Rava already knew what the enlightened were, Lowan had taught him all of this before, at least the broad strokes, they were beings of immense power that lived seemingly forever and had nestled themselves into being the true rulers of the Erudores continent. Empires, kingdoms and states still existed, but they were all just pawns in the game the enlightened played with the mortals.
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They started off as benevolent heroes, saving the people, curing diseases and ailing the weaker races against the eldritch horrors magic could create. Once they had the love of the people everything changed, slowly at first, a dissident silenced, a temple suddenly razed, a king replaced by some long lost heir.
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Then changes came in broader strokes, a town removed from the map and history books, then a country usurped overnight, the Katiri race purged from existence.
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It was a well known fact that the enlightened held the continent, if not the world in it’s iron vice-like grip. One sided wars had been fought for the freedom of all free thinking races but only one Enlightened had ever died, and that fact was shrouded in rumors, half-truths to the point that no one knew exactly what had happened.
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Rava was a bit conflicted about the whole thing, he didn’t remember his mother, his grandfather had only been a strict mentor, would he take Lowan’s word that his father was out to kill him? Was he honor-bound to avenge his mother’s death? What happened if he just left the continent to be a nobody in some far off land?
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“You have doubts boy” Lowan stated matter of factly. “Good, you will find proof and meaning yourself, I reckon there is no place in all the realms that the enlightened don’t have reach, judge them and your father for their actions” He said.
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Rava and Lowan stopped at a small stream to refill their canteens and rest a while, they had walked all through the night, and knowing Lowan they would walk through the day as well. Rava looked to Lowan “You said I was scryed earlier, could you tell me more about that?” He asked.
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Lowan took a swig of water and cleared his throat. “Scrying and divination is a school of spells often and most easily used by those with an affinity for water magic, it lets you know things, someone’s location, state of mind or their surface level thoughts”
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“We all carry a subconscious defense against intrusions to our mind, you however were attacked as soon as you awoke to magic so I don’t know how much they gleaned of you” He continued.
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The eerie silence was still present in the forest and the air seemed heavier, like thunder was about to shake the heavens at any moment. “But I surmise they got enough, this… thickness you’re feeling is them casting a wide net to find us, don’t try to wield your magic at the moment, they will find you instantly” Lowan said.
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Rava nodded “where are we headed?” He asked, biting into a piece of dried jerky.
“We will leave the forest, over or under the Honul mountains, three days south they are at their lowest, and if I still carry favor with king Ironwrought of the Dwarves we might find passage through their lands”. He said and got up, continuing their trek southeast.
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“Is there any way to defend against scrying more than with the subconscious?”
Rava asked as he followed. ”There is no way known to me other than what I have already taught you, your state of mind, combat proficiency and confidence all affect how well you combat these things” He paused. “And one thing I will make clear to you now, boy, my training has built you stronger than most, next time they will find you a lot more indomitable”.
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Rava reeled slightly, the first compliment he ever received from his grandfather, if it even was a compliment. Rava was unsure, never having received one before.
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“Once we’re out of this net you will train magic, relentlessly, until you can weave intricate spells that will strengthen and sharpen you to the next level” Lowan stated and Rava nodded.
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After walking the rest of the day, dusk settled around them. “We make camp here” Lowan said as they came upon a large rock. Setting down his pack and bow. “Find us food while I make a fire” Lowan ordered and Rava wordlessly complied, disappearing into the forest.
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Even with the air being thick and the forest eerily silent the forest was still teaming with life and it didn’t take long for Rava to find the trail of a couple of Onda, a deer-like creature where the males had sharp antlers and sturdy legs that could make it leap far and fast, the females didn’t have antlers but would defend their young with terrifying kicks. Some Ulim tracks where also present, perfect.
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Onda were a bit too large for their flighty trek Rava surmised, but an Ulim would be perfect.
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Tracking the animals for a good hour he found them slowly grazing in a clearing, fifteen of them he counted almost instantly and honed in on one of them. Ulims always had one member not grazing, swiveling its large ears in different directions, listening for danger.
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Rava silently nocked an arrow to his bow, holding his breath as he started drawing the string back, steady as a rock he released the arrow, while it sailed towards its target all ears of all fifteen ulims had managed to turn towards the arrow, but it was too late for one of them.
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The ulims instantly scattered when the arrow hit the sentry straight through its heart. Dead before it hit the ground Rava nodded. Wounding an animal and not securing the kill immediately was something Lowan taught him was inherently wrong and shameful. A guaranteed but slow kill was to invite laziness and carelessness into one's being and unnecessary suffering into the world. A quick and painless kill required one to keep both wits and skills sharp.
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Rava tied the ulim to a stick, hanging it over his shoulder to drain while he headed back, grabbing any mushrooms, nuts and fruits he could find on the way back.
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Finding Lowan seated by the small fire he had made and leaning against the rock he looked to Rava and nodded then motioned to the fire. Rava nodded and started dressing the Ulim, skewering it and placing it near the fire once he was done.
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They enjoyed the meal in silence, Ulim, mushrooms, fruit and nuts was as hearty a meal as any one would find on the trail.
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“Can my father become an enlightened by killing me?” Rava asked after they were done eating.
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“I believe he can, but would he?” Lohan asked, not expecting a response. “The Enlightened consider themselves a perfect creation in the image of the gods that created them, I don’t for one second believe they would allow ‘a filthy human’ to become one of them” he said “Rest now, I will take first watch”.
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Rava pondered for a while before leaning back against a tree, closing his eyes. He didn’t experience any visions or intrusions to his mind that night. Lowan woke him up after a couple of hours. “Your watch” was all he said and sat down by his rock, eyes closed.
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Rava kept watch, he felt stifled in the thickness, like his hearing and eyesight weren’t as keen as it usually was. Rava had no points of comparison other than Lowan at how good he was at keeping watch and being mindful of his surroundings.. “I guess you’re even watching now with your eyes closed, gramps.” He thought to himself and chuckled. “I guess this counts as sensory deprivation training” he whispered out to no one.
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The hours ticked by uneventfully, Rava wiping down his equipment and sorting through his haul of herbs and plants until Lowan’s eyes suddenly shot open “They’ve reached the cabin”
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