In terms of worst days, this day was probably number one…
That morning started much like any other, with two slices of buttered toast and a Rockstar energy drink. He’d sniffed through the shirts on the floor for something that at least smelled clean, then promptly put it on. He left the house, but not before forgetting his keys and forcing him to run back inside to retrieve them.
Classes commenced, along with the usual drawl of the payed-too-much professors and the tapping away at keys from the hundreds of students attending. It drizzled a little between classes but personally, he liked the rain.
After his education had finished, he stopped by at Panda Express for lunch and ordered the usual. He called up a few friends to pass the time and chatted for about an hour.
After that, he went back to the apartment and cleaned up a little. The sink still had dishes and the living room was littered with video game boxes and XBox controllers. So, along he went placing them back where they belonged, unconsciously glancing at the clock every few minutes.
Once the place was presentable, he headed to the shower and freshened up. He even put on a nice shirt that hadn’t originated from the floor and a nice pair of slacks.
Dinner was simple: a vegetable and beef soup, coupled with italian garlic bread and a bottle of fine wine. Nothing overly fancy, but still a little more formal than take-out. A candle or two was lit in the center of the table, just for the atmosphere.
A squirt or two of febreze had the place finished up and ready for this date. She wasn’t due for another fifteen minutes, so he sat at the table and waited for her…
And waited...and waited...and waited…
Until he finally stopped waiting, picked up the pieces of his injured pride, and went to bed.