Hi everyone! My name is Eboni and I'm the author of this story! I hope you enjoy reading it. If you have any ideas or feedback please leave your input in the comment! Any feedback is greatly appreciated as I want my work to be enjoyable for all :)
Here is a glossary for some words in the story that you may not know
Wicca- Wicca is a modern spiritual practice that focuses on nature and the worship of various deities. It believes in the power of personal experiences and growth. Wiccans perform rituals and use magic to connect with the divine and make positive changes in their lives. They follow principles like "An it harm none, do what ye will," which means they strive to avoid harming themselves and others. Wicca is a diverse and individualized path within the broader realm of witchcraft and pagan spirituality.
Book of Shadows- A Book of Shadows is like a special journal or notebook that people who practice witchcraft use. It's a place where they write down important things about their magical experiences and spells. It can have instructions for rituals, information about herbs and crystals, and personal reflections. Each person's Book of Shadows is unique to them and helps them remember and learn from their magical journey. It's a private and personal book that holds their magical knowledge and discoveries.
Sigils- A sigil is a special symbol that is created to represent a specific desire, intention, or goal. It's like a secret code that you design yourself. People use sigils in magic and manifestation to help bring their wishes or desires into reality.
Pentacle- A pentacle is a special symbol that looks like a star inside a circle. It has five points, and each point represents an element: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. It is often made of metal or drawn on surfaces like paper or cloth. For many people, the pentacle is a symbol of protection, balance, and spiritual connection. Each of the points represents a different aspect of nature and spirituality. Earth represents the physical world and stability, air represents intellect and communication, fire represents passion and transformation, water represents emotions and intuition, and spirit represents the divine or higher consciousness. People who follow certain spiritual paths, such as Wicca or paganism, often use the pentacle in their rituals and ceremonies. It can be worn as jewelry, displayed on an altar, or used in magical practices. Some also believe that the pentacle helps to focus their energy and enhance their connection with the elements and the spiritual realm. It's important to note that the Pentacle has been misunderstood and is sometimes associated with harmful practices in popular culture. However, for many people, it is a symbol of positive and harmonious spiritual beliefs.
If there is anything else that you want to know the meaning of I would be happy to add more definitions to this page :P