"Rebellion in Nightfall: The Rise of Dissent"
"Rebellio in Nocte: Dissensionis Ascensus"
Act 1
Actus 1
(All scenery changes happen between acts)
(Curtain opens)
(Aperiuntur cortinae)
Scene: Inside, Throne Room, Morning, Day 1 of Unrest.
Scena: Intus, Aula Regia, Mane, Dies I de Turbatione.
(King Lucius is sitting on his throne and listening to the concerns of his Royal Adviser Seraphina and Noblewomen Lady Amelia.)
(Rex Lucius in solio sedet et Seraphina, consiliarius regius, et nobilis femina Amelia audiunt curas.)
Seraphina: (Speaking with great concern)
Seraphina: (Cum magno sollicitudine loquitur)
My Lord with all due respect the people are growing tired and angry with your raising of taxes for the second time this year.
Domine meus, cum omni debita reverentia, populus fatigatur et irascitur propter secundam huius anni tributum augeas.
King Lucius: (Speaking with agitation in his voice.)
Rex Lucius: (Vox agitata)
I don't care about the complaints of the commoners Seraphina!
Curam vulgi non curo, Seraphina!
Seraphina: (Speaking with concern.)
Seraphina: (Cum sollicitudine loquitur)
But, My Lord this could lead to civil unrest.
Sed, Domine, haec turbatio ad seditionem civilem ducere potest.
King Lucius:(Speaking loudly and with agitation)
Rex Lucius: (Alto et agitato tono loquitur)
Just shut up Seraphina!
Tace, Seraphina!
Lady Amelia: (Speaking loudly and with concern)
Domina Amelia: (Alto et sollicito tono loquitur)
My lord, Seraphina is right and you need to listen!
Domine, Seraphina iustum dicit et te audire oportet!
King Lucius: (Speaking with anger)
Rex Lucius: (Cum ira loquitur)
I don't need to listen to anyone, I know what I'm doing!
Nemini audire oportet, scio quid facio!
Lady Amelia: ( Speaking with anger)
Domina Amelia: (Cum ira loquitur)
Very well my lord, have your way.
Bene, Domine, fiat voluntas tua.
(Seraphina and Lady Amelia leave the throne room in a hurry and disappear down the corridor. )
(Seraphina et Amelia festinant aula regia exire et per viam discedunt.)
(Queen Isabella enters the throne room)
(Isabella Regina aula regiam intrat.)
Queen Isabella: (Speaking with slight confusion)
Isabella Regina: (Cum levi confusione loquitur)
What was their hurry Lucious?
Quid festinabant, Luci?
King Lucious: (Speaking with annoyance )
Rex Lucius: (Cum fastidio loquitur)
Oh, they are worried about the stupid villagers revolting or something.
Oh, de villis stultis et eorum rebellionibus anxiantur.
Queen Isabella( Speaking with concern)
Isabella Regina: (Cum sollicitudine loquitur)
Aren't you worried a bit, that it could be true?
Nonne etiam tu anxius es, ut vera sit?
King Lucious: ( Speaking with annoyance)
Rex Lucius: (Cum fastidio loquitur)
I don't care, what they do!
Non est cura mea, quidnam faciant!
Queen Isabella: ( Speaking with concern)
Isabella Regina: (Cum sollicitudine loquitur)
Sounds serious, you should be worried!
Sed grave est, timeas!
King Lucious: (Speaking with annoyance)
Rex Lucius: (Cum fastidio loquitur)
Don't you start too!
Ne tu quoque incipias!
Queen Isabella: (Speaking with annoyance )
Isabella Regina: (Cum fastidious loquitur)
Very well, I bid you a good day Lucious!
Bene, tibi dico vale, Luci!
King Lucious: (Speaking with annoyance )
Rex Lucius: (Cum fastidious loquitur)
Where are you going?
Quo Vadis?
Queen Isabella: (Speaking with annoyance )
Isabella Regina: (Cum fastidious loquitur)
I'm going to the garden to take a walk if you don't mind!
In hortum ambulatum, nisi displaced!
King Lucious:( Speaking with annoyance)
Rex Lucius: (Cum fastidious loquitur)
Ah, go then I don't care!
Ah, vade, mea cura non est!
(Queen Isabella sticks her nose in the air and quickly walks away and down the corridor.)
(Isabella Regina altius caput erigit et festinate abit et per viam discredit.)
(Jovialus, the Court Jester enters the throne room)
(Jovialus, ioculator aulae, alum regime interact.)
(Jovialus:With a big smile on his face he begins to speak to King Lucious)
(Jovialus: Cum magno rise in vultu ad Lucium regem loquitur)
Jovialus: (Speaking loudly) / Jovialus: (Clamans fortiter)
Oh, King Lucious! Once he drew crowds, now just flies! Ha, ha! / O, Rex Lucius! Olim turbas traxit, nunc tantum muscae! Ha, ha!
King Lucious (Speaking loudly and angrily) / Rex Lucius (Clamans fortiter et iratus)
Shut up Jovialus! Or I'll kill you! / Tace, Jovialus! Aut te interficiam!
(Jovialus running around and laughing) / (Jovialus circumcurrens et ridens)
King Lucious grabs Jovialus by the throat and throws him out the window and Jovialus screams all the way down and drowns in a moat. / Rex Lucius Jovialum per gulam prehendit et e fenestra eicit, et Jovialus tota via clamans cadit et in fossa submersus est.
End of Act I
Finis Actus I
(Curtain closes)
(cortinae clauduntur)