Sunsets over the distant mountains, and the rise of the moon into the star-laden sky.
Days spent laying on the couch, convincing ourselves the world was ours.
Midday naps together, when we were too lazy to do anything else.
Walks around the block with the dog in tow, fighting for who had to hold the leash.
More episodes of your favorite show that I hated so much.
Countless movies at the AMC, holding each other close because the room was cold.
Lengthy talks about life, philosophy, the future, religion, tragedy, and our greatest fears, said through tears and shaky voices in the dark as we fell asleep.
Wrestling each other to show who was really the tough one between us.
Throwing candy at each other just to annoy the other, and running away when enough was enough.
Struggling to handle the chopsticks while out for sushi, and finally giving up, switching to a fork.
Long drives in the car with no destination in mind.
Slowly falling asleep on the phone every night as we refused to go to bed.
Eating cheap fast food on the days we didn’t want to cook.
Singing off key in the car just because we could.
Promises that forever was indeed forever, no matter how long that might be.
Trying and failing to teach me how to drive a stick.
Always being late because we lost track of the time.
Making up the worst pet names just to prove a point.
Attempts at convincing you I was always right, even when I wasn’t.
Planning to build the most extravagant fish tank we could think of.
Stealing your shirts because they were perfect for sleeping in.
Encouraging stupid ideas because life is too short to take seriously.
Revealing dreams and ambitions never before spoken.
Unintentionally being a backseat driver, just because you cared so much.
Getting excited when you saw a fast car go by.
All the little things, and the scary things, and the things we hadn’t yet known.
I’ll miss them all.