What a night!
What a night it's gonna be today! It is still just past the afternoon, but I can't wait for the night to come. Summer holidays finally came, which means I can enjoy the warmth, the sunshine during the day and warm and starry nights as much as I like without worrying about college. In addition to that, I didn't fail like I thought I would.
I think I'm the happiest man on Earth, but not because it's the holidays, or because I didn't fail. I have had the largest crush on Zoe since high school, but only now, in college have I had the courage to ask her out. Her hazel eyes were like a brown sun radiating heat with their inner gold, shining brighter stars of the night sky. Her hair looks magical as it flows in the wind. She paints a ray of sunshine every time she smiles.
And she said yes, so now I'm waiting for her by the lake, feeding these adorable ducks. These ducks remind me of her for some reason. Maybe because they seem as cheerful and as careless as her. I couldn't stop thinking about her, but I had to distract myself and not get too excited as I did not want to weird her out. I stared at the fish counting them as they calmly swam in the lake, "5, 6, 7..." I stopped counting at 76 because more and more were appearing seemingly out of nowhere.
I stopped by a local market to buy a small loaf of bread to feed the fish and ducks at the lake. The fishes swarmed the bread like piranhas, the bread swiftly disappeared not shortly after it touched the water. I threw some bread for the ducks, and even though they fought each other for the pieces of bread that I threw at them, they weren't as aggressive. The park is beautiful, with trees and pathways surrounding the lake which was located at the edge of the park. The light, bright blue is contrasting well with the greenery of the trees. The deep blue of the lake was contrasting well with the bright colour of the grass.
"Tony?" I heard a female voice behind me and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I turn around, and there she is. Even more beautiful today than she usually is.
"Zoe! Hello, how are you doing on this fine afternoon?" I asked her.
"I am doing just dandy on this fine afternoon."
"That's great!" I love how she has the same kind of humour as me, or how she always seems so happy, so cheerful. I will never understand that but it is nice to have someone like that in my life.
"Shall we walk then," she asked in an enthusiastic tone, "or should we stay for a little longer to feed the fish and the ducks?" I know that she really likes walking and chatting; however, I still had bread to give to the ducks.
"Let's stay for a little longer," I said, "and then we can walk once the bread is finished."
"Are you interested in ducks" she questioned me
"Yeah. Mandarin ducks are believed to be extremely faithful to their partners, they are a symbol of eternal love, that is what I find interesting about them."
"You possess such random knowledge. I like it."
I chuckled and threw a chunk of bread at the ducks. It was larger than average, but it shouldn't be a problem.
"Are you sure about giving the ducks big chunks of bread?" She inquired. "Could the bread get stuck"
"No, once the bread lands in the water it becomes soggy and makes it easier for them to eat it. And it would take us ages to finish the bread if I gave them small chunks"
She took the rest of the bread out of my hand, split it into multiple pieces and threw them in the water. "There you go. The bread is finished; now we can go and walk around for a bit."
We walked around the park lake for a few minutes. The lake is beautiful. I love how the sun reflects off the water and how the waves shine. The trail was also nice, not pavement like some city sidewalk, but a gravel path instead. She kept talking about school and life, but her voice was faded out, and I wasn't focusing. I was admiring her beauty, but she noticed that I have dozed off and asked me whether I was okay.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Better than I have been for a while if I'm being completely honest." She blushed and looked away to hide her face. Seeing that made me feel better about myself, knowing that she actually likes me. She took a peek into her purse. I thought she brought something for me, but I was wrong. She just had this horrified look on her face as if she forgot something. "Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom."