Title: The Croatian Devil
Chapters: 36, Completed
Synopsis: Mia Duncan has been living in hell as she was an orphan that was being recruited by an organization that no one knows of their existence until Detective Liam Hunt was investigating a crime that was related to Mia Duncan. Liam Hunt has been searching for his father's killer until the case of Mr. Burgess has opened him a new opportunity to know about the truth. Can Mia escape the destiny that was carved for her or will she go and make her own with Liam by her side. Can Liam forgive and forget what has happened and move on with the new discovery of his life?
Title: The Conti Satisfaction
Chapters: 39, Completed
Synopsis: Laura Conti was one of the leading Archeologist in the castle's historical significance in Albania. After her father's death, she went back to Italy just to get entangled in another love triangle with her childhood friend and old-time crush, Lucca Giovanni.
Lucca Giovanni has had enough of his mother nagging about getting married. Now that his childhood friend, Laura Conti was back on his radar, he does anything in his power to keep her by his side, forever and always, any means necessary.
When Laura uncovered the truth of her father's death, can Lucca save her or will they be forever apart and went their separate ways?
Title: Duke's DIlemma
Chapters: 32, Completed
Synopsis: What if your invention can change the past and you stuck in it? How do you need to get out of there?
Conall Reid was one of the scientists that will be the first to break the time travel machine. But, he made a deal with a devil, Vaughn Kuznetsov. Can he avoid the deal that he made or should he just let him took over the world?
Katrina Kuznetsov has always trying to get out of her father's claw for she always been the pawn in his little game. With an opportunity to get close to Conall Reid, she accidentally traveled back in time with him. Can she resist that boyish Scottish lad or will she succumb to her own desire?
Can Conall and Katrina found common ground and save the future of the world?
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