Thunder rumbled overhead as lightning flashed. They found a large, but shallow cave to hide from the increasing amounts of rain. It had probably been a den for a bear or something at some point. There was nothing to indicate that it was currently being used by anything, so Felix built a fire with Fella’s assistance. The rain didn’t seem to be letting up any time soon. “It looks like we’ll be staying here for a while,” Olympia said. She put her hands up to warm them by the fire. She looked out to see the rain pouring down, it reminded her of the times she would run around in the rain. “I guess so,” Felix replied, leaning against the cave wall. Fella was sitting next to the fire, her eyes closed and her wings spread. The flames were a mix of blue, purple, and green as she had lit the fire.
There was a flash of lightning and a boom of thunder followed by a roar that shook the earth. Felix scrambled to his feet and hurried to the mouth of the cave, looking up. Olympia noticed his fur standing on end. Fella didn't seem to care about the sound. Olympia covered her ears trying to drown out the sound. The sound sent shivers down her spine, reminding her of bad memories. Felix’s claws scraped against the stone as he gripped the side of the cave. “Lightning dragon.” He murmured. Another roar came from somewhere distant. Felix flinched and tried to hide it.
Olympia pulled on his cloak. “Come sit for a bit,” she told him. She wanted to distract him for a bit since he is always on guard. Felix looked back at her. He glanced back for a moment at another thunderclap, but went and sat beside her. She looked over at him and then at his ears. Her hands moved up to try and touch them but stopped herself before she could. “Sorry,” she whispered, tucking her hands away. “You could just ask.” Felix said with a laugh. There was another roar from a distance. Felix turned towards the entrance, his fur spiking and his ears going flat. His claws dig into the dirt floor.
“Umm… can I touch them then?” she asked him. He turned back to her, casting a nervous glance at the entrance. “Yeah.” He said, but he was still distracted. His ears lifted a bit, and his fur started to lower. Olympia brought her hands up to his ears, grabbing them carefully. She rubbed them slowly with her thumb. “They’re really soft,” she giggled. Felix turned his gaze to hers and smiled. “Thanks, I think.” He said with a chuckle. She rubbed them one last time and pulled back. She ran her fingers through her trying to detangle some parts.
“I guess I’m lucky that I don’t have to deal with tangles. Wet fur is the worst though.” Felix said. “I’m kinda used to it but there are days where detangling hurts. Doesn’t your fur dry fast?” she chuckled. “I wish. It takes at least two hours for it to dry, and then it puffs out for the rest of the day. That’s during the summer.” He replied. “I know that feeling,” Olympia said with a laugh. “You don’t have fur,” Felix stated. “I don’t, but I have lots of hair,” was her response. “Fair enough.”
Three thunderclaps came in rapid succession followed by two very loud roars. Felix’s fur spiked again, his claws tearing into the dirt. “Fantastic,” he growled as he stared at the entrance. Olympia’s hand covered her ears immediately but looked over at Felix. “Everything ok?” she asked him. “Those two are going to fight, and it is going to be very loud. They’re hopefully far enough to not light the whole forest on fire.” Felix explained. He winced as a draconic shriek echoed through the trees. Olympia put her head in between her knees, whispering ‘it’s ok” over and over to herself. “You’re scared of them, aren’t you?” Felix asked quietly, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Yeah..” she answered, not looking at him, feeling embarrassed to admit that she was.
Felix thought for a moment, then put his arms around her, and pulled her close to him. “Their attacks can’t reach us. We’re safe. If there’s any danger to us here, we’ll leave.” He assured her. Felix was surprisingly warm, but his cloak was fairly thick, and he had fur. Olympia slowly moved her hands away from her ears. She wrapped her arms around herself as she tried to take her mind off things. Fella moved from the fire and pressed into Felix’s neck, humming contently. Another roar came, and it took a lot of effort for Felix to stop himself from digging his claws into Olympia. She felt him flinch and tense, and his fur spiked. It kind of tickled. Felix was staring out at the rain, but his eyes were distant as if fixed on some memory from long ago.
Olympia put her hand over his as if she was trying to see if he was still there. She closed her eyes. She suddenly saw a star-lit night from the upstairs window of a house she didn’t recognize. The darkness of the night was interrupted by fire, and a large dark shadow roared loud enough to shake the house. “I’m gonna go tell mom!” An excited voice shouted. It was the voice of a young boy. “Hurry before they’re gone!” The excited voice of a young girl responded. Younger than the boy. And then Olympia was running down a staircase, and out into a courtyard. There were several buildings surrounded by an ivy-covered wall. “Mom guess what-” The young boy's call was stopped as Olympia tripped. She got up, turned, and the building she had left was ablaze. Above the building, two huge dragons fought. The boy’s scream was drowned by the dragon’s roar. He said a name Olympia didn’t quite hear. Then the second building was crushed under one of the dragons. Olympia fell to her knees as screams of pain and terror came from the crushed building. It was quickly engulfed. Olympia stumbled to her feet and ran back towards the burning building. Right as she reached the threshold, the building collapsed.
Olympia was suddenly leaning against Felix once more. He was still staring out at the rain. Tears fell down her face, and she whipped them away. “Did you see that?” she asked Felix. He seemed to remember where he was and quickly wiped something from his eyes. “What?” He asked, looking down at her. “There… was a kid… and... Never mind,” she whipped the tears falling down her face. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, but I can tell something is bothering you,” Felix stated. “No, I want to tell you but I don’t know how to explain it,” she said. “It was as if I was there but not myself,” Olympia explained. “Where were you?” Felix asked. “I was in a house, then there was a roar and a young girl,” she said. “And when I was outside, I tripped then the house was on fire,” she explained. “And then the other one was crushed,” Felix whispered, blinking quickly as he stared at the wall.
“Yes. How did you know?” Olympia asked him. “I should have taken her outside with me. We should have run. I should have done something.” Felix whispered, his claws digging into the ground. Olympia put her hand over her mouth trying not to make a sound as tears fell down. “Felix… Was that you and your sister?” she asked but it came out as a whisper. Felix didn’t respond, but a tear escaped him. He opened his mouth to reply, but stopped and looked down. Fella looked at Felix with concern and chirped something to him. Olympia pulled him into a hug. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to see it. I don’t even know how I did,” she whispered. “I saw my sister burn, then the rest of my family was crushed. I didn’t do anything.” Felix whispered, shaking. Fella pressed into Felix’s neck and hummed softly to try and comfort him.
Olympia rubbed his back, as more tears escaped from her. “I'm so sorry,” she whispered. “I just watched,” Felix repeated, closing his eyes even though he knew he would see it all more clearly. Olympia didn’t say anything. She didn't know what to say for him to feel better. Fella hummed a quiet tune, the only thing she could think to do. Felix didn’t say or do anything. He just cried quietly. Olympia hugged him tighter and kept rubbing on the back.
After a long time, Felix pulled away and stared at the ground as he wiped his tears away. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t bother you with my problems.” He murmured. “No, I shouldn’t have brought it up,” she told him. Felix shook his head. “You couldn’t have known. I-” He was cut off by the roar of one of the dragons. He flinched, his gaze once more darting to the entrance. This explained why he had been frozen when that dragon had attacked them, and the way he was acting now. Olympia grabbed his hands and started drawing circles with her finger on his palm. “Someone told me to do this every time I need to calm down,” she said. Felix gave her a grateful smile. Fella was still humming as she sat on Felix’s lap.
The sun had set at his point, and the rain was still going hard. A minute later, there came a shriek followed by a long and loud roar. Felix winced and his ears went back. Fella didn’t seem to mind it. Olympia covered her ears with her hand. “The fight is over,” Felix murmured, his gaze focused on the fire. “Oh ok.” She uncovered her ear. “We should probably get some sleep,” Felix told her. Olympia nodded at him and leaned back against the wall, closing her eyes. “Sweet dreams,” she whispered to Felix. “You too.” He murmured. Felix broke the fire apart a bit and laid down. Fella curled up under his chin, and before long, they were both asleep.
The dim rays of sunlight filtered through the tree leaves and just made it past the entrance of the cave. The rain had stopped sometime in the night, and bird calls echoed through the morning. Felix jerked awake, eyes wide and darting and breath coming in quick gasps. Fella sleepily lifted her head to look at him. Olympia let out a small yawn and opened her eyes. “Good Morning!” She greeted Felix with a smile. “Good morning to you too, Fella.” Olympia smiled. “M-morning.” Felix stuttered as he rubbed his eyes. Fella chirped happily and leapt to her feet. It became once more apparent that the tiny dragon was growing. She was a little smaller than a rabbit at this point.
Olympia fixed herself a bit. “You ok?” She asked him. “Yeah. Just a bad dream.” Felix Stood and stretched as Fella jumped to grab his cloak and sat up at his shoulder. Olympia understood without him telling her. She stood up as well.
“Based on the fact that it rained here, the first snow has probably hit the Northeast pass by now,” Felix said. “Should we buy what we need in the next town?” she asked. “The next town is at the mouth of the pass. We should reach it tonight.” Felix said with a smile. He had waited to tell her how close they were as a surprise. “Yay, finally!” Olympia cheered. Felix laughed. “I’m warning you now, there will definitely be more races there than you’re used to. Not many, but there will still be more than humans.”
“More people to be friends with,” She smiled at him. “And yes I know I can’t be friends with everybody, but I can at least try,” she told him. “Do you have any apples left? Either that or we need to hunt for some breakfast.” Felix asked. Olympia reached into her pocket and pulled out only one apple. “Hunting it is.” Felix led the way out of the cave, both his ears perked and rotating. Fella jumped from Felix’s shoulder and climbed up one of the nearest trees. “What are you not okay with me killing?” Felix asked as he scanned the brush. “Rabbits,” she answered. “Noted,” Felix replied.
A moment before Felix started walking, Fella jumped from the tree she had disappeared into and glided to Felix’s shoulder. She chirped something to him. “Nice work!” He exclaimed. He glanced back at Olympia. “Fella found a farm we can steal from, so that should speed things up.” He explained. Olympia nodded and continued to follow next to him.
A few minutes of walking led them out of the woods and to the outskirts of a farm. They could see the farmhouse a few hundred yards away, the bark just a little closer. There was a large fence surrounding the land. Currently, there was a wheat field between them and the barn. “This is going to be really easy,” Felix stated. “Unless they have a dog.” “If they do, I can distract them if you want me to,” Olympia said. “Let’s hope we don’t need a distraction,” Felix said as he jumped the fence. He held out a hand to help Olympia. She took his hand and jumped over the fence.
Felix led the way through the wheat field, keeping low to the ground so they were well hidden. They were close to the barn, but if they wanted to get to it, they would have to be exposed. They could see a young man around Olympia’s age leading a horse out of the barn. A young boy was cutting wood on the other side of the house, and a man was tying bundles of hay.
“Quick question, umm… what if we just ask for some food?” Olympia said, looking at him. “They would probably think I’m some kind of mutated monster, try to kill Fella because she’s a dragon, and I don’t know what they would think of you, but your green hair would probably not be very helpful. If they could get past visuals, they would probably be wondering what the heck we were doing out in the middle of nowhere and think we were a distraction of some kind so somebody could sneak into the house and rob them.” Felix replied.
A girl slightly younger than Olympia walked out of the barn followed by a flock of chickens. She scattered seeds on the ground for them and then left. The chickens were a couple yards away. “Ok, ok. We’ll go with your plan,” she mumbled. Her eyes followed the girl as she walked away from the chickens. “Sorry. All of that stuff has happened to me, and I’ve gotten hurt before because of it. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Felix said. “I understand,” she replied. “Chances are, once we grab a chicken, it’ll make a whole lot of noise and we’re going to need to run like heck.” Felix told her. She nodded at what he said.
“Do you want to grab it or me? We need to be really fast because if we don't grab it on the first try, we probably won’t get another try.” He asked. “You’re the expert,” was all she said to him. Felix moved to stand, but Fella chirped something quietly to him. He sighed. “Okay, just be careful.” He said. Fella jumped from Felix’s shoulder and crouched at the edge of the field. “Get ready to run,” Felix whispered. Olympia nodded and ready herself.
Fella darted from the field, and leapt on the nearest chicken. All the birds clucked loudly and ran away. The one fella had caught had gone limp almost instantly. “Hey!” The boy leading the horse shouted. Fella ran back to Felix who picked her up in one arm and grabbed Olympia’s hand with the other. “Run!” Felix shouted, standing and bolting. Olympia got up and started running. Felix counted to himself, then suddenly stopped and ducked beneath the grass, pulling Olympia down with him. He put a finger to his lips as they heard pounding steps and shouts.
Olympia put her hands over her mouth, waiting for them to pass by. The boy, instead of passing by, ran straight into them. “Shoot, that usually works.” Felix said, standing and running again. When Olympia moved to follow, the boy grabbed her ankle. “Are you hurt anywhere?” she asked the boy, forgetting about Felix for a moment. “You rob my farm and then ask if I’m okay?” The boy snapped, grabbing Olympia’s wrist to keep her from running as he got to his feet. “If I heal where you’re hurt, will you let us go,” she said, pulling her wrist away from him. “I am perfectly fine, and you seem to be the only one around.” The boy snapped. He didn’t let go of her. Olympia let out a sigh. “Sorry about this,” she said, pushing him back and pulling her hand away. The boy fell back and bolted from there. “I was five seconds from punching him in the face.” Felix said, standing from where he had been hiding in the grass and following her. Fella sat on his shoulder, and he carried the dead chicken.
“Felix! You can’t hit a kid,” Olympia almost yelled at him. “He’s basically our age. Besides, he wasn’t gonna let you go.” Felix replied. He vaulted the fence then paused to wait for her. Olympia climbed over the fence. “Doesn’t matter, you can’t punch people unless they do something wrong,” she told him. “I was only going to do it if he started dragging you back.” Felix grumbled. They headed deeper into the woods just in case. “I told you before, I’m strong enough,” she chuckled, rubbing her wrist a bit. “ Don’t doubt your abilities.” Felix replied with a smile. “Wait, did he hurt you?” There was a growl to his voice. “Felix, I’m alright. He didn’t hurt me,” she told him. “Good.” He stated. “Do you want to head back to the cave to cook this, or build a fire here?” Felix asked.
“Going back to the cave is better,” Olympia replied. Felix led the way, and rebuilt the fire with the help of Fella. It took around twenty minutes for Felix to finish getting all the bird's feathers out and such. Felix didn’t say anything while he waited for the meat to cook. Olympia glanced between Felix and the meat that was cooking. She moved back a bit as she whipped a drool away. Felix glanced over and laughed. “It’s not going to be seasoned at all.” He said. “Doesn’t matter, as long as I have something,” she said. “I forget that you aren’t used to not eating every day.” Felix laughed.
Olympia laughed with him. “I’ll get used to it,” she waved him off. “It isn't something you should want to get used to. I hope you never have to go through what I did. Starvation is… not fun to say the least.” Felix said. “That’s not what I meant Felix. What I was trying to say is that there will be days when there is no food and I can’t do anything,” she explained to him. “Oh. Sorry, my head always seems to assume the worst of every situation.” He said. “I understand, but not every situation is going to be bad.” She said to him. “I always just assume the worst. It’s a bad habit of mine.” Felix stroked Fella as he spoke.
“Now you have me to assume the best. It balances everything out,” she joked. Felix laughed. “I guess that works.” He said. “So… is the meat ready?” she asked. Felix looked down at it. “I think so.” He used a stick to push the meat away from the flames, and then put them on two rocks. He gave a small piece to Fella and passed Olympia her’s. She grabbed it and blew on to cool it. She took a bit out of it. “No….flavor...but it’s...good,” she said, trying not to burn herself. “There’s flavor, it’s just plain chicken flavor.” Felix said. He blew on his and took a small bite. Fella ate hers without hesitation. Olympia continued to eat hers in silence. Felix passed bits of his to Fella as he ate, so he was done before Olympia. He waited patiently for her to finish.
Olympia finished a few minutes after Felix. “Thank you for the food Felix,” she said to him. “You don’t have to thank me.” Felix said, standing and kicking out the fire. “I do but if you say so,” she stood up. Felix smiled. “We’ll probably arrive an hour or so before sundown, so we’ll get to see a little bit while we find a place to rest.” Felix explained as he started walking. Olympia grabbed Fella who was still on the ground and placed her on Felix's shoulder. “Did I mention I love your scales,” she told Fella. Fella chirped happily, though Olympia didn’t understand it. Felix smiled. “Is she happy because I said that?” she asked Felix. “Yeah. She said she likes your hair.” Felix replied with a smile.
“Thank you,” she gave Fella a smile. She had always heard people say that her hair color was weird but it made her happy that Fella liked it. The sun rose and descended in the sky as they walked. The rain from the night before was mostly dried by the time evening began to approach. They eventually came to a road, and followed it through the trees. Then the treeline ended, and the mountains of Thovell towered over them, the peaks hidden among the clouds. There was a rocky gap between the mountains where they could see the rough outline of a path that disappeared. Here, there was a light dusting of snow that had remained. Down the hill, a small town rested at the mouth to the pass, bustling with activity. Nobody was currently going in or out of the town as it was nearly an hour till sundown. The sun was hidden behind one of the mountains, but the sky was still light. Despite sore feet, and slight hunger, the towering mountains inspired awe, and the town brought a buzz of excitement.
Olympia grabbed onto Felix's hand and pulled him towards the town. She was so excited to see and meet others. She glanced back and gave Felix a smile. “It’s still going to be there in five minutes, Olympia.” Felix said with a laugh. He used his other hand to pull up his hood so that Fella could hide on his shoulder. He didn’t seem to care too much about hiding his face though. “I know but I can’t wait,” she said all excited. She kept pulling his hand wanting him to move faster. Felix sped up so that he didn’t trip on anything.
They came to the outskirts of the city, and in seconds Olympia spotted what must have been a different race. There was a young man and woman sitting outside a tavern together. Both had ghostly white skin that was covered with light blue swirl patterns. The girl had white hair while the boy had light grey. Behind both flicked a tail. No, two tails. Long thin white tails that ended in tufts of blue fur like Olympia imagined the tip of a lion’s tail. They both wore thin clothes that were loose fit and covered in patterns that Olympia had never seen. They looked as if they were having a conversation, but neither opened their mouths.
Olympia glanced at them and back at Felix. She was in awe at what she was seeing. “Felix what type of race are they?” she asked him. “They’re called lycadon. They prefer cold temperatures, and are really fast. All of them are mute, but they speak to each other through their minds. Some of them work as guides or clear snow from the pass to make it easier for travelers since they thrive in the cold.” Felix explained. Olympia nodded taking in all the information. Her eyes lit up as they entered the town. She looked around seeing all types of race. She had read about a few of them in books but seeing them in person was way better than reading.
A short man with a braided beard walked past with an ax swung over one shoulder. Olympia still saw a lot of humans, but this was still more races than she had ever seen in her life. Felix glanced into one of the tavern windows. “Wanna get something to eat?” He asked. “Yes!” she responded quickly. Felix laughed and opened the door for her. Inside were a couple more lycadon, more short people who Felix had explained to be dwarves, and humans. Behind the counter though… A man - at least Olympia assumed - stood over six feet tall. He was covered in dark green scales, and his head looked like that of a dragon. His broad shoulders and strong build seemed out of place behind a tavern counter. Like Felix, he had claws. At the moment he was cleaning off an empty tankard.
“Wow! He’s a big guy,” Olympia said but immediately covered her mouth. She looked over at Felix as if she had said something bad. The man glanced up at her, and gave a friendly smile. He had fangs. Felix laughed and walked up to the counter. “And you are a very perceptive girl. First time meeting a dragonborn, eh?” The man said. He didn’t seem to be offended. Olympia nodded at him. “Is it that obvious?” she asked him. “That look in your eyes? Absolutely. Nobody here minds a bit though. We all get this kind of reaction often. What can I do for you?” He asked. “A room for two, and whatever she wants to eat.” Felix said.
“I’m sorry, is there some type of menu, I don’t know what to order,” she said embarrassed that she even had to ask. “It’s alright.” He said with a smile and pointed up to where the menu hung above the counter. Felix was counting out the coins for the room. Olympia looked over at the menu and then back at the dragonborn. “What do you suggest,” she asked him. “Cold nights like this? Personally, I would have rabbit or chicken soup.” He said with a smile. “He said rabbit soup Felix,” she pouted at him. “But I’ll have the chicken soup,” she replied back. “But the rabbit,” Olympia said back to Felix. “I’ll have what she’s having,” Felix said while giving Olympia a smile. Felix paid and then they went to find a table for the two of them.
Olympia looked at Felix. “Does it get colder than this?” she asked. “Oh yeah. It gets really cold up in the pass.” He replied. She put her head against the table. “I don’t think I’ll survive,” she said. “Don’t worry, we’ll get supplies in the morning,” Felix said with a laugh. Olympia gave him a nod. She glanced over to see if the food was coming. “Hey, wanna know a secret,” she whispered to Felix. “What?” He asked. The dragonborn was still working on it. “I don’t like my hair,” she mumbled. “Why not?” Felix said. “The color I guess. I always wondered why green,” she shrugged. “I was happy when Fella said she liked it,” she told him. “Wanna know something else?” Felix asked with a smirk. “What?” she asked. “I like your hair too.” He whispered with a smile. Olympia picked her head up and gave him a big smile. Felix once more thanked the maker he had fur as he felt his face heat up. Olympia noticed his ear twitch. “Here ya go!” The dragonborn exclaimed, setting two bowls of steaming soup on the table.
“Thank you!” Olympia smiled at him. “I know this is a weird request, but can I touch your hands,” she asked him. He laughed and held his hand out. “I don’t mind in the slightest.” He said. Olympia grabbed his hand. “Look Felix, his hands are bigger than mine,” she laughed as she measured her hands on his. Felix smiled. “That is true.” He said. The dragonborn’s hand felt like Fella’s scales; only the scales were larger and rougher. Olympia smiled at both of them. It had been a while since she’s smiled so much. “Let me know if you two need anything else!” The dragonborn exclaimed, heading back over to his counter. Felix was already eating and giving some to Fella best he could while still hiding her.
Olympia started eating. “Don’t tell anyone but this is the best soup I ever had,” she said. Felix smiled. “Lips sealed.” He said. It was pretty good. It didn’t taste like anything Olympia had ever had in Thovell before. Olympia continued waiting, glancing around here and there a few times. “Looking for something?” Felix asked around his soup. She shook her head and continued eating. Some of the dwarves in the tavern were starting to get a bit loud, and it was starting to get dark. “Can we leave now,” she said as she finished her soup. “They bothering you?” Felix asked, letting Fella have the last of his.
She shook her head. “No, I just don't want what happened last time to happen again,” she told him. Felix nodded. “We can head up to the room if you want.” He said. Olympia nodded. Felix stood and started towards the stairs, pausing to make sure Olympia was following. Olympia held onto his cloak, feeling tired. She rubbed her eyes as she followed behind him. Felix smiled at her, and led her up the stairs. The room had two beds and a desk. This one had three windows. One above each bed and one above the desk on the far wall. “It might snow. Do you want me to wake you up if it does?” Felix asked. Olympia flopped down on one of the beds. “Yes please,” she responded. Felix laughed and took off his cloak as Fella sat on the other bed. “I guess all that walking finally caught up with you.” He said. She turned over to look at him and nodded.
Olympia sat up to take off her boots. She smiled, wiggling her toes around. Felix sat down with a sigh only for Fella to sit on his lap. He smiled down at the dragon then unblocked his dagger from his waist and set it where he could easily reach it. Olympia didn’t bother to take anything else off and laid back down, falling asleep. Felix looked over at her and smiled. She was so excited to just be someplace new around people she had never seen. Felix laid down with Fella beside him, eventually drifting off to sleep.
“Olympia.” A voice said quietly, shaking her awake. It was Felix. Olympia hummed in response and sat up. There were strands of hair sticking out everywhere. Felix couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s snowing.” He whispered. “Do you wanna go see?” Her eyes immediately shot open and she stood up. She grabbed her shoes and put them on.“I’m up, let's go!” she said. Felix laughed. “You can use my cloak for extra layers if you want. It's going to be cold.” Fella was sitting on his shoulder. Felix offered her a hand. ‘What about you?” she asked, taking his hand. “I have fur.” Olympia chuckled a bit. “Well if you get cold I’ll give it back,” she told him. Olympia could just see a flurry of white outside the window. “I’ll be fine.” He said, handing her his cloak. Olympia grabbed it and put it on top of her own. She couldn’t wait to go outside and touch the snow. “It’s like four in the morning, so we need to be quiet,” Felix told her as he opened the door. Olympia nodded and followed behind him.
It felt like no matter how quiet she tried to be, she was obnoxiously loud with every step and breath. Felix was fairly quiet, but he wasn’t wearing shoes. Olympia wanted to be outside quickly. Since it was her first time seeing snow, she couldn’t help but be over-excited. Felix opened the front door for Olympia.
The ground had a light blanket of snow, and the air was thick with white. Olympia took a step out the door and you could hear the light crunch of the snow. She took another step before running out the door. She looked back at Felix with a smile. Felix smiled back and stepped into the snow, closing the door behind himself. Fella jumped from his shoulder and was almost completely immersed in white sparkles. Felix’s ear twitched in an attempt to get the snow off that clung to it. Olympia’s hair was beginning to get flakes stuck in it already.
She bent down and grabbed a handful of snow. “Irene, that's too cold!” she dropped it. Felix laughed. “It’s frozen water, what did you expect?” Fella was jumping around in the snow, trying to find a spot where she didn’t sink. Olympia couldn't help but laugh at her. She bent down and grabbed a handful of snow before throwing it at Felix. “Olympia, you have just started what is called a snowball fight. And you are going to lose.” Felix balled up some snow at his feet and threw it at her with surprisingly good aim. He hit her in the face. The smile immediately left her face. “There is no way I’m losing!” She grabbed some snow and threw it at him. Felix ducked and kicked a bunch of show at her with a laugh.
“That’s not fair!” Olympia threw more snow at him. “Anything goes!” Felix shouted back, hiding his head under his arms. Fella sat on Olympia’s head and covered her eyes with her wings. “Fella! You’re supposed to be on my side,” Olympia said, trying to get her off. Fella jumped off, and Felix was nowhere to be seen. Fella burrowed into the snow and disappeared. Olympia looked around and both of them were nowhere to be seen. “Felix! Fella!” she called out.
“Ambush!” Felix shouted from the roof of the tavern. He then proceeded to shovel snow from the roof right onto Olympia’s head. Olympia jumped back but it was too late, she was already covered in snow. “FELIX!” she yelled. Felix laughed and jumped from the roof. “I think I win.” He said with a smile. “This time.” Olympia brushed the snow off of her. “Do you need help?” He asked with a smile. “Yes please,” she looked at him. Felix helped her bush off as much show as they could. “Do you wanna head inside?” Olympia let out a sneeze. “Yeah,” she responded.
They went back up to the room, and Felix sat by the window to watch the snowfall. He had pulled the blanket off his bed and sat with it wrapped around him. Fella hummed quietly in his lap. Olympia wrapped her blanket around her, sitting on her bed. “It was nice to see snow for the first time,” she said. “Couldn’t you have just opened your window or something?” “I could have but dad always told me not to because I would get sick,” Olympia responded. “I’ve only ever gotten sick like twice. I think. Don’t get sick often though.” He ran his hand down Fella’s back. “When I was little, I used to get sick a lot,” she told him. “Why?” He looked over at her.
“I think it was because I couldn't sleep most of the time. But after that, I don’t know,” she explained. “Well I have no idea how to take care of sick people, so please don’t get sick,” Felix replied with a chuckle. “Don’t worry I haven’t gotten sick in years,” she said, laying down on the bed. “Good. Are you going to try to get a bit more sleep before the sun comes up?” He asked. “Yeah just a little,” she closed her eyes. “Alright. I’ll cover the window so the sunlight doesn’t wake you up.” He put his cloak over it.
Olympia hummed in response, falling back asleep. Felix smiled and laid down for some extra sleep himself. Fella on the other hand was jumping from the back of Felix’s bed and trying her best to practice gliding quietly.
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