyes with the brunette and frowned. "yeah." she stated, he chuckled. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAyvt6v1gfBU
"there's no one else that can take the throne?" he questioned, She shook her head and then paused with a frown. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAwKHW6nSGht
"well...my ex lover could, he was a royal in the overworld." she said slowly, "but we had a turf quarrel and he lost a horn so he can't" she explained, Jake nodded. 153Please respect copyright.PENANARxEaT4fbof
"I vaguely remember the rule on royal conduct when it comes to horns" 153Please respect copyright.PENANAPd6MURQu8v
Heart smiled and laid back down.153Please respect copyright.PENANABXHc3SLQhn
"he'll probably start a war..." 153Please respect copyright.PENANAbtGDbu1gms
Jake chuckled. "just fight. I have hope you'll win" he smiled, heart bit back a smile. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAMaC0JILLq5
153Please respect copyright.PENANAODpttbAp3k
"Kye!" 153Please respect copyright.PENANArxgUUeJj8I
the blonde turned on his heel to look back at the taller man, Kandy. Kandy grinned deviously. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAqhGE5hnDCf
"what do you want."153Please respect copyright.PENANAtaxvlYXcMK
"what are you doing tonight?" he questioned joining Kye's sighed. Kye frowned as he walked down the stairs of the hotel, the hotel was lucky to still have Charlie's co-worker running it. otherwise it'd go straight to shit.153Please respect copyright.PENANAeOKx8FpXMS
"minding my own business" Kye snapped, Kandy's smile dropped as he leaned forward to peer at Kye his hair falling over his shoulder. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAu4WefdhE2C
"oh c'monnn~ you don't wanna get a drink with an old friend?" he teased, Kye rolled his eyes and pushed Kandy away. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAyKgEYP4hg7
"absolutely not." 153Please respect copyright.PENANAJCzcguPsxu
Kandy frowned as he watched Kye walk away, how disappointing. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAfpOt9oBxD5
Kye stormed away and made his way to the main hall where the others were gathered, plastering on a fake smile as he sat next to Jamie. he was lucky Jamie was oblivious to his emotions, the others...not so much. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAmgZ2DHAlkL
it was silent as everyone ate, Alastor wasn't there to lighten the mood but even then, after Charlie's death everything was going to go downhill no matter what. 153Please respect copyright.PENANA6MezfH40vE
"so...Kye. what are you going to do about the throne?" 153Please respect copyright.PENANA6Gy7nxpE7c
he scowled. "what do you mean." he snapped, Angel sighed. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAlTQxrJ7LHV
"y'know" he gestured to Kye's horn. "heart is gonna take over. what are you gonna do?" Kye shot him a glare and snarled, Jamie grabbed Kye and held him down. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAlPvuxzwJ51
"please don't Angel..." Jamie said meekly, Kye took deep breathes to calm himself as they watched. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAOQYihPN4Hh
"oh come on! we all know he wants to get the throne somehow!" Angel belted, everyone glared at him. "so, what'll it be? a war? assassination? poison?" he smirked, Kye stood and grabbed Angel by the collar their faces inches apart.153Please respect copyright.PENANAcZr91DSz3l
"what it, you fucking slut." he hissed. slamming Angel back down he stormed from the room, Jamie tossed his napkin aside to run after him. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAjAZoDd3D6D
Kandy leaned against the wall, having listened to the interaction his mic static as he let go of angel's mind. 153Please respect copyright.PENANA2UXrdF61Gy
a successful possession and just in time for Kye who had stormed passed and then stopped halfway to his room. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAjbND5Dsotg
"about those drinks." 153Please respect copyright.PENANAAZSONC2ieu
Kandy raised an eyebrow. "Hm?" Kye glanced over his shoulder. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAr8ld0LyUCY
"I wouldn't mind a couple." 153Please respect copyright.PENANAE8iSj5l1jM
Kandy's head dropped, his face shadowed his lips curling into a wicked smile. "perfect! I'll come get you at 8" he mused, Kye nodded and disappeared into his room. Jamie trailing behind, Kandy's frown vanished as he walked by. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAUmrEhWb6Er
the little twerp was more of a killer than Kye knew, and Kandy knew. Jamie met eyes with Kandy and frowned. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAwWk3fyBVKy
"been a while." 153Please respect copyright.PENANA3FnheJrdgm
Jamie didn't respond.
The bar was busy and full of lively people, laughter and grins and drunkards playing pool or watching TV. somewhere in the crowd Kandy and Kye were at a booth downing another shot and throwing jokes at each other. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAorMOraFyQ7
it had been a while since they actually hung out as friends, and Kye kinda missed it. minus the fact that there were fans of Kandy everywhere. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAgfcsWhofKb
but as soon as it was positive and fun it turned serious and dangerous. 153Please respect copyright.PENANABcatMJDOJ5
"a little birdy told me that Heart was going to kill you so you couldn't take the throne" Kandy purred, Kye's eyes darted to his as he finished a beer. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAfkFazYQQiK
"what?"153Please respect copyright.PENANAKppXqtfiiq
Kandy nodded and leaned back in the vinyl booth, red. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAvuHcvqaQ5a
"mhm. apparently her and Kelly got into a big fight and she's worried you'll take the throne" 153Please respect copyright.PENANAvHjPzGrfaa
it was silent and Kye burst out laughing. "she wouldn't kill me. she loves me too much." he smirked, Kandy didn't smile and Kye's vanished.153Please respect copyright.PENANAdj3Tig4C3O
"Kye. what are you going to do about the throne?" 153Please respect copyright.PENANA4CutZ4dXQo
Kye sighed. "it's not like i can take it." he mumbled, Kandy shrugged. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAKvF6aa2sxX
"you could. if you did, you could change those blasted rules that Charlie put into place and never bothered to change." he suggested, Kye eyed Kandy. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAQUvjhqrJl5
"you may be right, but even then I'm happy without the throne" 153Please respect copyright.PENANAbfVIM0ZIYo
Kandy chuckled. "yeah right." 153Please respect copyright.PENANAAWP94zX2m5
Kye's eyes narrowed. "okay yeah maybe I'm a little power hungry but I'm happy right now." he stated, Kandy smiled. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAlhymf55rMG
"you don't look happy. and neither does your little kitty. maybe if you had the throne you'd both be happy?" 153Please respect copyright.PENANAp2HEwW09jJ
Kye glared and the white haired male smirked. 153Please respect copyright.PENANAcYtnYZd7pM
"you piss me off." 153Please respect copyright.PENANAU7DYQcxZXN
"why because I'm right?" 153Please respect copyright.PENANANSc6Hx1afE
it was silent and Kye sighed. "yeah...I don't know maybe I will start a war. I mean I always have liked the look of destruction" he thought aloud. Kandy smiled sinisterly. 153Please respect copyright.PENANASXlSRcrpQF
"I have to use the bathroom. want to join?" 153Please respect copyright.PENANAZ8uPyxmdWp
Kye shrugged, "I could use a bathroom break yeah" he nodded as they slid from the booths and made their way to the restroom cracking jokes and smiling. but as soon as they breached the bathroom a splitting pain shot through Kye's chest. 153Please respect copyright.PENANACsNlDehqoA
Kye's breath hitched and his eyes landed on Heart. 153Please respect copyright.PENANASy13vocTws