Kye pushed passed the hell goers as Sasha trailed behind him trying to keep up, when they got close to their destination he stopped causing her to bump into him. She stood beside him and stared at the bar “Pick Your Poison? He’s here?” She questioned, he growled and slipped into an alleyway, “KYE? KYE!” Sasha yelled losing sight of him. 139Please respect copyright.PENANADQ6begmOUP
She screamed in frustration and crossed her arms waiting patiently.139Please respect copyright.PENANAWt6tXqADcI
Kylan eyed the red exit sign above the door before walking towards it slowly, it opened and well dressed people walked out. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAIctGrcnQdg
Right this place was known for it’s creepy old geezer’s and rich overlords visiting to watch sexy women dance on stage and service you. If anything it was a bar made for prostitutes. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAL6GftWoGMb
He dodged them and shoved his hands in his pockets his outfit turning into a slick blue and gold 3-piece-suit, his blonde hair pulled into a small ponytail. He slid into the bar and eyed the people. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAqyMbhNMCbX
Yup. He was right. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA5fbmkcR1Pr
He scanned the area looking for any place that looked similar to where Jamie was, he cringed at the too loud music and the sound of clinking glasses. How the hell was Heart able to deal with this daily? He froze when he saw the tip of a shiny black boot in a doorway speaking to another man. His eyes narrowed and he pulled a waiter aside, a young hellhound with a skinny skirt and tight crop top. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA1y3tLV0qm4
She raised an eyebrow, “Can I get you something?” She asked politely, he smiled and took a glass of whiskey from her platter. “Sir-“ he looked at her and she went quiet. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAWY7hJ84V2R
“What do you know about that man over there?” He asked pointing to the door, She cocked an eyebrow her tail swishing around. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAQyJqrRPcSN
“Loriuse? He’s the owner of the bar. Does nothing but hide-away in that VIP room with his goonies. The only time he ever leaves is at the end of the night,” she said, he scowled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAdip4qOzAur
“Only his goonies?” He questioned, she shrugged. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAdvmssfI9Ot
“Sometimes royals but he rarely gets visits from them, and if he does it’s either Lucifer or Stolas,” she explained, he nodded. 139Please respect copyright.PENANApyBkyufz9q
“Thank you,” he said handing her a wad of cash, her eyes brightened and she looked up at him taking it hesitantly. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAkXKrvDEnwE
“Y-your welcome?” 139Please respect copyright.PENANAZSHlUBvTZd
He walked away and towards the door when it shut and the man took guard in front of it. “What do you want.” He growled, the Imp was huge and muscular but quite attractive. Kylan rested a hand on his hip with a sly smile his whiskey in the other. 139Please respect copyright.PENANABsCfIOqvmt
“I was wondering what it would take for a royal too see Mr…Loriuse?” He purred his demon tail swishing around, the Imp didn’t look away from the menu. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA9RnjKwgEXI
“That depends on what Royal.” He said, Kylan smirked. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA33aP2mABqy
“How about Prince Kylan?” 139Please respect copyright.PENANA7mGfg13YXB
The Imp flinched “I’m sure he’d appreciate the visit. After all Kylan is known for very many treasonous acts and promiscuous behavior.” The Imp said, Kylan chuckled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAWHTf5WRHDH
“Is that so? Then mind letting me through, kind sir~” he purred, the Imp finally looked at him and his eyes widened. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAO5q9pYaYNV
“Your highness! Of course shall I let him know?” He questioned, Kylan put a finger too his lips. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAvwxJ2LX9ap
“It’s a surprise,“ he said, the Imp nodded and let him through. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAp4PMeZobFW
Kylan walked down the dark hall before entering a vividly lit room, curved couches sat against the walls in a circle, plant’s decorated the area as well as interesting sculptures and paintings that should be rated r to own. On the couches sat his goonies and Lucifer. God, this bitch. And in the middle of the room sat a box covered with a cloth, Kylan raised an eyebrow before spotting Loriuse.139Please respect copyright.PENANAKPZ7xYNDSG
He had just spotted him and was making his way towards him “Kylan Hosterra? The prince of Hell? Whatever are you doing here?” He said, Kylan scowled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAa4gnPQBtHT
“Well I was expecting you too be excited, after all I couldn’t miss a moment to meet the famous Loriuse.” Kylan said, he chuckled obviously flattered. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAuDoUCr8ko9
“Of course I’m excited! But I truly would’ve been more shocked if I was informed,” he said, Kylan smirked. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAU4zn1WB2n5
“Can I let you in on a little secret?” He purred in his ear, Loriuse’s eyebrows shot upwards. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAzv0WyJjhhS
“Of course!” He replied, Kylan smirked. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAeO3drT9G15
“I paid the young man at the door not to tell~” he said, Loriuse chuckled and then laughed. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA59aDnlN6Tp
“I expect no less from the likes of you,” he complimented, Kye smiled brightly before Lucifer joined them. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAqvkKvhruQh
“Well,well,well. Kylan Hosterra. Been a while,” he said, Kylan bowed slightly. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAuchOnfjC3B
“Yes it has Uncle,” he said, Lucifer smiled wickedly. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAAonVlKOwC3
“Do tell, how have you and Heart been? Last I heard you two were canoodling-“ he said, Loriuse raised an eyebrow curiously. Kye laughed. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAppBOKt2nDC
“Ha! Yes, it’s true we had an affair but I’m no longer seeing her. If you knew the job she worked now you surely wouldn’t let her ever take the throne. “ he said, Lucifer smirked. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAXz60vqR2na
“That’s unfortunate, Both Charlie and Heartless aren’t applicable to take the throne so who shall?” 139Please respect copyright.PENANAD7MoIx1dcz
“I suppose he’s suggesting himself, Luce,” Loriuse said with a purr, Kye chuckled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA2gLOHCL8Yp
“Who else would I be suggesting?” He smirked, Lucifer laughed. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAJZa9rfcZST
‘What do you mean Charlie isn’t applicable…she’s already Queen,’ he thought. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAljAh7LYdsM
“Ah yes! Gentlemen take a seat, you’re about to experience the best pleasure in your life!” Loriuse exclaimed walking to the box. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA2SqjC2H5Xc
Lucifer grinned and took a seat on a couch as did Kylan, Kye sipped his whiskey and watched Loriuse. "I took the liberty of finding a new entertainer who willing gave up his spot to join us tonight." he said pulling on the cloth, he ripped it off and exposed a cage underneath. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAzD9RDblbvo
Jamie sat huddled in the corner a rag in his mouth, his hands and feet bound. His back was bleeding as well as his lip, Tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked at the people frantically before stopping on Kylan. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAJVq76RcOo5
His eyes widened and Kye lifted a finger to his lips, he nodded. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAGMPuLQeHcU
"Would anyone like to do the honors?" Loriuse asked gesturing to the cage, Kylan stood formally. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAt3wdE9vqlT
"I would" he said, Loriuse smiled and stepped away as Kye walked towards the cage. "Gentlemen I give you...the best show you will ever see," Loriuse said, Kye smirked pulling his revolver from his pocket.139Please respect copyright.PENANA87fmoAClOh
He aimed it at Loriuse's head "oh, yes- I can vouche for that," he grinned, Loriuse's eyes widened as he pulled the trigger. his body shot against the wall blood dripping from his head, Lucifer stared and disappeared within a second as his goonies lunged for him. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAn9nw8XYnEl
Kylan dodged them with a smirk and with a twirl of his gun shot 3 more of them, another group lunged at him and Kye knocked open the cage. Jamie flinched but jumped out grabbing one of them and digging his nails into his skin, Kylan dodged a burly Owl a curved blade appearing in his hand. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAMP2xLYbGpO
He crouched down running forward the blade catching their legs just as he stood and twirled the blade slicing cleaning through their necks. The blade disappeared and Kye walked to Jamie who was struggling with a goonie, he raised the gun to his head and shot it with a loud BANG! 139Please respect copyright.PENANAVzTULOBVdU
Jamie gasped and collapsed still bound, Kye stuffed the gun in his pocket and undid the ties "What happened?" he questioned, Jamie sniffled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAChVrfLzBse
"They just...appeared and- and took me.." he said, Kye frowned.139Please respect copyright.PENANAx3wK4qgNlB
"I have a feeling there's more to that than you're telling me,” he said, Jamie bit his lip and hugged Kylan once he was free. 139Please respect copyright.PENANACOZZwAaBk1
"I'm sorry-" he sobbed, Kylan hesitated but hugged him back. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAUmDVAWIzx9
"Jamie..."139Please respect copyright.PENANA1LrFKO2sHf
Jamie's ears tilted to the side. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAtRN646pJA7
"I think..." he paused and frowned, “We should get outta here," he said, Jamie nodded and they stood sprinting to the exit nearby hand in hand. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAXmtJvA2CrH
"Wait!" Jamie said, Kye stopped abruptly and looked at him. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA5QA2PgKf5l
"What?" he questioned, Jamie stared into his pale pink eyes. "Jamie?" he said, Jamie frowned.139Please respect copyright.PENANAdSnxfj4WRP
"I...I think I like you..." he said, Kye's eyes flashed magenta and he yanked Jamie towards him by the hand. Kye stared into his eyes as they stood chest to chest breathing heavy and covered in blood, Jamie blushed and Kye leaned closer their lips brushing before he kissed him gently. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAT5jLMek8i1
Jamie reached his hands up to his neck and deepened it, Kylan shivered from the shock Jamie sent through his body with a single touch. Kylan pulled away and stroked his cheek, Jamie gasped for breath before Kye pulled him back into a sprint to find Sasha waiting out front "Call Charlie!" he shouted, she stared but nodded.139Please respect copyright.PENANAnBiGsx0oHE
Within seconds a limo was out front and they were piling in, Charlie's eyes widened. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA70tSkHv7k4
"My god, are you alright?"
ns She screamed in frustration and crossed her arms waiting patiently.139Please respect copyright.PENANAWt6tXqADcI
Kylan eyed the red exit sign above the door before walking towards it slowly, it opened and well dressed people walked out. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAIctGrcnQdg
Right this place was known for it’s creepy old geezer’s and rich overlords visiting to watch sexy women dance on stage and service you. If anything it was a bar made for prostitutes. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAL6GftWoGMb
He dodged them and shoved his hands in his pockets his outfit turning into a slick blue and gold 3-piece-suit, his blonde hair pulled into a small ponytail. He slid into the bar and eyed the people. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAqyMbhNMCbX
Yup. He was right. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA5fbmkcR1Pr
He scanned the area looking for any place that looked similar to where Jamie was, he cringed at the too loud music and the sound of clinking glasses. How the hell was Heart able to deal with this daily? He froze when he saw the tip of a shiny black boot in a doorway speaking to another man. His eyes narrowed and he pulled a waiter aside, a young hellhound with a skinny skirt and tight crop top. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA1y3tLV0qm4
She raised an eyebrow, “Can I get you something?” She asked politely, he smiled and took a glass of whiskey from her platter. “Sir-“ he looked at her and she went quiet. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAWY7hJ84V2R
“What do you know about that man over there?” He asked pointing to the door, She cocked an eyebrow her tail swishing around. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAQyJqrRPcSN
“Loriuse? He’s the owner of the bar. Does nothing but hide-away in that VIP room with his goonies. The only time he ever leaves is at the end of the night,” she said, he scowled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAdip4qOzAur
“Only his goonies?” He questioned, she shrugged. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAdvmssfI9Ot
“Sometimes royals but he rarely gets visits from them, and if he does it’s either Lucifer or Stolas,” she explained, he nodded. 139Please respect copyright.PENANApyBkyufz9q
“Thank you,” he said handing her a wad of cash, her eyes brightened and she looked up at him taking it hesitantly. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAkXKrvDEnwE
“Y-your welcome?” 139Please respect copyright.PENANAZSHlUBvTZd
He walked away and towards the door when it shut and the man took guard in front of it. “What do you want.” He growled, the Imp was huge and muscular but quite attractive. Kylan rested a hand on his hip with a sly smile his whiskey in the other. 139Please respect copyright.PENANABsCfIOqvmt
“I was wondering what it would take for a royal too see Mr…Loriuse?” He purred his demon tail swishing around, the Imp didn’t look away from the menu. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA9RnjKwgEXI
“That depends on what Royal.” He said, Kylan smirked. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA33aP2mABqy
“How about Prince Kylan?” 139Please respect copyright.PENANA7mGfg13YXB
The Imp flinched “I’m sure he’d appreciate the visit. After all Kylan is known for very many treasonous acts and promiscuous behavior.” The Imp said, Kylan chuckled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAWHTf5WRHDH
“Is that so? Then mind letting me through, kind sir~” he purred, the Imp finally looked at him and his eyes widened. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAO5q9pYaYNV
“Your highness! Of course shall I let him know?” He questioned, Kylan put a finger too his lips. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAvwxJ2LX9ap
“It’s a surprise,“ he said, the Imp nodded and let him through. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAp4PMeZobFW
Kylan walked down the dark hall before entering a vividly lit room, curved couches sat against the walls in a circle, plant’s decorated the area as well as interesting sculptures and paintings that should be rated r to own. On the couches sat his goonies and Lucifer. God, this bitch. And in the middle of the room sat a box covered with a cloth, Kylan raised an eyebrow before spotting Loriuse.139Please respect copyright.PENANAKPZ7xYNDSG
He had just spotted him and was making his way towards him “Kylan Hosterra? The prince of Hell? Whatever are you doing here?” He said, Kylan scowled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAa4gnPQBtHT
“Well I was expecting you too be excited, after all I couldn’t miss a moment to meet the famous Loriuse.” Kylan said, he chuckled obviously flattered. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAuDoUCr8ko9
“Of course I’m excited! But I truly would’ve been more shocked if I was informed,” he said, Kylan smirked. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAU4zn1WB2n5
“Can I let you in on a little secret?” He purred in his ear, Loriuse’s eyebrows shot upwards. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAzv0WyJjhhS
“Of course!” He replied, Kylan smirked. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAeO3drT9G15
“I paid the young man at the door not to tell~” he said, Loriuse chuckled and then laughed. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA59aDnlN6Tp
“I expect no less from the likes of you,” he complimented, Kye smiled brightly before Lucifer joined them. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAqvkKvhruQh
“Well,well,well. Kylan Hosterra. Been a while,” he said, Kylan bowed slightly. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAuchOnfjC3B
“Yes it has Uncle,” he said, Lucifer smiled wickedly. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAAonVlKOwC3
“Do tell, how have you and Heart been? Last I heard you two were canoodling-“ he said, Loriuse raised an eyebrow curiously. Kye laughed. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAppBOKt2nDC
“Ha! Yes, it’s true we had an affair but I’m no longer seeing her. If you knew the job she worked now you surely wouldn’t let her ever take the throne. “ he said, Lucifer smirked. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAXz60vqR2na
“That’s unfortunate, Both Charlie and Heartless aren’t applicable to take the throne so who shall?” 139Please respect copyright.PENANAD7MoIx1dcz
“I suppose he’s suggesting himself, Luce,” Loriuse said with a purr, Kye chuckled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA2gLOHCL8Yp
“Who else would I be suggesting?” He smirked, Lucifer laughed. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAJZa9rfcZST
‘What do you mean Charlie isn’t applicable…she’s already Queen,’ he thought. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAljAh7LYdsM
“Ah yes! Gentlemen take a seat, you’re about to experience the best pleasure in your life!” Loriuse exclaimed walking to the box. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA2SqjC2H5Xc
Lucifer grinned and took a seat on a couch as did Kylan, Kye sipped his whiskey and watched Loriuse. "I took the liberty of finding a new entertainer who willing gave up his spot to join us tonight." he said pulling on the cloth, he ripped it off and exposed a cage underneath. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAzD9RDblbvo
Jamie sat huddled in the corner a rag in his mouth, his hands and feet bound. His back was bleeding as well as his lip, Tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked at the people frantically before stopping on Kylan. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAJVq76RcOo5
His eyes widened and Kye lifted a finger to his lips, he nodded. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAGMPuLQeHcU
"Would anyone like to do the honors?" Loriuse asked gesturing to the cage, Kylan stood formally. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAt3wdE9vqlT
"I would" he said, Loriuse smiled and stepped away as Kye walked towards the cage. "Gentlemen I give you...the best show you will ever see," Loriuse said, Kye smirked pulling his revolver from his pocket.139Please respect copyright.PENANA87fmoAClOh
He aimed it at Loriuse's head "oh, yes- I can vouche for that," he grinned, Loriuse's eyes widened as he pulled the trigger. his body shot against the wall blood dripping from his head, Lucifer stared and disappeared within a second as his goonies lunged for him. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAn9nw8XYnEl
Kylan dodged them with a smirk and with a twirl of his gun shot 3 more of them, another group lunged at him and Kye knocked open the cage. Jamie flinched but jumped out grabbing one of them and digging his nails into his skin, Kylan dodged a burly Owl a curved blade appearing in his hand. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAMP2xLYbGpO
He crouched down running forward the blade catching their legs just as he stood and twirled the blade slicing cleaning through their necks. The blade disappeared and Kye walked to Jamie who was struggling with a goonie, he raised the gun to his head and shot it with a loud BANG! 139Please respect copyright.PENANAVzTULOBVdU
Jamie gasped and collapsed still bound, Kye stuffed the gun in his pocket and undid the ties "What happened?" he questioned, Jamie sniffled. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAChVrfLzBse
"They just...appeared and- and took me.." he said, Kye frowned.139Please respect copyright.PENANAx3wK4qgNlB
"I have a feeling there's more to that than you're telling me,” he said, Jamie bit his lip and hugged Kylan once he was free. 139Please respect copyright.PENANACOZZwAaBk1
"I'm sorry-" he sobbed, Kylan hesitated but hugged him back. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAUmDVAWIzx9
"Jamie..."139Please respect copyright.PENANA1LrFKO2sHf
Jamie's ears tilted to the side. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAtRN646pJA7
"I think..." he paused and frowned, “We should get outta here," he said, Jamie nodded and they stood sprinting to the exit nearby hand in hand. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAXmtJvA2CrH
"Wait!" Jamie said, Kye stopped abruptly and looked at him. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA5QA2PgKf5l
"What?" he questioned, Jamie stared into his pale pink eyes. "Jamie?" he said, Jamie frowned.139Please respect copyright.PENANAdSnxfj4WRP
"I...I think I like you..." he said, Kye's eyes flashed magenta and he yanked Jamie towards him by the hand. Kye stared into his eyes as they stood chest to chest breathing heavy and covered in blood, Jamie blushed and Kye leaned closer their lips brushing before he kissed him gently. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAT5jLMek8i1
Jamie reached his hands up to his neck and deepened it, Kylan shivered from the shock Jamie sent through his body with a single touch. Kylan pulled away and stroked his cheek, Jamie gasped for breath before Kye pulled him back into a sprint to find Sasha waiting out front "Call Charlie!" he shouted, she stared but nodded.139Please respect copyright.PENANAnBiGsx0oHE
Within seconds a limo was out front and they were piling in, Charlie's eyes widened. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA70tSkHv7k4
"My god, are you alright?"