Deep within the walls of Dormer High, everywhere you look... are lies. Deceit. Double crossing. Betrayal. Blackmail. For the students, it all started with the Game. Once you join in on the Game -after you share a dirty secret (or two), the skeletons in your closet are safe with the Master.
But when the current Master of the Game, Mallory Moriarty, never returns home from a party, the Players' secrets are up in the air. Mallory is found dead the next morning in her parents backyard. So there's nothing to worry about, right?
Wrong. The Master of the Game may be buried six feet under.. but the secrets she kept are about to be unearthed- every one of them.
There's a wildfire of dirty lies, ugly truths, gritty blackmail, and shocking foul play spreading. And no one is getting away without being burned.