Although Kota Mizushiro, and Akiko Chisai are back together, this tells the story about the harsh reality of what lies on the other side. Like their counterpart, Kota is known as Kaito in this universe while Akiko is known as Airi.
Kaito Mizushiro and Airi Chisai were lovers but as one of them got too attached, one of them got friendzoned. Despite the ongoing tension and the complication of being friends, Kaito still loves Airi, however the latter doesn't reflect back. What will happen next?
Introverts are heavy thinkers, and even though they are very silent, they think within themselves about the world they live in. This book is about the problems, issues, and lifestyle introverts may suffer from.
After reconciling with one another, Kota Mizushiro and Akiko Chisai are back again. With getting to know one another again, will they ever stay strong with each other?