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Today, I am going to talk about a famous girl. The girl is not so famous yet. But as soon as you will finish this story; the girl will be famous. So, let’s start this story. Before, you start this story I want to tell you one thing,
If you want to know why, you have to finish this story.
I am not going to tell her name. Suppose, she is Z. Z was an extroverted. One of her hobby was making friends. But she wasn’t the cute girl you imagined. I know, when someone says, “She loves making friends”. You will imagine a very cute bubbly bubbly girl. Who is so childish with good behaviors. But I am really sorry to disappoint you. She wasn’t this type of cute. She was cute from outside not from inside. When I first saw her my mind was like this:
“WOW! Is it a vegimal or a human? Her cheek is red as a TOMATO. Her silky hairs are like a tail of HORSE! Her eyes are like combination of COW and CAT. I can’t believe I am able to see this type of beautiful girl in my real life. SHE IS SO PERFECT. Her behavior must be as nice as her looks” (PS: Yeah, I kind of thought she is the combination of vegetable and animals. But I didn’t think her behaviors are just like animals, too.)(PPS: Vegimal= Vegetable + Animal)
Anyway, Z was always the 1st girl in the class (from backwards). She was famous (not for being a cutie but for being a bully). But one thing was super-duper WEIRD about her. She always told everyone that,
“I am dead. Believe me, I am not alive. It’s been a millennium since I died. I know that human beings don’t believe something so easily. Once, I was human, too. But SOMETHING TRUTH DESERVE TO BE TRUSTED BY EVERYONE.” (PS: the last 2 line was her dialogue)
As you expect, everyone flew it away as a thought that this is her one of the stupid, stupider and stupidest pranks. But the only one who found it weird was me.
I was kinda in daze for her this stupid thing (Because I am a STUPID). And after sometimes, I also thought it was one of her pranks. No, I am not that fool. I run after evidence. So, I saw her using computers, mobile phone etc. all of these modern technologies. And if she really came from the past how would she use our modern technologies. I am not that easy-going person. So, I fought for more evidence. I saw her blood is red. Yeah, I know, it might sound yuck! But once she cut her fingers with a broken glass and her blood’s drop was on whole cafeteria to nursing room. And then I saw her blood is red. If she is dead her blood shouldn’t look that much fresh, right?
Z was always into this or that. She loved to be busy. One of her hobby was pranking. When I used to hang out with her, she must have prank me 23/24 hours in a day (I don’t know why she left that 1 hour. Maybe, she could understand that human being needs to rest. Even though I don’t know if she thought me as a human).
She was a great painter. But she HATES painting. She hated it very very much. Because, she thinks that the colors will destroy her beauty. As you expect I don’t know why she thinks that.
Once, in art class teacher told every each of us to draw a “horror but nice” painting. Yes, it was so tough. Because how can something be horror and nice at the same time. When we all were suffering from this syndrome “don’t call me, don’t call me”; teacher called Z to draw it in front of whole class. Teacher clearly knew that it will be humiliating for Z. Because till then we have never seen Z to draw something. And there was a rumor like that “The cute girl in the universe don’t know how to draw.” Z told our teacher that she will draw but in one condition; she will never draw if she passes this exam. And surprisingly our teacher told, “YES”. And you know, these types of news spread before air. In half an hour she announced that her drawing is over. Everyone burst into laugh. They thought “Really? The girl doesn’t know how to draw has drawn a picture in half an hour on a hard topic like this?!?!” Teacher told her to show her picture. AND WE WERE JUST STUNNED TO SEE HER PICTURE!!! She drew herself. Literally, the copy of her. It looked alive. She started to explain,
“This is the picture you all wanted to see. The topic was ‘Horror but Nice’. And it is my picture of ‘Myself’ on “Horror but nice”. You all know that I am dead. So, you can consider me as a ghost. And a ghost means Horror. And the everyone knows that ‘I am cute’. So, it is my picture on “Horror but nice”.”
Teacher: “I am stunned by your art. But I have nothing to say to you if you personally hate it so much. And even though you took our topic as a joke. But your art is amazing so, I will approve it for this time.”
Yeah, that was happened.
She was also great at GEOLOGY. It stunned me. Because, she seems to know more than a historian. It feels really weird to me as, she was telling me about sooo long ago from present. The historian doesn’t know about that, too. She was always into a map from 5 or 6 centuries ago (which she stole from our school’s store room).
And now it is the time for another weird news, Z have some magic in her music. Once, in a music contest our class leader suddenly got sick. And he was the pianist for the show. At that critical moment Z volunteer to be the pianist. Everyone was shocked for a moment. But teacher approved her to be the pianist. Because, nobody wants to take responsibility if things get messed up. And she was pretty good at piano. But she didn’t go with the light, cool, beautiful music. She was in some horror type things. I don’t know why this girl always into horror things. And surprisingly everyone enjoyed it! It felt like everyone was hypnotized by her music!
Our teacher gave us a science project. We have to do it in pairs. Z and I were together. I proposed her to work together at her home about this project. Because my house was empty that day. My parents went to my home district. But Z refused to go her house. Instead she told me, “I have told you humans many times, I am a dead. I am from about a millennium ago. I don’t know if my house is still there or not. So, it would be better in your house. Don’t be afraid of empty house. I will protect you.” I was shocked for a second to her answer. But moment later I thought maybe there is some problem with her house or with her family. That’s why she didn’t want me to go her house. So, I didn’t talk more about that topic. That night we were working on our project. I don’t know why I was feeling so chill.
“Don’t afraid. I won’t do anything to you. Once, I was a human, too. I was also afraid of ghost. That’s why I know, I can feel how are you feeling right now. I…..”
“Are you kidding me? I don’ know why do keep talking about this silly thing again and again at a horror moment like now. I am really afraid. And your sentences are giving me cold shoulder.”
Z gave me a crooked smile.
“I know, you won’t believe me. Humans are just like this. Once, I was a human, too. But the truth deserves to be trusted by everyone. I will get a bottle of water for you.”
And then, she went downstairs. And 15 minutes passed, 30 minutes passed, 1 hour passed 2,3 hours passed but she never came back.
I started to having chill again. I went downstairs to see where is she. I saw . The house was empty.
I never found her again. Who knew that it was our last project together!
What exactly happened that night?
Z was about to take the bottle from sink. And the fear of ghost went inside of her mind. She was SCARED. SO SCARED. Her ability of speaking was gone. She couldn’t talk. Her heart was beating so fast. She was afraid to die again. She was feeling that someone is behind her back. Someone is keeping an eye on her. She was feeling the same bad feeling again. She also doesn’t know why she is afraid. What is she afraid of that much? She was hearing those awful sounds again. She also doesn’t know where is these sounds coming from. She doesn’t know what’s sound is it? She is leaving this world once again in the same way she left this world one millennium ago…
Yes, she died like this one millennium ago. She was telling the truth all the way here. She was dead. But the hurtful and unexpected death make her come back to this world once again. It is a universal truth that you can’t escape from death. Z died from some critical mental illness. Which always disturbed her.
You might think, how do I know how Z died? How do I know Z died twice? How do I know she was right and everyone was wrong all way long? How can I be so close with Z even though she was a bully?
I will answer your question, before you have to answer one of my question?
“Do you know who is Z?”
Actually, I am nothing. The thing that told you all of these from top to toe of this story “me’” doesn’t exist in this universe. The girl with Z all the way here “me” is just a creature made by Z.
Z made the “me” creature. Because…..
I am the girl whom I’ve been talking throw this long way.
Yes, what you are thinking now is true.
I am Z.
I don’t know how I wake up after all those years. I found myself in a forest. Later, I found out that it was the place where my house belongs to a millennium ago. One millennium ago, I was a very good student, with the title of “The sweet, cute, bubbly-bubbly girl”. But this time, I wanted to experience some new what I couldn’t enjoy in my previous life. So, I decided to be backbencher and bully. It was quite fun. I had an excellent brain at that time, I was good at everything. But I couldn’t enjoy any of them. Because of my mental issue my parents used to lock me in my room. So, I decided to enjoy everything now. But I have been in horror since my real life, I couldn’t play any calm and beautiful music. But surprisingly everyone seems to be hypnotized by my music. Maybe there was any hidden magic in my song. My death was from horror. So, my mind was in horror, too. I looked at that map so many times but I found nothing in that map. And running after so many maps, I finally had some clue. Now I know all about my past life and location. And another thing is, I don’t know how, but I knew it from before about the modern technology. And if I look at them for once, I can understand what formula was used in that “thing”. I think, I have this power as a ghost. Thanks to me for the fact, I can’t afraid people or make them fly; so, I have this really really important power as a “ghost”.
Now, I am going to tell the cause why I told you to finish this story.
Back then, my dream was to be famous, by any chance. I loved attention. But my unexpected death didn’t let me. The girl with Z whole time was nobody. It was just a character made by me. I made this character because the story would be boring without any twist. Nobody will ever be interested in my horror but sorrowful and boring life. And my long wish of being famous will be buried with my death body.
I told you to finish this story so that I can be famous. That night I was alone at that house. That house was a burn house in the jungle I find myself every time I wake up. At most I know that house became famous for being abandoned. Everyone thinks it is a house for ghosts. I think that’s why I always end up being here. I didn’t know that I was going to die there again at the same date I died a millennium ago.
You might think, if I had died that day how am I being able to write this now? Is there any ghost of ghosts? If a human die he will become a ghost, and then if the ghost dies the ghost will become a ghoman!?!?!
(PS: Ghoman= Ghost + Human)
The answer is, I died twice. And today it will be for 3rd time in my life. (Actually, I don’t know how should describe the word ‘my life’. Plural form or Singular form?).
I would like to explain something to you. I thought you might be curious about that. Even if you’re not, you have no choice but to read it since you are already reading this trash. I said, that ‘me’ creature fought for some evidence against Z. So, I am going to explain them. Or, you might think I really am not from millennium ago. My blood is red. Cause, I reborn for a year. So, I born again as a human for one year. And I must have red blood as a human. You know, I am not fully ‘ghost’. I have that modern power, and I think it is very rare to have this very important power. So, I don’t have any other genetic trait of a ‘ghost’. Then, comes ‘Z hates painting’. I hate painting cause in my first life, I used to paint everywhere in that jail. Yeah, it was a jail for me. A jail for no sin but for having a bad luck. I would love to take my mental illness as a bad luck. I think nobody will sue me for that!
By the way, I will tell you a bonus answer. Actually, you have finished my boring but interesting and awful life, it might be so hard for you so I am giving you a bonus answer as a plus point.
I didn’t tell my name. How will I able to tell my name while I don’t even know my name? Actually, it’s truth. I remember everything about one millennium ago but I forget my name which can give me a personality. I know why.
And that’s happened, the world has given me the chance to wake up again; it has given me awesome and really useful power. I personally think I should give something to this world. But, unfortunately this world doesn’t like to take gifts. It likes to take anything it wants. So, world has taken my personality as a return. Also, you might be thinking why am I dying in the same way? Let me tell you. Actually, I am reborning as my death was excruciating. It was too much painful. Which makes me reborning again and again. If it was a casual death I would have a proper death long ago. I would prefer that instead of this awful pain. But still I don’t mind! At least I can have a life on my own.
Yes, this story of mine is from one millennium ago. I am awake again. And today I am going to die for the third time. I will awake again after one millennium.
I died for the first time on July 5, 1022, I died for the 2nd time on July 5, 2022, And now today on July 5, 3022 I will die for the 3rd time.
See you again, one millennium later!