I live alone with a dog that always lays on the end of my bed. One day as I was watching the news before going to bed the newscasters said that there was escaped convict in my area and he that he is very dangerous, because he is very smart and knows how to hide and how to let people drop their guard before and when they sense danger it'll have been too late. He was arrested for the murder of nineteen young women and the attempted murder of his twentieth victim and the only thing that tied the victims together was that they all lived alone.
I thought nothing of it because my neighborhood has a neighborhood watch team and the fact that my dog is a pit-bull that would kill someone if it meant that no harm would come to me. So that night I went to bed and left my bedroom window open to let the summer breeze in because of how hot my bedroom gets. That night when I went to bed my dog Sadie wasn't waiting for me like she usual does granted every so often she'll decide not to lay on my bed so I figured she it was one of those times.
The next day I woke up to the sound of dripping and this was at about 2:30 A.M. so I tried to just ignore it but it soon got to be too much for me and I decided to get up and check out what it was and I found that the sound was coming from my kitchen where Sadie's dog bed was and at the time I was too tired to think anything of that key fact and I wish I thought about that so I didn't have to see Sadie's dead body hanging from the ceiling fan and all on the white wall of the kitchen written in red, what at the time I hoped was paint even though I knew it was Sadie's blood, were the words "I didn't want to kill your dog but she got in the way of you number 20 but I'll make sure that I DON'T mess up this time, because your the final one that I need to complete my collect, The Perfect One." and right after I finished reading this the door leading to my kitchen was slowly shut and I heard a voice say
"Why did you try to avoid the inevitable.You knew I'd get out sooner or later didn't you?"
When I had heard this I almost immediately ran out the door from my kitchen to my backyard and got in my car and drove to the police station to tell them what had happened and when they went to check my house, and to try and catch him again. The only problem was that there was no sign of a break in or of anyone other then me being there, so the police came back and told me this and they did believe me even though there was no evidence other then my dead dog to support my story and they told me to go to a hotel and stay there until there was evidence that it was safe for me to return.
This was almost a month ago and I still don't know if they had me stay at a hotel because of my story so I could leave and calm down or for my safety but honestly I don't really care to find out, and I don't want to find out what happened to Sadie's head all I know is that it wasn't on her body when I found her. But I'm in my hotel room right now and I can hear the voice of the escaped convict(I won't say his name because I don't want to think about him) and the police won't believe me so dear reader please believe me and do what you can to help me please.