3rd person p.o.v
Sitting in his office finishing up pack details and arranging meeting Nathan sighed, he had been here cooped up in his office all day and nothing exciting happened yet!!! What was this everyday there was something going on, but today there wasn't. Nathan stood up and stretched before going to the door he was ready to leave, opening up his door he saw his mom and dad slipping into there room looking at each other with so much adoration, he felt his heart ache cause in truth he wanted that with a love that could only ever be his....his mates.
Sitting in his room Nathan was prepared for a nights rest, "alpha there's a leech on our land" the beta said busting into the room with urgency. Finally quickly getting out of bed he began to throw on some pants
"Gather some of the guards, I've been looking for fun all day" Nathan spoke eagerly quickly tying his laces of his combat boots as his beta left out the door to gather the pack soldiers. Walking out the door without even bothering to put on a shirt "let's go" The soldiers turned into their wolf while Nathan an d his beta Michael ran in human form, they both were looking to have some fun.
It was dark outside, the trees were rustling, and the wind was heavily blowing. The perfect time for dinner Alexander thought to himself, he had been keeping his eye on this young girl who had the most perfectly shitty life he had seen all week, he was surprised he held out for so long. Alexander sat down on the bench in his crisp suit and waited checking his watch every now and then maybe she isn't coming down today he didn't know he stood to leave as the wind blew bringing her scent to him so sharply, he did not move for he simply stayed were he was knowing she was coming down his way.
He smiled as he saw her coming up the path "well what is a little lady like you doing out here at this time of night" she stared at him in shock her mind telling her to run and that's exactly what she did, usually he would love a good chase but right now he was too hungry. In a flash he was in front of her and before she could react his teeth tore through her throat as he slowly drained all life from her body.
Standing up a new scent hit him he realized he was on the mutts territory fuck he would have just ran but they were close too close for him to really go anywhere, just as the thought hit his wolves came jumping from out of the trees.
The most amazing scent hit him.