My dream:
I was sitting down, and watching TV. I never watch TV... nevertheless, I continue watching the screen. The show looks familiar... kind of. I can't really tell what it is, or what they're saying. Actually, I can't tell what anyone around me is saying. Am I going deaf? ... I awake.
My ramblings:
So this... I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it shows that I should try new things, which in this case was watching TV shows. Maybe I was deaf because I usually don't listen much to when people talk, and if I do, I forget what they say within seconds. Maybe it means I should be more social, which will take care of the 'deafness', or the not being actively social. I'm not sure what it is, but it was strange.
Then again, it could've been a small memory from my childhood, when I would literally run home from school, watching my siblings catch up, just so I could watch my favorite shows. Ya know, back when Disney Channel had good shows. Back then I had worse attention problems than I do now, so that could be it.
Either or neither way, this daydream was odd. Very. Oh, and a little note: I don't remember much from my childhood. I do remember a few things from infancy and several here and there in my late single-digits, but that's just about it.