Missing pony reports are skyrocketing, and investigations are leading nowhere. The ordeal is causing panic among Equestrians. Little did everypony know, a particular research organization is to blame for these disappearances, and they continue to withhold information.
Howdy! This idea came about when I was in the mood to write fanfiction, but didn't know what I wanted to do with it. Out of nowhere, I thought, why not just make the most absurd scenario ever?This is the result of that. My Little Pony, but they're in the backrooms! Crazy stuff... I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I do writing it!
!!! Updates might not be as frequent as I'd like them to be due to school and other responsibility stuff !!!
Looking forward to a life of solitude, Rocky packs his bags to travel away from the overbearing mess he calls his family. His destination is a small house in the midst of dense woods, far away from all the noisy activity that comes with life in the city. Little does this introvert know, the comfort of peace and quiet will be accompanied by something menacing. It's as if each day, a new danger lurks nearby, slowly chipping away at Rocky's sense of safety. These woods are home to more than him, and these encounters are a constant reminder.