Rating: R for one part in the story - It's PG-13 otherwise...
Tugging on an elf hat as he walked through Santa's workshop, Tyson grudgingly put on a smile as he was greeted by a swarm of children. Their merry little laughs almost resonated as loudly as the bells at the tip of his red and green hat. With a uniform to match, he could only dance his way through the kids that were tugging at the hems before getting to the hot chocolate station.
Watching as children flocked about, he handed off mugs of the hot beverage, not liking the fact that he was there to heat up a cup of sugar. Looking about occasionally, he took in the sight of snow-drifted banks before seeing the sparkling snowflakes suspended daintily above. Handing off another cup of cocoa, he looked at well-decked out Christmas trees of various colors before looking over at the one specifically set aside for the children to decorate. Shifting his gaze at the jiggling of bells, he caught sight of the silent member of his team lifting a small child so that they could hang an ornament that they had just made.
Despite the last-minute notification of their current duties, Alexis didn't seem to mind the obnoxious ensemble she had been given. He would admit that he was a bit surprised that they had managed to get the female to wear a dark green dress with a triangular hem decorated with bells. The red collar, adorned the same, went with the equally red tights she had been given and both contrasted with the green, curly-toed shoes. With her hair pulled back into a ponytail, Tyson caught the pointed ears she was sporting and couldn't help but crack a smile when he saw her smiling amiably at the child she had given a candy cane to.
Alexis hardly ever smiled and, when she did, it never truly lasted that long.
Catching her gaze for a moment, Tyson continued to smile before gesturing to the points of her ears. All too soon his own smile faded as he watched the silent female sign something about beating him into the ground if he ever mentioned them after tonight.
The threat wouldn't have been too bad if the woman had stopped smiling as she had relayed the message. Her flexing her fingers didn't quite help either.
"Be safe and happy holidays!"
Hearing the brunette's happy chirp, Tyson looked towards the direction of the merry voice to see his other female teammate working near Santa. The points of her floppy hat continued to fall in her face, though she simply swiped them aside smiling at the group of children waiting to see the big man in red himself. Despite the large hat nestled on brown curls, Scarlet wore white-and-red striped tights beneath a short, red and green dress. The jingling sound of bells could be heard from the toes of her shoes every time she would bounce about, encouraging kids to come see Santa as well as partake in the tree and cookie decorating.
In all, the chipper woman was having fun during her duties.
"Cocoa, mister!"
Looking back down to see a flock of children staring up at him earnestly, Tyson heated up a cup for the each of them before watching as they all scampered off to enjoy the holiday activities.
Alone with his thoughts, he couldn't help but wonder where a certain white-haired man was amongst the winter festivities.
Evren didn't quite fit the definition of merry. He never gave off the air of liking holidays. The man did dress up for Halloween a few months back but that was under orders. Even then, his whole night had been spent working only to be tied up and left in a warehouse.
It wouldn't have been completely avoidable, but work was work.
Glancing at the twinkling lights illuminating the little festival, Tyson figured the man was somewhere in charge of ensuring there weren't any shortages in power.
"Thank you for staying open late enough for me to come by. I really do hope it wasn't too much of an inconvenience."
"Not at all! It was the least I could do after you stopped those vandals from escaping with those bottles from my shop. Thanks for stopping by and happy holidays!"
Bowing slightly at the waist, Evren stood as he heard the lock click into place. Seeing the open sign turn off soon after, the white-haired man made his way down the sidewalk as he shifted the newly acquired bundle under his arm.
Feeling something cold fall onto his nose, Evren looked down to see a snowflake perched there. Tilting his head back, he looked up to see other snowflakes dancing about on the wind. Holding his hand out, he stared at the small, intricate pieces of ice on his grey glove before looking up at sudden and cold gust of wind. Rewrapping the grey scarf around his neck, he continued down the path, staring at the puffs of warm air before him. Shifting his package absentmindedly, he mentally ran over a checklist of what he had accomplished that day.
Under normal circumstances, a day off would be out of the question. In truth, it wouldn't cross a task officer's mind – at least not Evren's – but seeing how Christmas was tomorrow, Evren thought that the worst the Director could do was deny his request.
And that would've been completely understandable in Evren's mind.
Work came first.
He was there to protect Polaris, not celebrate holidays with its denizens.
However, approval was more so a shocker than anything, but appreciation was expressed immediately lest the man decided to change his mind.
With the Director in mind, Evren made sure to pick up a particular brew of coffee for the man. For Alexis, he visited the bookstore to obtain a certain tome of ancient architecture as well as a sketchbook and set of drawing pencils. What he got for Scarlet was a new pair of sunglasses, seeing how her last pair was damaged on duty a few weeks back. Evren had also gotten her a new rose hair clip as well as several combs and other hair products from boutique the woman frequented.
Taking note that he had left the appropriate gifts in his teammates' quarters, Evren looked down at the wrapped parcel in his hand.
Tyson was the last one on his list and for good reason.
His first gift to the team lead was a pair of gloves seeing how it was the one thing that the man seemed to interact with when at the gym. On the other hand, his interaction with the punching bag tended to be a costly one, one that the Director was not too keen with. So, after a few negotiations, and a few tests for a new security system, a custom pair of boxing gloves were made. However, his second gift was crosstown.
Peeking inside the bag he had received, Evren glanced over his shoulder before fixing his scarf as the wind picked up. Knowing that curfew had started at least thirty minutes ago, he was sure that the other members of his team would be returning to their quarters.
The last thing he wanted was to have the red-eyed man waiting at his doorstop or worse.
A shiver ran down his spine at the thought, but he blamed it on the cold rather than the possibility of him being right.
"Try not to stay out too long. You're not on duty so try to stay as low-key as possible. Any mishaps are to have a detailed report attached. That is all."
A detailed report was not on his list for holiday joy.
Catching sight of another flurry of snowflakes swirling by, Evren adjusted his coat before catching the sound of snow crunching. Reaching for his holster, he sucked his teeth when he remembered that he did not have a weapon with him.
"Hey, calm down. It's only me."
"Why aren't you inside? It's past curfew."
"Darn, you can't let me off on a warning?" Mismatched eyes narrowed. "Ok, what, wanna see my ID?"
"It's the only thing that's going to keep you from getting arrested tonight," came the reply.
Holding out his hand, Evren looked at the ID presented before glancing at the raven that rocking back and forth on the heels of his shoes.
"Sooo… how's it been since Halloween, huh? Found anything of interest in the warehouses lately?"
The officer looked up from the card. "Excuse me?"
"Oh, um, nothing," came the response. "I'm just rambling."
Eyeing the blue strip on the base of the card, Evren flipped the card over before sighing irritably. "Mr. Lefay-"
"You know I hate when you address me like that. Call me Calix."
"Well, Calix, this ID is a fake."
"Are you sure?" he asked. "It got me by the last three cops I ran into." The older male started to grimace. "C'mon, can't you just give me a slap on the wrist?"
Evren spared the teen a glance before snapping the piece of plastic in half. "It's not even the right consistency."
"You know you have to go to jail now, right?"
"Or, just hear me out, you can have a little Christmas spirit and let me go." Evren's face deadpanned even more – if that was possible. "Or…I'll be going to jail."
"You're going to jail," he said.
Holding out his hands as he watched the man fish around for a pair of handcuffs, a slight smile pulled at the corner of his mouth when he noticed the tight line of the man's jaw. "Don't have cuffs, do you, Ren?"
"I must ask for you not to refer to me so casually."
"Riiight…" Rubbing the back of his neck, Calix held his hands out in front of him when the officer tensed. "So…how are you going to take me in exactly?"
"I'll have someone pick you up," he replied.
"And you expect me to wait here?" Calix asked before fixing the hat on his head as the wind blew. "You know it's only supposed to get colder."
Looking about for his communicator or at least a radio, Evren scowled when he couldn't find the device in his outer pockets. Setting the bundle down, he opened his coat to search then inner pockets before finally locating what he was looking for.
"Don't go anywhere."
Rolling his eyes as the man turned away to make a call, Cal shoved his hands into his pockets. "Wouldn't dream of it."
"Dispatch here."
"Yes, I need a patrol to come to the corner of Tevin Boulevard and Fifth Street," Evren said as he glanced back to see that the raven was still there. "Yes, I have a hoodlum-"
"Hoodlum?!" Calix parroted. "Really, Evren?"
Mismatched eyes looked elsewhere. "I need someone to come pick him up."
Sucking his teeth, Calix looked in the opposite direction as the man went off to tell the dispatch what he was wearing. Glancing over his shoulder as he heard Evren continuing to go into detail from his eye color down to the red stripe on his hat, Calix rocked on the heels of his shoes as he clasped his hands behind his head.
He hadn't seen Evren since Halloween and even that was just by a stroke of luck under the given situation. Now, however, wasn't really an ideal meet up.
"Uh, Evren, I'm going to be head off if you don't mind. I'd kinda like to get home before it gets too cold and I freeze to death."
"Hold for a moment please." Evren's gaze then panned over to the man that was throwing him a lopsided grin. "You're staying here until dispatch comes."
"But it's cold…"
"And you wouldn't have to worry about that if you didn't break curfew."
"You can't be serious." Calix huffed when the man's gaze remained steadfast. "You're so uptight," he muttered.
"Excuse me?"
"Um… I said it's cold, right?"
"Yes, it is," Evren replied as he turned his attention back to dispatch. "How soon can you get here?"
"It won't be for at least forty minutes."
"You can't keep me out here for forty minutes. I'll freeze!"
"Are you sure there's no one around here with a squad car?"
"Unfortunately, the wait is forty minutes."
"Never mind."
"So…you're going to let me go, right?" Irregular eyes panned over to the dark pair. "Oh, c'mon! It's like a day before Christmas! Mal's gonna' have a heart attack if I call him from a jail cell on Christmas Eve."
"Sucks to be you."
"C'mon, Ren."
"Don't call me that."
"Stop it…"
"Ren…c'mon. It's Christmas Eve," Calix whined. "Can't you, I don't know, walk me home?"
"You're not a child."
"You're treating me like one."
"You were breaking the law."
"I wasn't with the last three officers I had run into…"
"You're not helping your case, you know?"
Glancing at the officer, Calix sighed heavily before shuffling his feet. "C'mon; if you let me go, you won't see me again."
"I find that hard to believe."
"Well, let me reiterate that then. You won't see me for the rest of the night," Cal clarified. "Better?" All he received was a pointed look before throwing out the puppy dog eyes. "Evren, c'mon~"
"Do you know how ridiculous you look?" Calix pressed further before the officer turned away to clear his throat. "Enough already."
"C'mon, Ren~! If you walk me home, you don't have to stand in the cold either. We can, I don't know, have something to eat before Mal drops you back off at the station."
"I'll pass."
"Hello? Officer Evren?"
Watching said person fish around in his pocket for his radio, Calix scowled before looking up at the light flurries coming down. Holding out a gloved hand to capture a snowflake, he admired the delicate object before focusing on the man with the same colored hair.
Catching the slight edge in his voice on how the nearest car wouldn't be in their location for at least another twenty-five minutes, Calix heaved a sigh before adjusting his scarf as the wind picked up. It was then that he noticed how the officer also shivered as subtle as it was.
"You're cold."
"It is winter."
"And you do have us standing outside," Calix added. "If you're gonna book me, can we at least do it at the station?"
"Are you going to come willingly?"
The raven made a face before rolling his eyes saying, "If it gets me out of standing in this cold then sure, whatever."
"Nice to see you cooperating for once." A grunt was all he received aside from the crunching of snow beneath their shoes. "Dispatch, disregard the request."
"Are you s-"
Glancing at his new walking companion, Calix noted how the man constantly shifted the parcel beneath his arm. "Who's the present for? Your girlfriend?"
Evren's face burned at the accusation. "No."
"Your face is turning red, Ren."
"Shut up and walk, Calix."
The raven chuckled, "C'mon, what's in the box? I'm sure she'll love it."
Feeling the edges of his ears burn, he picked up the pace. "You talk too much."
"You don't talk enough."
"You sound like someone I work with."
Mismatched eyes shifted somewhat before the officer finally looked over at Cal to see him staring up at the snow coming down. Stumbling at a sudden pang in the side of his head, he flinched when dark eyes darted in his direction.
"Are you-?"
"'m fine," he uttered as he straightened.
"Are you sure?"
Sucking his teeth as he increased his pace, he didn't bother looking back when he heard the additional crunching of snow coming up behind him. Keeping his sights on what was ahead instead of looking back, he and his company walked in relative silence for a time before Evren glanced to his left to see the raven watching the snow again.
Again, he winced at the throbbing before holding up his hand when Cal turned to him.
"'m fine."
"You're worrying me, Ren."
"'m fine," came the response before Evren started again. "Just walk in front of me."
"Are you-?"
"Just walk in front of me!"
"Ok, ok," Cal muttered as he started walking again.
Chancing a glance back the officer after a few more minutes, Calix came to a stop when he saw the officer wasn't following anymore. Doubling back, he found the man leaning up against the wall around the corner soon after. Having a hand held up when he went to ask if the man was alright, Cal huffed before lowering the hand altogether.
"'m f-"
"You're not fine, Ren. What's wrong with you?"
"It's just a headache."
"A headache has you stumbling around like that?"
Grimacing as Cal draped his arm around his shoulder, Evren tried to push the man back before being met with a glare. When Cal had yet to let up, Evren sighed in defeat before the pair continued down the path.
"I can walk fine."
"So, if I decided to run away right now you'd be able to catch me?"
"Are you planning on running?"
"Would you try to catch me?"
"Are you?"
"Would you?"
"You're not going to give me a straight answer me, are you?" Being met with a lopsided smile, Evren rolled his eyes. "No, I wouldn't try to catch you."
"You were so insistent on having me detained though."
"Are you trying to push your luck right now?"
Calix shrugged as they continued down the path. "I mean, the headquarters building is only a few blocks away. I could totally get away."
"Nothing stopping you, you know?" Evren grumbled.
"Maybe I just get a kick out of you stumbling around like a newborn lamb." Cal chuckled soon after receiving a glare. "I'm just kidding, Ren. I wouldn't just leave you in the cold."
"Even if it means going to jail?"
"Nah, I already said I wouldn't leave you in the cold."
"You're stupid."
"And you're cold," Calix laughed as they spotted a squad car sitting on the block.
"You can go now," Evren said.
"I'm walking you to the door."
"I can do that myself."
"Stop being stubborn."
"Stop being stupid."
"You're being cold again, Evren."
"Well, it is winter."
Cal simply rolled his eyes before letting the offer go. "Are you sure you don't want to arrest me?"
"And deal with the extra paperwork?" Evren questioned. "I rather not. Now go home."
"Ok, ok," Cal said as he stepped away from the officer. "Are you going to be able to make it to the door, Ren?"
"Would you go home already?"
"Ok, ok," the raven said as he started to head in the opposite direction. "Oh, what should I do if I run into another officer? You did kinda, you know, break my ID."
"I don't think you should be pushing your luck right now, Mr. Lefay."
Stiffening at the name, Calix soon gave a small smile and a two-finger salute as he jogged across the street. "Merry Christmas, Evren!"
"Merry Christmas, Calix," he replied once the raven was out of sight.
Undoing the scarf as he walked through his door, Evren inhaled the warm air of his quarters before making his way to the coat closet nearby. Setting the parcel down to remove his coat, he shook the snow from his outerwear before looking down at the small card that had seemingly fallen out of the pocket.
Opening the card slowly, he viewed the simple Christmas wish of having a happy holiday followed by a small written note below:
I don't know what to get an officer for Christmas so be sure to tell me next time we meet! Have a good Christmas, Ren!
Rolling his eyes as he caught himself smiling, the officer was soon startled by a sudden knock on the door. Tucking the holiday card back into his coat pocket as his door opened, Evren scowled.
"Where have you been? Curfew started hours ago!"
"First, stop yelling, Tyson. Second, I'm not a child. I'm aware of the time. Third, get out of my room!"
"Not until you tell me where you were!"
"Aren't I back? Where I was shouldn't matter."
"You expect me to tell that to the Director?"
"He knew I was out!"
"He still wants to know where, Evren."
Glancing at the package sitting on the nearby counter, Evren rubbed at the back of his neck. "I was buying a present," he muttered.
"A present?"
"A present for who?"
"Does it matter?" Evren questioned irritably. "Now, get out!"
"Who is it for?"
"Does it matter?"
Massaging the side of his head, Evren grumbled more so to himself before facing his team lead. "If I tell you, would you leave for the night so I can get ready for bed?"
"Sure," Tyson replied.
"It's…it's for…for you," he muttered.
"It's for you."
"You brought me a… present?" the raven asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Can you leave now?"
"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me you were out buying me a present?"
"If you're going to make a big deal I can take it back after Christmas," came the angry reply as the quieter male made his way across his home. "Now, get out of my room!"
"You bought me a present? Really?"
"Why is that so hard to believe?"
"Well, it's you."
"Get. Out."
"You wanted to know so you could tell the Director so go tell him."
"Oh, he already knows," Tyson said as he made his way over to the decorated tree sitting in the corner of the man's dwellings.
"You're an asshole."
"I'm your boss."
"No, the Director is my boss."
"Well, I'm your second boss."
"Doesn't make you any less of an asshole," Evren muttered as he headed for his bathroom. "Can you leave now?"
"What did you buy me?" Tyson questioned giddily as he tailed after his subordinate.
"Get out of my room!" Evren snapped as he slammed the bathroom door behind himself.
Listening out for the sound of fading footsteps, Evren sighed to himself before noticing the light flush on his face. Touching his cheek only to turn away in annoyance, Evren then set about his nightly ritual of getting ready for bed.
Toweling his hair dry as exited the steamy bathroom sometime after, Evren came to a stop a few paces in front of the door before lowering the towel to see a certain raven-haired officer sitting on a barstool by the island. Sighing mentally as he walked by the man to get to his bedroom, Evren waited for Tyson to approach him or at least say something though the room remained relatively silent.
Chancing a glance as he tugged on his robe, he stiffened when he saw how close Tyson had gotten.
Evren took a slight step back. "What?"
"Come here a moment."
"Just come here for a moment," Tyson said as he doubled back.
The clinking of glass eventually piqued Evren's curiosity enough to make him come over to the next room to see Tyson in the process of lighting a candle.
"What are you doing?"
"Don't make me say it again, Ren."
Seeing a bottle resting on the coffee table, Evren scowled. "You opened your present."
"I got that from my room while you were in the shower," Tyson replied before smiling. "So, you got me alcohol?"
"Um…uh, no…"
"I'm sure it's of excellent choice," Tyson said as he walked over to pour a glass for the each of them. "I'll be sure to share it with you when I open it but come take a seat for now."
"You know how I feel about alcohol," Evren muttered.
Sighing as he walked over, Evren took a seat on the couch before turning his gaze to one of the candles burning. Looking down at the glass that was placed in his hands, Evren held it tighter before glancing over to see the raven drinking his share.
Said person held out his hand. "If you're not going to drink it yourself, give it to me," he replied.
Receiving the glass with almost no hesitation, Tyson swirled the amber colored liquid around before glancing at the man sitting stiffly next to him. Drinking casually, he looked over at the Christmas tree decorated by the staff before shifting a bit closer to the man.
Offering a slight smile when mismatched eyes glanced his way, the raven-haired officer took a swig of the liquor before tapping Evren on the shoulder.
"What-?!" Looking up at the man that had pinned him to the couch, Evren then hardened his gaze. "Ty-!"
Tasting and smelling alcohol, Evren shoved at Tyson's chest before sputtering the drink when the man let up. Scrubbing his arm across his mouth, Evren flinched when his chin was seized before the taste and smell of alcohol flooded his senses again.
Letting the man up once the alcohol was gone, Tyson wiped away the bit of liquor from the corner of Evren's mouth before noticing the light flush on his face. Chuckling as the color deepened, Tyson sat back when Evren looked his way.
"You were tense," he replied as he set the glass down. "Better?"
"I didn't want it."
"Sorry but I thought it'd be a waste," Tyson replied.
"You never listen," Evren griped as he averted his gaze. "You said you were going to share the other one with me…"
The raven sat up. "You'd actually drink it with me?"
The paler man's face continued to flush. "It's not like you'd give me a choice, would you?"
"Probably not," Tyson chuckled as he watched the other fidget in his seat. "Hey, Evren?" Said person glanced at the other before receiving a peck on the lips. "Can you wait here for a moment?"
The officer then hurried way before Evren could give his answer. Coming back a few moments later to see the tipsy officer toying with his hand, Tyson took a seat before scooting a bit closer.
"Nothing just expected you to make a run for your room," Tyson replied. "At any rate, this is for you."
"What-?" Evren looked down at the small yet neatly wrapped box. "You got me a-"
"A present, yes." Ty smiled as Evren's gaze shifted from the box to him then back again. "Promise not to open it until tomorrow?"
"What is it?"
"I'm not telling," Tyson said as he wagged his finger. "Why don't you open it on Christmas? We can open them together."
"I don't want to have alcohol first thing in the morning," Evren groused.
"That's not the point. The point is that we open them together, Ren."
"Don't call me that…"
"C'mon, it's Christmas Eve, Ren."
Feeling his eye twitch, Evren got to his feet and started towards his room. "Fine; whatever. Just get out of my room so I can get ready for bed."
"I had another idea in mind," Tyson said as he snagged a hold of the man's arm.
"What are you doing?"
"Well, it's not that I don't trust you not to open your gift when I leave," he replied as he pulled Evren down onto his lap, "but I don't trust that you won't open your present when I leave so we're spending the rest of the night together."
"I want to sleep in my bed where it's warm."
"I'm in boxers and a robe, Tyson." Said person gave an appreciative nod. "I'd like to sleep on something warm."
Tyson carefully wrapped his arms around the man as he laid back on the couch. "You got me."
"I prefer something comfortable."
"I'm quite comfortable," he replied as he tightened his hold.
"You're not going to let me up, are you?"
"I didn't have plans to so no."
"No, Ren." Evren let out an exasperated sigh. "You can shock me if you want me to let you go, you know." The jade-colored eye glanced back at the man. "I mean, unless you can't."
"You're insufferable."
"Is that supposed to be funny?" Evren griped.
"A little," came the reply.
"Well, it's not."
"Stop it." A light chuckle bounced off the walls. "You're not going to leave, are you?"
"Is it so wrong that I want to spend Christmas Eve with you?"
"Is it, Ren?"
"I…well, I guess…not." The raven rested his chin atop the head of white hair. "What are you doing?"
"I was getting comfortable."
"My head is not a pillow, Tyson."
With a roll of his eyes, Tyson leaned back to rest his head on the arm of the couch. "Better?"
"I guess but don't try anything."
"I won't."
Tyson snorted. "I didn't know you were capable of making jokes, Ren. Now that's shocking."
"Let's agree to not saying that word anymore."
Tyson laughed again before holding the officer a bit closer. "I don't know, Ren. I think I should get some kind of incentive."
"Incentive?" he parroted. The man knew he'd regret even asking. "What kind of… incentive?" Tyson gave a thoughtful hum before pointing upwards, drawing Evren's attention towards the ceiling. "You're joking…"
"What?" Red eyes drifted up to the small sprig of mistletoe hanging down from a string. "I think it fits the season."
"When did you find the time to even put that up there?"
"What makes you think I put it up there?" Tyson questioned, eyebrow raised. "How do I know that you didn't do it?"
Evren looked back at the man with a deadened expression. "Really?"
Tyson gave a one-shouldered shrug. "For all I know, you were trying to sneak a kiss, Ren."
"As if."
"C'mon, Ren. You didn't have to set up mistletoe to get a kiss." Tyson gave the man a peck on the side of his neck. "I have no problem kissing you without it."
"As if I'd do something so childish, Tyson," Evren chided as he held the side of his neck, "and don't do that again or I'm kicking you out."
"Tyson!" Mismatched eyes darted towards the lights as they flashed. "If you're going to stay here just shut up and go to sleep already."
"I want a goodnight kiss."
Red eyes noted the slight flicker in the Christmas lights before he sighed. "Alright, alright. Let's not ruin the holidays for the rest of the headquarters, shall we?"
"You think I would ruin it for everyone else?"
"You're not exactly festive, Evren," Tyson stated as he watched the lights on the tree.
"Do I have a reason to be?"
"Do you? You should know the answer to your own question," he replied as he closed his eyes.
"Go to sleep, Ren."
Turning to glare at the man several minutes after the fact, Evren looked back to see the officer sleeping. Poking at Tyson's face to be met with a soft exhale, Evren faced forward slowly before trying to sit up. The arms at his waist slackened but still held fast.
Any attempts at removing them would wake the raven.
Grimacing at the thought of having to deal with his antics, Evren laid back down to try to get comfortable in his current situation.
It wasn't all that hard surprisingly.
Compared to his elevated temperature of him being awake, Ty was the perfect temperature when he was sleeping. Glancing back at him to see sleep-slackened features, Evren poked at the man's nose and expected Tyson to at least swat his hand away in his stupor. When no such thing came, Evren settled down before turning his attention to the bit of mistletoe dangling from the ceiling with a dainty red ribbon.
"You're not exactly festive, Evren."
'I can be festive,' Evren mused as he stared at the decoration. 'I am festive dammit.' He then glanced back at the sleeping man then up at the mistletoe. 'Who came up with the tradition of kissing under a plant anyway? That's so stupid.'
"I think it fits the season."
'Still a dumb tradition.'
Mismatched eyes drifted back to the sleeping officer before Evren looked away as he felt his cheeks begin to darken at the idea that had crossed his mind. Inhaling deeply as he turned to face his coworker once more, Evren leaned down to give the man a kiss. His face then reddened to rival the color of Tyson's eyes that were now looking at him so intently.
"Evren." Tyson tightened his hold along the other's waist. "Mind telling me what that was for?"
"Let g-go of me, Tyson," Evren choked out as he tried wiggling out the raven's hold.
"Let go of m-me!" Tyson obliged him before sitting up to prop his chin up on his hand. "Were you even sleeping?!"
"I mean, I was for a few minutes," he replied. "Kinda hard to sleep when someone keeps staring at me." He smirked soon after. "Any particular reason as to why you were staring?"
"Why don't you go back to sleep already?" Evren suggested as he headed for his bedroom. "Better yet, go sleep in your room!"
"First, it's late so stop yelling. Second, you're gonna' have to give me a goodnight kiss if you expect me to go back to my room, Ren."
"I will not."
"Why? You did when you thought I was sleeping."
"It wasn't like it was a goodnight kiss." Tyson tilted his head as the officer fidgeted before looking up at the bit of mistletoe that was hanging over the couch. "It wasn't because of the stupid decoration!"
"Oh?" he teased as he got to his feet in time to snag the man by the waist. "Tell me then; what was the kiss for if it wasn't a goodnight one or due to the mistletoe?" Evren remained silent. "Did you just want to kiss me? Was that the reason?"
"Then why'd you do it?" Evren fidgeted but not much else. "If you don't want to tell me then fine, Evren," Tyson stated as he nudged the man back onto the couch, "but don't run from me."
"I have no problem kissing you," Tyson said as he rested his hands on the couch behind the man's head. "I could list the reasons if you like."
Mismatched eyes glanced at the officer before darting elsewhere. "You don't have to."
"But that wouldn't be romantic." Evren's cheeks darkened. "Is that why you kissed me? Were you trying to be romantic?" Tyson chuckled as he kneeled. "Evren." Said person lowered his head slightly. "Evren?"
"I don't understand why you want to know so badly. Maybe I was doing it to say goodnight; maybe I was doing it to be festive; or maybe I was doing it to be romantic. What's it matter?!"
Tyson blinked once then twice before tilting the other's chin up. "Evren, why did you kiss me?"
"What's it matt-"
"Stop it. You know the answer. Stop asking questions you know the answer to."
"Evren…" Leaning in to give the man another kiss, Tyson pulled back at the last moment before lowering his gaze. "Dammit…"
"You can be very cruel, Ren," Tyson uttered as he hunched his shoulders.
"I don't want to go back to my room, and I won't do anything to you, but could you just sleep here with me tonight?"
Relenting with a mere nod, Evren flinched when Tyson pulled him back down onto the couch. Holding his breath to see what would happen next, Evren tensed when the raven pulled him close.
"Go to sleep," he muttered as he closed his eyes.
Quiet breaths filling the room led Evren to believe that the man was sleeping. Then again, the sounds accompanied with the lowered body temp could've been another ploy on Tyson's behalf. Chancing a glance after twenty minutes, Evren stared at the sleep-slackened expression before reaching out to brush aside a stray strand of hair.
Catching himself in midway, Evren pulled his hand back before turning to face the Christmas tree. Watching the lights for a few moments, mismatched eyes panned upward to view the bit of mistletoe before finally closing for the night.
Waking to the smell of bacon, Evren rubbed at his eyes before sitting to see snow falling outside the window. Looking down at the empty space on the couch, Evren stretched before trekking across the apartment to see the dark-haired man standing in front of the stove.
"Good Morning…"
"Um, what are you doing?"
"Making breakfast," he replied. "I'm almost done and then I'll go."
Taking a seat at the island in his kitchen, Evren watched as Tyson cooked in silence before having a plate set down in front of him. Looking down to see an omelet made from egg whites, three strips of turkey bacon and croissant stationed alongside it, mismatched eyes shifted up the moment a glass of orange juice was placed with a fork and knife.
"I forget you know how to cook sometimes," Evren replied as he cut into the omelet.
"It's not like you change up what you eat for breakfast, Evren. It's the same every day," Tyson replied as he washed out the pan. He then looked over his shoulder to see his coworker eating the cooked food before locking gazes. Turning away soon after when Evren subtly tightened his grip on the fork, Tyson headed to the door. "Bye."
Lowering the utensil when the man exited his quarters, Evren looked down at the plate of food before looking towards the door. Eating a strip of bacon then a few bites out of the croissant, he got to his feet before spotting the bottle of alcohol he had gifted the raven. He then looked down at the food for a moment then at the gift he had purchased. Retrieving the parcel and small box he received, Evren hurried out of his place and down the hall. Rounding several corners, he came to a halt in front of Tyson's door.
Knocking once then twice when no one came to the door, Evren took a step back as he contemplated on leaving. Looking down at the box under his arm, he knocked a bit harder on the door. Turning his gaze to the small panel at the door, Evren lightly tapped on it, watching small sparks before the door slid open.
Making his way into the living quarters, Evren entered the living room to set down Tyson's gift. Backtracking to the kitchen to quietly grab a glass, he wound up grabbing a second before taking the tumblers back into the living room. His attention then went to the window to see snow flurries swirling past the window. He noticed something else soon after.
"What are you doing here?" Tyson questioned as he toweled his hair dry
Turning to see the man with another towel sitting dangerously low, Evren shifted his gaze towards the present he sat on the living room table. "I…I brought–" He flinched when the other started to head back to the bathroom. "– your present."
"It's on the table in the living room," Evren clarified.
"Ok," Tyson said. "If that's all then you can leave now."
"Leave, Evren." Red eyes linked with the mismatched pair. "If you hadn't noticed, I was in the middle of a shower."
"But what about the drinks?"
"Excuse me?"
Evren averted his gaze. "I… you said…"
The bathroom door closed before the sound of a shower resumed. Hanging his head as he started for the entrance, Evren paused when he got a glimpse of the box placed on the table. Looking at the tumblers he had placed alongside it, Evren glanced back at the bathroom door then around the room.
Retreating to his room to grab something, Evren returned to take a seat on the couch.
Almost fifteen minutes before he heard the water stop. Another ten minutes crawled by before the raven stepped out toweling his hair dry once more. Watching as the man walked by, Evren stiffened when red eyes panned towards him.
"Why are you still here?" he questioned.
"I… you left your present in my room."
"Yeah, you said that when you brought it. Why are you still here?"
"Well, um… you…"
"Spit it out, Evren. I have plans."
"Oh, what?" Sighing irritably when a response wasn't given, Tyson massaged his temples. "Look, you brought me my gift. If you're expecting gratitude, then thanks but please leave now."
"But you said that you wanted to drink with me," Evren replied as he held a glass in his hands.
"You don't drink, Evren," Tyson clarified.
"But you said…"
"Evren." Red eyes narrowed slightly. "What's wrong with you?"
"What?" Tyson narrowed his eyes a bit more. "I don't understand."
"Look, I don't understand why you're going through all the trouble, Evren. I didn't touch you; I didn't try anything last night. I made you breakfast and left. I respected your wish of leaving in the morning so why can't you respect mine?"
"I–" Evren held the glass tighter. "I…" Hearing the thing start to crack under the pressure, Tyson rounded the couch to take the glass away. "You wanted to share a drink this morning," Evren murmured more to himself than to his coworker. "You wanted to open our presents together."
"Why are you going through the trouble?" Tyson asked as he moved the glasses out of reach. "I mean, you break into my room after kicking me out of yours. Were you even thinking when you hurried over here? I mean, you're still dressed how you were from last night."
"I just… I just wanted to give you your present…" Evren muttered as he hung his head. "That's what you do on the holidays."
"You're not into holidays, Evren." Said person flinched. "You don't do holidays."
"You're not exactly festive, Evren."
Flinching at the recollection, Evren hung his head more as he trembled. "…ing."
"I'm trying!" the man shouted.
"Are you, Evren?" Tyson asked. "Are you really because I don't think you are."
"I'm trying, ok?!" Picking up the present he had brought, Evren shoved it into Tyson's hands. "I bought you a present because I was trying to be festive! I had to search really hard to find that present for you because I was trying to make it a good one!" he shouted as stood up. "I wanted to see your face when you opened and drank it! I…I…"
Feeling his face burn when he saw the red eyes widen slightly, Evren turned to leave before having his wrist seized. Met with resistance, Evren pulled in the opposite direction before being yanked back hard enough to offset his balance and cause him to tumble into the raven.
"You're not exactly festive, Evren."
"'m trying," he muttered as he tried getting his wrist free.
"I'm trying!" Evren shouted, causing the lights in the kitchen to flicker.
"Stop before you knock the power out," Tyson ordered as he released the man.
"You're not exactly festive, Evren."
Watching the man scrub his hands down his face before clutching at the sides of his head, Tyson retrieved the box Evren brought before grabbing the tumblers. Pouring a glass for himself then his troubled guest, Tyson set the glass down in front of Evren. Setting the bottle down on the table soon after, Tyson eyed the honey-brown liquid in his glass before turning his attention to the other officer.
"Evren." Aforementioned lowered one hand to see the offered glass sitting on the table in front of him. "You went through all the trouble," Tyson said as he held his glass in a toasting manner when his teammate picked up his own glass. He then took a swig. "Thank you for the present, Evren. It's good."
Eyeing his own glass after watching Tyson, Evren slowly drank the alcoholic beverage before setting his tumbler down to see the somewhat pleasant expression on the other's face. Seeing how the man had poured himself another glass, Evren twiddled his thumbs as he looked around the man's home in hopes of distracting himself from the blush creeping along his face.
"What is it, Evren?"
"Where… why are there no decorations in your quarters?" he asked.
Looking around his place as he took another drink from his glass, Tyson lowered his tumbler a bit. "I had them moved to your place," he stated prior to taking another drink. "Like I said before, you're not exactly festive, Evren, so the Director instructed the staff not to decorate your place as he figured you wouldn't enjoy them. I, on the other hand, had the decorations here moved to your place as no one should spend the holiday without some sort of décor yet being alone in general. However, in your case, solitary may have been best," Tyson added as he got to his feet to put the bottle away. "I'll be keeping that in mind for next year."
"Um, can I have another drink please?" Evren asked.
"You don't handle liquor well," Tyson reminded him.
Relenting to pour another glass, Tyson handed it over to his coworker before walking the bottle over to his cabinet to put away. Coming back to see his coworker toying with his glass, he reached for it prior to Evren downing its contents.
"So, you had them decorate my room?" Evren asked quietly as he carefully set the glass down. "Why would you do something like that?"
"I already told you why," Tyson replied as he folded his arms, "though I can assume that such a gesture would go over your head. No one should be alone on the holidays, Evren, but I'll be more mindful on how much you enjoy your solitude."
"You can leave now if that's all. I have p–"
"You have plans, right," Evren finished as he got to his feet. "I should get going." Getting to his feet, he twiddled his thumbs for a moment. "Um…"
"What now?" Tyson griped before noticing that the mismatched pairs were glancing at something above him. "What are you – what is that?" Dark eyes narrowed slightly in confusion. "I thought I told them to take all the decorations."
"Um…" Tyson looked back at his fidgeting coworker. "I…brought it here since you… didn't have anything." To that, Tyson sucked his teeth. "I–" The raven glowered. "Right; you have plans," Evren replied as he headed for the exit. "Merry Christmas, Tyson."
"You really like messing with me, don't you, Evren?" he replied as he grabbed the other by the arm.
"Shut up," he replied as he shoved the other onto the couch. "Your talking is getting on my nerves."
"Then let me leave."
Sucking his teeth before glaring at his coworker, Tyson then pinned him down. "Why did you bring mistletoe?"
"I…I… was trying to be festive…?"
"I swear you do this on purpose," the raven growled. "You don't do festive, Evren." `
"'m trying…" Evren muttered. "Let me g–"
"Shut up, Evren," he ordered. "I swear you do this to get on my nerves."
"Why?" The raven balled his fists, holding the robe tighter. "Why… why do you do this?" he questioned. "I swear you like pissing me off in the worst way possible. You really do, don't you? And on Christmas no less. I don't know if I should call you sadistic or pathetic really." Red eyes then glanced back up at the sprig of mistletoe. "Why did you bring this of all the decorations in your place? Of all the things you could've brought it had to be mistletoe? I know you're not into holidays, but do you even know what you're doing?"
"I honestly don't know if I should hit you or kiss you." Tightening his hold once more, Tyson's grasp slackened as he hung his head. "I swear you do this to piss me off. You like messing with me, don't you?" Evren said nothing. "Don't you?!"
"I didn't–"
"You made a fuss about it in your room so why bring it here?! What's your reasoning to do so?!"
"I… I was trying to be f–"
"Don't say festive, Evren. You're not festive!" Tyson snapped. "Stop trying to delude yourself!"
"Then what do you want from me?!" Evren shouted. "I said I was trying! I'm trying! Why won't you let me try?!"
"Trying, huh? Well," the raven said mirthlessly as he turned his attention back to the small decoration, "we're under the mistletoe."
Feeling his face flush when dark eyes focused on him once more Evren averted his gaze. Hearing the command to leave, he grabbed ahold of the raven and pulled him down only to be met with a hand over his mouth.
"Don't kiss me because you think it's the festive thing to do," Tyson said, "and don't kiss me because it's what I want."
Lowering his gaze as the hand was removed, Evren looked up at the mistletoe then at the other when they loosened their hold on his robe. Watching as the raven got to his feet to take down the decoration, Evren grabbed a hold of the man's sleeve before pulling him back down onto the couch. Averting his eyes as red ones started to glare, Evren steeled himself before leaning in to give the man a kiss.
Pulling away after rationality – or was it pride – kicked in, Evren sat back. "I…um…"
"I'll give you an A for effort," Tyson remarked, "but do you honestly call that a kiss?"
Grabbing the other by the hand as he excused himself, Tyson pulled his fleeing coworker back onto the couch before gently brushing aside the ashen hair to get a better look at the hesitant, mismatched eyes that had yet to look up. Leaning in slowly, he paused just before their lips touched to hear the hitch in Evren's breath. Smiling momentarily prior to leaning in, Tyson pressed his lips against the slightly trembling pair. Tilting the officer's chin up a tad more, Tyson then swept his tongue along the other's bottom lip before slipping it into his mouth to taste the faint traces of alcohol.
Feeling the tongue delve into his mouth, Evren's face flushed as he heard the loud and erratic thumping of his heartbeat in his ears. He was almost positive that Tyson could hear it though the raven made no indications of if he did or not. Feeling the man's tongue coaxing his own, Evren joined in to taste the alcohol they had shared before noticing how much warmer Tyson had become. All too soon did the feeling vanish when that raven sat back up, swiping his thumb across his bottom lip before closing Evren's mouth.
"That's a kiss, Ren." Fingers then splayed across the man's chest. "If it's ok, I'd like to give you another present."
"A…another present?" Evren questioned before being laid on the couch. "Ty–"
"You seem to have a bit of a problem after our kiss," Tyson said flippantly as he glanced down for a moment.
Evren followed his gaze before closing his robe. "Didn't you have somewhere to be?!"
"I should at least take responsibility," he replied as he looked back up. "If you say no, I'll let you go."
"Didn't you have somewhere to be?" Evren inquired before feeling his face heat up under the other's gaze.
"If you say no, I'll let you go. On the other hand, it's going to be an awkward walk back to your place like that."
"Ren." When nothing was said, Tyson slowly parted the robe to walk his fingers down the pale chest before coming to a halt at the waistband of his underwear. "Last chance." Evren fidgeted as he watched as the fingers hooked the fabric. "Nothing? Good; just sit back and I'll handle it from here," he said as he tugged them down. "You have to watch though."
"I don't hear a no, Ren."
"Didn't y-you have to be somewhere?!"
To that, Tyson paused. "Yes, so we better make this quick, huh?"
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Muffled pants had slowly filled the once quiet room that housed the two officers. If Tyson couldn't hear his heart racing in his chest during the kiss, Evren was sure he could at that moment. It was the only thing he could hear aside from the occasional slurping sound Tyson would make.
"T…Ty…" Maybe he didn't quite hear him. "T…T-Tys…"
"F-fuc… don't talk with it in your m-mouth!"
Dark eyes peered upwards for a second to see the equally dark rouge darting across an otherwise pale face. Equally white fingers had steadily been scratching at the material of the couch before hazy, mismatched eyes ventured down to meet his heated gaze.
There was something off about the way he was looking down at him. His gaze was just a little more unfocused than when they had initially begun and the change in his breathing slowly brought a thought to the forefront of Tyson's mind. Chuckling around the mouthful to get a small string of curses, the raven let the man go before tapping a finger lightly tapped the tip of his prize to see Evren squeeze his eyes shut.
"Ren…" Evren squirmed on the couch. "You're suppose to be watching," Tyson purred as he pressed his thumb down onto the man's issue, eliciting a small hiss from the other. "You won't be able to finish otherwise."
The jade-colored eye cracked open. "T-Ty…"
Said person hummed in response as he pressed his thumb down a tad harder. "What is it, Ren~?"
"Hold that thought," Tyson said as he resumed his previous activity to elicit yet another poorly stifled hiss.
"T-Tyson, st-!"
"Whuf wong wit–"
"D-don't t-talk, dammit!"
Tyson merely raised an eyebrow before glancing up to see the darkened flush on Evren's face as he raked a hand through his hair. The white tresses were tousled in slight chaos while quickened pants filled the room with the occasional string of curse words. Red eyes then closed with a content hum before feeling something in his hair.
"I–" The raven looked up to see mismatched eyes squeeze shut. "I have to–!"
Tyson felt the fingers tighten in his hair. "Mmphf?"
"P-please let g…go!" Evren stammered.
Glancing up to see the officer's eyes squeezed shut, Tyson chuckled before focusing as he heard the man hiss under his breath as he gave a weak glare. Reveling in his victory, let out an amused sound as he heard a string of curses prior to Evren tightening his hold on the dark tresses.
Humming in question to receive nothing but a groan, Tyson's amusement transitioned to slight confusion as Evren bowed forward. His ears were then met with the sound of quickened pants prior to his head being shoved down at the sound of a moan.
Widened eyes then shifted up to peer at the officer that was shivering while panting. Red eyes then started to look around as the raven heard the familiar yet muffled beeping of his communicator. Glancing up at Evren to see him still trying to gain his composure, Tyson pushed him back onto the couch before rifling through the seat cushions to grab the noisy device. He then searched around quickly for a napkin, seeing none present.
Locking eyes momentarily with Evren, Tyson swallowed the mouthful before turning to take the call. "I'm on my way out."
"Detour. My office now."
Rolling his eyes at the abrupt disconnect, Tyson headed to the bathroom to grab a washcloth and set about cleaning his groggy guest. Righting Evren's clothes, which wasn't much, Ty then laid him on the couch before resting a hand on the messy head of white hair. Leaning down to give him a kiss, Tyson scowled at the beeping coming from his communicator before he grabbed his coat and headed out the door.
Contemplating on the fact that he should've brushed his teeth again or at least grab a stick of gum, Tyson knocked once before entering his employer's office. Bowing once, he then waited per usual until the man had finished whatever he was working on.
"Why am I getting a call about you not being where you're supposed to be?" the Director asked before taking a sip from his coffee cup. "Granted, you decided to work on your day off but that doesn't mean you show up whenever you feel like it. You're almost twenty minutes late, Tyson."
"I apologize," he replied as he watched his boss cross the room for a fresh cup of coffee. "I got a little caught up."
"I can only imagine what managed to distract you this time." Tyson made a face as the man walked past him before backpedaling. "What's that on the corner of your mouth?"
Touching the corner for a moment, Tyson fought back the blush trying to work its way onto his face as he wiped his mouth. "Sorry; I was eating."
"Eating?" the Director parroted before making his way back to his seat. "I know you have some etiquette. Keeping clean while eating isn't a hard feat."
"It was quite hard," Tyson chuckled to himself.
"What was that, Tyson?"
"Sorry. I said that perhaps I got a bit too eager," he replied. "It was quite the meal. I'll be sure to use a napkin next time."
"Just get going, Tyson," the Director ordered. "You're delaying the patrol and the others won't be pleased that you're keeping them from their families over the holidays."
"I don't see why they just didn't stay home then if they're going to complain," he grumbled under his breath.
"What was that, Tyson?"
"Just go already," the Director said dismissively as he began to resume his paperwork, "and Tyson."
Sharp eyes studied the officer momentarily. "Never mind. Just go report for duty."
"Yes, sir."
Ignoring the bow in favor of continuing his work, the man in charge only bothered to look up to take a look at the surveillance to see that the officer had finally linked up with those waiting for him in the garage. His attention then went over to regard the fresh brew of his favorite coffee that a certain white-haired individual had purchased for him.
Snorting at the idea of the man having any semblance of the holidays, the Director returned to his work after looking outside to see the snowfall.
A slight shiver managed to rouse the snoozing officer. Sitting up slowly as he rubbed at his eyes, Evren looked around to see the blank walls and lack of Christmas décor. Remembering that he was not in his quarters, he slowly looked around once more trying to see if he could find the raven lurking about.
He the paused in his actions.
He was looking for Tyson.
The thought of that alone managed to make the man blush, especially after recalling what he had done before disappearing to who knew where. Glancing at his lap, he bundled his robe together feeling his face burn when he remembered the look Tyson was giving him.
'He swallowed– '
Evren's face darkened to a bright red before he shook the vivid thought away. Not sensing the other's presence, Evren got up as another shiver racked his body. Looking around for the thermostat, the man ended his search when he realized the man wouldn't have need for a heater since he was a walking furnace.
Making a face at the idea of that, Evren composed himself before heading back to his room to get ready for work. Avoiding eye contact from those that were on the floor, Evren heaved a sigh of relief once he managed to get back to his quarters.
Washing up in the bathroom then getting dressed in is uniform, Evren then made his way to the Directors' office. Going through the usual formalities, Evren waited quietly until he noticed the fresh pot of coffee. His attention then settled upon the older man to that was drinking from his cup before the sharp gaze settled upon him.
"What is it, Evren?"
"What routes will I be patrolling today, sir?"
"Routes, sir."
"Ah," he replied, "I have none." Evren looked baffled. "You're not working today, Evren."
"I took a day off yesterday. May I ask why?"
"Do you not want a day off?"
"I don't mind it."
"That's not answering the question, Evren," the Director replied before taking another sip from his cup. "Whatever the case, I do not have work for you today."
"I don't understand."
To that, the Director sat his cup down. "You're not working today, Evren. Tyson took your shift."
"But –"
"I thought he would've told you this last night when you got back."
"He didn't."
"Obviously. His lack of execution can be worrying at times," the man stated as he resumed his work. "Despite his lack of initiative, you are off for today. You're dismissed." Ignoring the bow received, the Director paused his reading to take a sip from his cup. "Oh, and Evren."
Said person turned. "Sir?"
"Thank you for the coffee," he replied as he held the cup up in a toasting manner. "Merry Christmas."
"Oh…uh, Merry Christmas, sir," Evren said with a slight bow before heading back to his room.
"You're not working today, Evren. Tyson took you shift."
Undoing his coat as he entered his room, Evren made his way across the decorated space to stand in front of the window. Watching snow flurries blow by, he turned his attention to the street below to see a few people making their way through the city.
Some were carrying bags and boxes.
Some were in groups, perhaps carolers.
A squad car driving past his window had him stepping away from the view shortly after.
'What should I do?' He didn't have many plans aside from working that day. 'I don't know what to do…'
Toss his coat onto the couch, he took a seat before looking at the elaborately decorated Christmas tree. Reaching out to touch a red ornament, he pulled his hand back as the lights flickered momentarily.
"Stop before you knock the power out."
Frowning at the memory, Evren stared at the tree a moment more before opting in turning on the television. After several minutes of flipping through channels, he turned the television off and turned his attention to the décor in his room again.
"No one should be alone on the holidays, Evren, but I'll be more mindful on how much you enjoy your solitude."
Reaching for an ornament, Evren plucked on off the tree before laying back on the couch. Holding the gold bulb to admire how the lights reflected from it before staring up at the garland adorning the upper part of his room. Setting the ornament aside to rest his hands behind his head, he stared up at the lights before closing his eyes.
Opening his eyes a few hours later to the sound of a knock on the door, Evren walked over to open it.
"You have clothes on this time." Evren's face burned momentarily. "May I come in?"
"Don't you have work?" he questioned.
"Short shift due to the holiday," Tyson replied, "so may I come in? It's kinda cold in the hallway."
Noting the snow on the man's jacket, Evren stepped aside to let the raven in before closing the door. Watching the officer to see him admiring the tree, Evren walked over to the kitchen to make tea before making his way back over to his guest with the cup. Setting it down when he didn't acknowledge the beverage, Evren rubbed the back of his head.
"Um, Tyson, about this morning…"
Red eyes slowly slid towards him. "Yes?"
Evren felt his face flush. "That was highly inappropriate! You can't just go doing that and when you have to report for duty!"
"Uh huh…"
"You had officers waiting for you! Even if it wasn't a shift you had initially! Y-you can't do something like that!"
"Uh huh…" Tyson drawled as he went back to looking at the tree as the other continued to berate him. "Hey, Ren… can I do something?"
"Um… sure…"
Removing his coat, Tyson set it on the arm of the chair before tackling the man onto the couch. Wrapping his arms around him, Tyson rested his head atop of Evren's as he stiffened. "Evren, did you not like it?"
"Did you not like what I did this morning?" he questioned.
"W-why are you asking m-me something like that?"
"Just curious," Tyson replied. "Did you honestly not like it?"
"I'm just curious is all," he continued as he tightened is hold. "It's not like I could ask someone else such a question. So, did you not like it?"
Evren shifted trying to look at the man but failed as the raven held him tighter. "It…why do you want to know?" he whispered.
"It wouldn't kill you to be a little honest, Ren… Could you try at least once? Think of it as a Christmas present."
Feeling his face burn, Evren chewed at his lower lip. "Ty…"
It was painfully silent for a moment.
"I'm just kidding," Tyson laughed as loosened his hold on the officer. "It was a spur of the moment thing, you know? S…sorry…"
"Can we just stay like this for a while?" he murmured as he nuzzled the head of white hair.
Feeling arms wrap around him once more, Evren lay quietly under the man. A slight chill ran down his back at how cold Tyson was but that past soon after as the man started to warm himself up. Several minutes past before the raven rolled them over, holding Evren against his chest as he continued to rest his head in the crook of his neck.
"Tyson." Said person remained silent. "Tyson." It was quiet aside from the slight howl of the wind. "Tyson?"
"Oh." The man unwound is arms slowly. "Sorry."
Sitting up slowly, Evren looked down at Tyson for a moment before red eyes averted themselves. Glancing over at the forgotten cup of tea, Evren got up to reheat the beverage before coming over to set it down soon after.
"It wasn't bad," he said as he took a seat.
"What are you talking about?" Tyson asked. He then sat up as he noticed the blush creeping along the other's face. "W… wait… Evren?"
Evren cleared his throat. "Please help yourself to the tea to help you warm up," he said as he got to his feet. "Excuse me."
Snatching the man by the wrist before he could flee, Tyson stared at the darkening blush before watching mismatched eyes skitter away. "Repeat what you said."
"Repeat it… please?
"It… it…wasn't b-bad," Evren stammered as his face turned red. He then noted the growing red tint on the raven's face after he had let go of his hand. "Tyson?"
"Your face is red." Tyson's face darkened before he buried his face in his hands. "Ty?"
Tyson cleared his throat. "Sorry. I just wasn't expecting you to actually answer the question." He then smiled before pulling his coworker into his lap. "Can you say it again?"
"Ty–" Mismatched eyes locked with the red pair before their owner looked away. "I… I liked it, ok?"
"Enough for a round two?"
Chuckling as he lay the other man on his back, Tyson pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I'm kidding," he teased, watching as his partner continued to huff. He then pressed a kiss to his temple then cheek. "Can we spend New Year's together?"
"Ren…" He pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. "New Year's?"
"Just the two of us?"
"Don't you start that," Evren groused.
"New Year's?" Tyson asked. "We can make it a date, alright? I'll even cook for you."
"You'll cook?"
"Sure; whatever you want, Ren. That doesn't seem so bad, does it?"
"Well, no…"
Tyson hummed his contentment before kissing the man on the cheek. Red eyes then shifted towards the piece of paper sticking out of the other's coat pocket. Pressing a kiss to the side of Evren's neck as he opened the thing, red eyes scanned over the Christmas greeting Evren received before watching as the small card caught alight. Watching it continue to smolder as the raven kissed the side of the other's neck, Tyson smiled to himself as he let the ash drop to the floor.
"What are you doing? Tyson tilted his head silently. "What are you burning?"
"Oh, just a scrap piece of paper is all," he replied before pressing a kiss to the man's cheek. He then smiled as he sat up a bit to see the other's face. "It wasn't anything important. Now then…" Tyson drawled.
"Ty – "
Leaning in slowly, Tyson paused just before their lips touched to hear the hitch in Evren's breath. Smirking as he swiped is thumb along the other's bottom lip, Tyson the ruffled the head of white hair before climbing to his feet.
"See you later, Ren."
Snagging a hold of his arm as Tyson grabbed his coat, Evren dropped his hand when the man patted him on the head. "Um…"
He smiled as he walked to the door. "Stop by my place later around seven, ok?"
Sliding his hand into his pocket as he headed down the hall, Tyson looked back to see the flushed officer watching him. "Try not to be late, ok?"
Watching the man disappear around the corner, Evren combed his hand through his hair before stepping back into his room. Resting against the door, he then slid into a seated position as his mind went back to what transpired earlier that morning.
Burrowing his face in his hands as he shook his head, he startled at the knock on the door. Clambering to his feet as the door opened, mismatched eyes were met by a green pair and a pair hidden behind sunglasses.
"Merry Christmas, Evren!" Scarlet chimed as Alexis extended a wrapped package. "We had to think really hard on what to get you!"
"Oh, thank you," he responded before turning his attention to his mute coworker that had signed something. "What makes you think Tyson was here?"
"Your face is all red," Scarlet giggled. "Did something happen?
His face turned redder. "N…no, it didn't."
"Are you sure?" she asked as she tapped the sides of her shades.
"Yes; now I have to go," Evren said quickly as he took the package. "Please excuse me and Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Evren!" Scarlet sang as Alexis signed a similar message.
Closing the door quickly, Evren furiously combed his hand through his hair before hurrying off to his bathroom to calm down.
'I don't think I'll ever get used to the holidays,' he mused as he scrubbed water onto his face. Noticing the small mark at the side of his neck, his blush darkened again before making his splash his face in the cool water once more. 'Not at all!'
This was a side story for my sci-fi tale called Negative.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA2D2XJp7CP8
Please let me know if you have any questions pertaining to the story of the characters.
Thanks for reading!