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HEY GUYS! Lovely author Seltala here. Sometimes I have dumb things to talk about or special insider information on Gloom, and I needed a place to put it all. Good luck.
My first story published here! Our protagonist, Elise is miserable but the universe won't let her be miserable and edgy, this guy barges in to make that tragedy of a life into a comedy slice of life!
This is confusing so.. next issue for the actual story not just the explanation!!
This introduction has 227 reads while the actual story has 65 you guys sure like introductions
I've seen quite a few things like this which are like hobbies blogs and stuff and thaught I would try it out.
Check out Jay Ellis Non-writing works (I got the idea from him)
and RampantStrawberry's Hobbies blog
Heya. Mostly making this to make improvements/gauge my current skill at writing and how I could get better for future projects. Constructive criticism is welcomed.
I feel like most of my writing is pretty serious. Most of my work can be kind of angsty or depressing sometimes. I feel like I need to have one blog, just one blog to document my daily life as a writer and university student, and also to keep me motivated and share some of my writing process with everyone interested.
Random nonsense from everyday life, complete with bits of dialogue, mild description which leaves most of it to the reader's imagination, and GRAMMAR ERRORS!!
Well, enjoy...
If you dare.
A random idea pops into my head.
What if there was a world where instead of elemental powers being air, water, fire and earth, it was hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium and so on?
So I decided to make it happen. Welp, enjoy.
Just some random stories or whatever that I never finished. Or gave up on.
I just wanted to post something(s).
Hello. No one's going to read this but I'll just share some things here to get it out of my head. Hope you enjoy it.
Stuff where I write about how things have been and stuff and also where I post my artwork
Hope u enjoy this. . ."lovey" book ^v^ P.s my art signature is 'LtzBeany'
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