-TW//Involves: Sex ( duh ) grinding, biting, pining, vaginal fingering, overstimulation of a orgasm, rough sex/kissing, werewolf horniness, primal/animalistic urges, pretty much filthy ass smut
-(Smut shot from a book, I'm making, will update when its finished)
"God you stupid mutt look what you did."
Xyra picked up the items that clattered on the floor, and she places them back on the side table.
Val shakes her head slightly,
"Sorry I'm-," She rubs her temples, "just a bit antsy and agitated right now."
Xyra scoffs and Val goes back to pacing around the room, she mumbles things to herself with every couple steps along the carpeted floor. Each step on the floor made her more and more agitated and annoyed before she spoke again.
"Why are you acting this way?, It's freaking me out."
Xyra regrets letting Val in her home for the night, they were supposed to be tracking and figuring out the source of the Lycan problem together, a lone group that affected the werewolves and vampyres alike and Val pacing around made her seem weirded out and intimidated. The werewolf set down her coat on the arm of the sofa and she sat down, her leg moving up and down in a jitter pattern of sorts.
After a moment she finally speaks, "I'm just so stressed about this situation, and its near the full moon and what happened with Ethan I-"
"What happened with Ethan was a mistake and you know that, I think you're just over reacting or something, it wasn't a big deal." Xyra went on her knees and laid out their notes on the coffee table, "Now stop being useless for once and fucking help me."
Her familiar harsh tone made Val shift in her seating and she stays quiet, her agitation from the near full moon and everything that was going on only added to her temper. She narrowed her eyes at Xyra. She hated her even from the beginning, from her snarky and sarcastic comments to her superiority mindset that vampires tended to have toward her kind. Val let out a soft growl under her breath and clenched her teeth to stop her from doing something stupid. But Xyra had to open her mouth again.
"Didn't you hear me mutt? I know you're not thinking too hard over there, especially what happened today you don't seem to have the capability to think."
The vampire spoke clear with no emotion, not even turning to her as she spoke, continuing to organize and piece together the evidence they gathered so far. Val gritted her teeth, the statement pushed the wolf far over the edge now. The girl gripped the back of Xyra's neck and pushed Xyra on her stomach, pinning the side of her face into the carpet not releasing the grip even for a second.
This was finally the moment she was gonna get revenge on all the asshole behavior and tormenting Xyra put her through. Xyra let out a stifled gasp and groaned, "W-what the fuck are you doing, mutt?" Val said nothing and she placed her knees on each side of Xyra's legs and used her free hand to grasp and dig into her side. Xyra tries to get up, but her back only goes upward until it makes contact with Val hovering over her. The wolf wrapped her arm around Xyra's stomach and pulled her closer to her chest and trailed a kiss on her back. Xyra squirmed and she dug her nails deep into Val's arm wrapped around her. Val groaned in pain and she slammed her body into Xyra's back, pushing her onto the floor again, but this time she pressed her body closer so she couldn't get up.
Once making contact with the floor, Xyra let out a gruff whimper of sorts.
Val lets a soft growl escape her parted lips and she trails more rough kisses along the backside of Xyra's shoulder and neck. With each kiss Val gave, she swayed and grinded her lower half against the vampyre immersing herself in her animalistic urges. Xyra digs her fingers in the floor as she didn't fully expect this to happen and yet she seemed to feel somewhat aroused by the hot breath of huffing near her ear or the primal urges and nature Val was giving in to. Soon the bliss was interrupted by Val latching onto her shoulder with her teeth with a good amount of force. Xyra cried out in pain when she felt a sharp twinge of pain shooting up from the top of her shoulder.
"Argh, you fucking asshole get off of me!"
Val held Xyra's wrists down so she wouldn't try to scratch or swipe again, grinding onto her back rougher and with more animal-like thrusts . Xyra let out another stifled groan and she squirmed beneath the grasp. She shut her eyes and tried to think of just about anything else, but closing her eyes enhanced the weird pleasure her body was giving into and she felt as if her stomach was twisting and churning with butterflies. It was much different than her affairs with other lady vampyres in the court, it was rougher and somehow carried a much more intimate feel. Was this how all werewolves mated, Were they always this primal and hungry?
Val surprised her again and she gripped the back of Xyra's hair forcing her to face upward instead of mumbling and muffling her emotion into the carpet. Xyra let out a quivering groan at the rough dominance from the werewolf and widened her eyes when Val pressed her lips against Xyra's exposed neck now. She didn't try to pull away even if she wanted to, the grip Val had on her hair prevented her from moving. All she could do was bite her inner cheek and turn red as she felt lips massaging and teasing the sensitivity of her neck.
Before she knew it, Xyra was flipped on her back and Val's hand dug into her hip to prevent her from trying to move. Xyra let out a huffy sigh and groaned, she didn't want to admit it but she didn't want this to end. . not yet at least. Val hovered over Xyra again and started to undo her pants. Val's shaggy layered blonde hair was all scruffed up more than usual now, She used her hand to push her hair back until she regained what little composure she had. Xyra's eyes traced her movements let out a shaky groan after Val tossed her pants to the side. Before she had a chance to process her vulnerability, Val pushed her knee between Xyra's slit before her underwear.
The sudden movement made Xyra whimper and she clenched her teeth, Val smirked and put her hands beside each side of Xyra's shoulders. She used her knee to try and press up against her clit, and she moved in slow motions with an occasional jerk to stimulate her more. Xyra felt her face flush and she reared her head back trying not to give in to the pleasure she was receiving from the werewolf. She didn't want her to feel satisfaction from this, after all if someone found out about this, the drama and shame would never leave the face of the earth. But both of them were feeling good about all of this, despite their differences.
After a moment of so, Val slipped her fingers around Xyra's underwear and tore it off of her, and without hesitation she slipped a finger inside her slit causing Xyra to squirm and let out a cry of pleasure. Val was surprised at the wetness that encased her finger as she felt the inner walls of Xyra, she didn't think the vampyre would enjoy it that much.
She squirmed and pumped her finger in and out of Xyra rather fast with each push she tried to reach deeper into her walls, the base of her knuckles made soft splotching sounds as it slapped against her pussy when she continued pumping. Xyra whimpered and groaned, it hurt at first but the wetness resolved that problem, and her body ached for more of Vals rough touch. Val lowered herself to Xyra and gripped the back of her hair again and forced Xyra to gaze into her face.
"I think I'm due for an apology." Val suddenly said, she curled her finger upward pushing right in the middle of Xyra's g-spot, making her gasp with a moan.
"I don't owe you jack shit, everything I've said wa-" Before she finished she moaned loudly again, Val pushed two fingers into her cunt now and pumped for a moment before abruptly stopping.
"Apologize for the way you've treated me." Val's voice was cold and stern on purpose, giving Xyra a taste of her own medicine.
"Make me, mutt." Xyra snapped back, she was back in her snarky attitude and not liking the way she was being treated but she didn't think those words quite carefully.
Val's lips turned into an amused sneer, she pushed one of Xyra's thighs to her chest with her left hand and held it there and pumped her two fingers vigorously again with her primal urge, the slight upward position of one of her thighs gave better access to Xyra's g-spot. Xyra cried out in pain and pleasure, she grips Val's forearms to stop her but it only fuels Val to finger her harder and harder, each time hitting and teasing the spot inside her inner walls.
"Fuck! Oh my god, Ok I'm sorry please-" Xyra managed to say between her teeth, her eyes rolling back a bit, her limit was reaching fast.
"Sorry for what?"
"I'm sorry for mngh-" She clenches her teeth, "Im sorry for treating you like shit, I-I'll be better I promise"
Xyra hated feeling inferior and she glanced away, she had mixed feelings about being fucked and used by a simple dirty mutt of a werewolf. Soon her thought vanishes however as Val pushes her fingers in again one last time, curling her fingers upwards and stroking Xyra's g-spot aggressively until she was near her orgasm. At the start of her orgasm Val removes her fingers and sits back, ruining Xyra's orgasm as she has nothing to ride it out on and she groans with annoyance, Val smirks at her intentional punishment. Xyra lays on her back, her body quivering a bit. Val takes off all her clothes and she hovers over Xyra again, the vampyre blushes at the sight, Val was built quite sturdy, her body showing off a bit of muscle and her beige skin fit her body paired nicely with occasional small scars. Val puts one of Xyra's left leg over her shoulder and she places her other leg over her right thigh, and she presses her cunt with Xyra's. The wetness and overall lewdity causes Xyra to blush.
"W-wait don't I'm still sensit-"
She was interrupted rather quickly when Val rubbed her cunt with Xyra's, sending pulses of pleasure to the two girls. She did this in a jerking pattern of sorts and with each stroke from Val she emitted out a low growl. Val gripped Xyra's hip with her free hand and rubbed their vulvas rougher in many different directions to stimulate and enhance the pleasure. Xyra bucked her hips and squirmed for a bit, she was still rather sensitive from her last orgasm and each stroke felt like torture. She pleaded and groaned but Val wouldn't stop, forcing her to endure her punishment as she grinded her cunt with Xyra's even more now.
Xyra whimpered and groaned but soon accepted her punishment, her ache from the last orgasm ceased faster that way. Val lowered her face to Xyra's and she locked lips with hers, still grinding and jerking her hips in an barbaric fashion Xyra's body was now used to.
A shaky moan from Xyra escaped into Val's parted lips, fueling her to keep grinding faster and rougher. The werewolf wrapped her arms around Xyra, laying her upper body with hers and she sank her canines into the vampyre's shoulder, holding her still as she fucks her more. Xyra was lost in a trance of pleasure and pain from Val's hot breath in her ear and her uncivilized thrusts against her cunt. She closed her eyes to take in the experience as her arms were wrapped around Val's back and she pressed her body closer. After what seemed like forever, Val let out a rough growl and rode out her orgasm with Xyra's cunt, letting her have an enjoyable orgasm this time as an reward. The warm squelching and wetness from the two felt like heaven.
"Ah mm good puppy"
Val kissed her almost immedietly after hearing those words, embracing their soft warm lips for a bit before taking the vampyre's bottom lip between her teeth a bit firm. Val shoved her tongue in her mouth, and their tongues swirl against each other, each flick and swirl enhances to the pleasure. After making out for a bit, Val sits up and rubs Xyra's thigh. Her agitated behavior ceases and she bites her lip.
"Ready for round 2?"