Although Kota Mizushiro, and Akiko Chisai are back together, this tells the story about the harsh reality of what lies on the other side. Like their counterpart, Kota is known as Kaito in this universe while Akiko is known as Airi.
Kaito Mizushiro and Airi Chisai were lovers but as one of them got too attached, one of them got friendzoned. Despite the ongoing tension and the complication of being friends, Kaito still loves Airi, however the latter doesn't reflect back. What will happen next?
Rule Number One of singing the blues...
You must hurt in a soulful way. The way that binds you to another. I was into the blues far before I knew what it meant. Far before you taught me how to listen.
Your blues turned into my own. I did all I could to control it, to tame the way in which your dusk colored eyes peered into mine....
But you were persistent, and all I had so, I made the most out of it. For you. For me. For us..