The trek back sucked, Rava’s stomach had twisted into knots even a seasoned sailor would have trouble untying and threatened to expel what little nourishment Rava had managed to forage and eat during the exercise.
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Once back at the little cabin they called home countless ideas rushed to Rava’s mind, he could’ve done this, he could’ve done that, if only he had gone through his awakening he could’ve used magic. Sighing to himself he sat down on a stump and started piling up dried leaves and kindling into the firepit to start a fire. Slowly building up to a sizable fire, big enough to cook on. Lowan seated himself opposite Rava around the fire and started tending to his weapons, unstringing his bow, wiping his blades all with a sure and practiced hand.
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Rava placed a cast iron pot of water directly on the coals, getting his herb pouch out and sorting through the contents, he would need Nymphdew. Finding just enough he got out a small wooden cup he had whittled and filed it with the now boiling water. Blanching the Nymphdew petals and stirring in some of the old charcoal.
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Drinking the herbal charcoal water with a stoic face, Lowan wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing any weakness. It would lead to an insult, a lesson or whatever else the maniac could think of to torment him. Leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees and cupping his chin he waited for his stomach to still.
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Nymphweed worked slowly, and it took many painful hours for his stomach to settle, but it did. “Now for the unpleasant part”. He thought to himself. Taking out a small tin from one of his pouches he produced a curved needle whittled out of bone and some gut string, placing the gut and needle in the boiling water. After fishing the implements out with his dagger he strung the gut through the needle and secured it with a knot. Not showing any emotion as the hot implements stung his fingers.
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Starting the painful process of stitching himself up. Lowan had waited for this. “What are the three main uses of Swallowtail?” He said, his gaze settled on Rava. “Cure for Belchrat poison, numbing to small animals, while bitter it is edible after boiling” Rava answered. Lowan simply nodded. “Answer in Dwarvish, what is Khorrak?”. “Khorrak washuum dorron boru hondaru ghaddash”. Rava answered, a rite of passage for dwarven warriors where they drink ‘Holy Ale’ which was hallucinogenic and said to allow them to communicate with a great warrior in their family line for instructions and calling.
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“Passable, your inflection needs work” Lowan simply said. “In Elvish, what are the three deities they venerate and their domain?”. “Sylthe, ashoria un asheminda, Orashammon ashoria un bisheraten, Ilve ashoria un…” A moment's hesitation leading to a deftly thrown rock hitting his shoulder and the needle digging unnecessarily deep. “Hunnah!” Lowan shouted. “Hunnah”. Rava repeated, which was elvish for Heaven, the other being Sylthe, Domain of Forest and Orashammon, Domain of Battle.
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“Sir Lowan, why am I to learn the other languages of the realm? It’s not like I will stumble upon anyone other than you” Rava asked. “Because knowing is power, if a squad of elven bladesingers are hunting you, knowing what they’re saying helps and you are still sorely lacking in your evade and escape training”
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The questions continued while Rava answered questions in different languages, seven different to be precise, any hesitation or mispronunciation met with insults or rocks.
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Finishing up his wound he washed it with some charcoal water and inspected his work. “Passable” his inner Lowan said to him. “When will I awaken to magic sir?” Rava dared to ask. Lowan’s eyes settled on him again, like a hawk. “Tonight” was the answer.
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