Handsome, blonde, and blue-eyed Sheriff Matt Donovan had received a call about a disturbance in the woods so he went to check it out.
He pulled his car to the side of the road and stepped out in his beige sheriff uniform with a gun in the holster against his left hip. Matt took a deep breath as he began entering the bit foggy woods.
Birds chirped and squawked in the treetops above ruffling their feathers. They observed him cautiously with their beady eyes.
Matt drew his gun out when he heard a twig snap behind him and turned around, but there was nothing. He sensed he was being watched by someone or something.
"Hello!" he called out in his deep husky voice. "Is someone there? This is Sheriff Donovan."
There was an utter and eerie silence.
His heart began to pound against his chest as fear began to stir within him. But Matt held the gun up in his right hand with confidence.
"If that is you, Damon, I will not hesitate to shoot you."
Suddenly, a black wolf stepped out from the fog. It stared at him.
Matt stared back wide-eyed with terror. He took a step back slowly. "Easy," he said to the wolf.
The wolf began to growl deeply.
He turned and began to run back to his car. Matt could hear the wolf's padded paws against the ground behind him as it chased him. He screamed out as the animal took a bite out of his left calf muscle. Matt turned his upper body and pointed the gun at the wolf and pulled the trigger.
The bullet hit the wolf's left side making it whimper in pain as it released him. The wolf whimpered back into the woods.
Matt staggered towards his car. He opened the backseat and took out an old t-shirt and wrapped it around his bleeding mauled left calf muscle tightly. Matt groaned and grimaced in pain as he got back into the car closing the door. He took a deep breath as he radioed in for animal control and then started up the engine and drove to the nearest hospital.