I would advise readers to read the first part of Experiment Puppy first. This is the continuation of the first part.
I hugged Dad and told him that it took some time, but I accepted what I am. This was true. Since Catherine came, I have slowly started to smile once again and be happy. I was unique and society may never accept this. I had the challenge to find my place and role in my life. I told Dad that he is my Dad. He had been in my life since I was born. If I was to find my purpose in society, I could not do it alone. I loved Dad and I loved mom. We both agreed that we should allow Mom to come to the cabin.
Then Dad suggested that we go on a hike. This hike was different. I was very hyper and Dad found it hard to keep up with me. I tried to explain the new scents that I experienced as well as the sounds. Dad was impressed that I could experience things that he could not. I was smiling and excited. I knew there was hope for the future. I knew I could find happiness.
As we were walking back to the Cabin, I told Dad to stop. I could smell some strange things and I could hear men talking about me. We hid behind a bush as we saw some men searching the cabin and waiting for me. The men looked like military men. They even had guns. I will admit that I was afraid and confused. Why were these men searching the cabin? There was nothing there to steal. I could feel my body tremble. The worse thing is I could hear them speaking about how important it was to find me. I clung to Dad's arm and wanted to cry from fear.
Dad whispered, “These men are from the institute. They want either to capture you or hunt you. I wonder how they found us. It could be because we used the cellphones. It does not matter. You are a puppy boy and this means people will want to own you as a little pet. They have found the cabin and now will look for you. I need you to be brave. We must try and run from them. When we are safe, then we can decide what to do. The best thing we can do is to run through the forest.”
I nodded my head. I was so confused. Why would anyone want to own me? I was not an animal! I may have puppy ears, a tail and puppy instincts, but I considered myself a human. There was no time to try and understand what these men wanted. I had to get away from these men.
As we rose, we heard the men shouting. They shouted that they could see us. Then we heard some shots. I could not believe that these men were shooting at us. We were not in a war. I could see bullets hit the trees around us. Dad said that we had to run. He did not have to tell me this twice. We started running. We did not get that far. I saw Dad fall to the ground. He was shot. I could see his blood leaking out and turning his clothes red. I kneeled over him and started to cry. I was begging Dad not to die. What could I do to stop the blood?
“You need to run,” Dad shouted. “I can no longer run. You have to escape. Do not let these men harm you. Remember to be brave and know that you can use the puppy's strength to run faster. We will find each other. For now, you have to think of yourself and run as fast as you can. You can do it. Never give up hope. I believe in you! Now go...go… GO!”
I could hardly see anything because my eyes were so blurry from the tears. How could Dad expect me to leave him here? He was bleeding to death. I felt him itch the back of my ear as he was telling me to go. I had puppy ears and a tail and some instincts that a dog had. One talent I had that a dog had was to run fast and have a lot of stamina. I looked up and saw the men coming closer with their guns pointed at me.
I ran as fast as I could. Zig-zagging through the trees was no problem. Some of the bullets were hitting the trees. I knew that I was afraid for my life. It would only be a matter of time before a bullet hit me. I did not have time to have any fear and ran as fast as I could. As I was running, I could hear one of the men telling the others not to shoot me as I was not to be killed. They wanted me alive. I suppose that was good. It also made me think of what they did want.
I continued running and not knowing where I was going. I just knew that I had to get away from these men and find somehow how I could help Dad. Then it happened. I could feel a sting on my neck. I continued running for a few steps and collapsed to the ground. When I tried to move my legs or arms, they could not move. This could only mean that I was paralyzed. My eyelids were also starting to close and I felt so tired. I knew that I was captured when I heard a man say in a confused voice, “He is a freak. Look at the dog's ears and tail that he has. It does not matter, we have to take him back to the compound”
Everything went black.
When I woke up, I found myself in what looked like to be a jail cell. It was dark but I could see that there was straw on the ground. There was a doggy basket and dog bowls. I could not get out as there were bars. As I looked around, I became very afraid. I went to a corner and just sat rocking myself back and forth. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and I admit that I was afraid. Images went through my head of me running throw the woods. There were also some memories of Dad being shot. This must be a bad dream. I guessed that I would wake up and find myself in my old bedroom.
I cried myself to sleep hoping this was a bad dream.
It was not a dream. When I woke up, I could see that I was in a cell. Panic hit me and I started trying to open the door and banging the bars with a dog bowl. I shouted at the top of my voice that I had been kidnapped and to let me out. There was no answer. This just made me shake the bars a lot more and shout as loud as I could. I soon gave up hope and went back to my corner. I buried my head in my knees. I was so confused and afraid, I did not know where I was or why I was here. Fear is the worse feeling you can have and being alone was just as bad.
The kennel had a small window on the back wall. There were no lights on, but I could see around me as the sun slowly started shining through a small window. As I looked around, I noticed that I was not alone. There were three other children in other cells. They were all puppy children. One was a girl and she had floppy ears and a small tail. There was one boy that had huge ears and a bushy tail. He has lots of hair, even on his face. The second boy had small perky ears and it looked like he had a small snout. He was in the cell beside me. This confirmed that I was in a sort of kennel for puppy children like me. I still had lots of questions. Was this a prison? Did we commit a crime? Why were we locked up? What would happen to us?
A guard came and put some dog food and water in our bowels. When he came to my cell, I demanded that he let me out. I did not want to be here and I did nothing wrong. The guard said nothing. This made me shout louder that kidnapping was wrong and that he should let me out. I reminded him that some men also shot my dad and he needed some help. The guard still said nothing except that I should eat. I looked at him and told him that there was no way that I would be eating dog food. The guard sighed and just walked away.
I looked at the other puppy children. They were kneeling over the dog bowls and eating like a dog would. This made me think if they thought they were more dog-like than human. There was no way I would act like a dog. Still, it bothered me that maybe these children once said that they would never act like a dog and after some time started to forget that they were also human. It worried me that in time I would forget my human side. I pushed the dog food away from me but did drink some water.
Two men then stood outside my cell. One was dressed in a suit and the other one was a guard. The guard came into the cell and started to put a collar on me. I kicked and hit him and hit him. It did not seem to bother him or hurt him. He just continued putting the collar on me. When he was done, I felt the collar. It had a lock on it. This made me tell the men once again that it was against every human right to keep me locked in a cage and especially wearing a collar. This was illegal and a kidnapping. They should let me go.
The man in the suit smiled and told me, “My name is Doctor Spencer. I am in charge of this institute. Let me assure you that this is not illegal. You see, you are not human. You are a little puppy. You may have some human DNA and have lived as a human, but let's be certain of one thing…. You are an animal. You must realize that you cannot live in society. Who will accept you? You must know that society does not want a mutant like you. They want you in a kennel like this!”
I did not know what to say.
Doctor Spenser continued, “We will take care of you and make sure that you are safe. The guard here is Mr. Ash. He will be your caretaker. I would advise you to do what he says. We do have some simple rules. The most important is you do not speak. After all, animals do not speak. The other rule is that you obey what we tell you. After all, puppys do listen to their owners. If you do this, you will be happy here. If you break the rules, you will be punished.”
The doctor smiled and welcomed me once again to the kennel. I did not dare to speak so I went back to the corner. I was so afraid.