I woke up on a forest path and a book sat in front me. Where was this? This wasn't my home. I grabbed the book.
The story was titled, 'A Rabbit's Tale'. The cover showed a fearful hunter standing in the woods. It was designed like a bedtime story, but this felt like a horror story. I opened it up and started reading the first page.
There once was a rabbit and his color was white. He always played in the woods late at night. When the moon rose high and the shadows drew near, all began to fear that the hunter was here.
I closed the book, this place was almost identical in description to the story I was reading. I started panicking and read the next page.
The rabbit dashed through the woods looking for what he lost long ago. It was a friend, they were such a cheerful fellow. Their fur soft and gray, made it hard to see at this time of day.
Blam! A sound in the distance scared away the birds. The rabbit ran and ran through trees of oak and came across a very large home.
I put down the book and sure enough, I was standing in front of a mansion. I turned the handle and opened the door. I took a few steps inside and the door slammed behind me. It was locked.
With my hands shaking I started reading another page, hoping I would be free once I reached the end.
The rabbit went inside and laid in wait. The hunter headed back home that day. He opened the door and saw a large hole in the ground.
"My, this wasn't here before. I think it's best that we both get out." the hunter explained. "Who was we?" you thought to yourself.
"Wait, did it really read my thoughts?" you continued thinking. You continued walking with the hunter, who didn't question the second human being.
Upon his wall rested a gray rabbit's head. You both climbed up the steps as it creaked, clicked, and clopped.
At the top, the hunter knew something was off, the door to his bedroom was open. "That's peculiar." the hunter said. "I was certain it was locked."
He stepped inside and the door closed behind him. It was quiet, so very quiet. "I'll just open the book!" You thought.
What book? There was never any book. It seemed the darkness was getting to your head.
More time passed and soon you heard the door click. The door opened with a large creak. You stepped inside, stepping in a puddle of something. Blood.
You turned your head towards the source. Oh my, it seems the hunter is dead. His head was a trophy on a wall. How ironic, the hunter was hunted.
The sight caused you to jump. You bumped into a wall. It had fur so soft it... oh my, that isn't a wall.
You turn your head and there stood a rabbit so large and white. It stood like a human and its teeth were large and sharp as knives.
The rabbit walked away, it didn't want you; or maybe it did and was tempting you. It wasn't like you could leave this place. It squeezed through the frame of the door and down the steps.
You watched it from a distance as it turned its head. It waved its paw and left. Down, down, down the rabbit hole. Why are you so surprised? I never once said the rabbit was small.
You're only escape was to go down, down, down with it. You jumped down, down, down, and crack. Your knees broke on impact.
It was quite a large fall. You moved with your arms and pushed towards the light.
As you fell to stable ground, you looked up. One, no ten, no thirty large rabbits with different colored pelt.
They were eating a meal. Oh, that's where the hunter's body went. The last thing you saw as a familiar rabbit looked at you... was a pair of sharp, sharp, sharp teeth, biting into you.