Now the energy is crystal clear, The enemy is always near,24Please respect copyright.PENANAhbwh0a0QEI
The crazy part is people will go to grave without giving you your flowers, The24Please respect copyright.PENANA5I30dhAbuL
hazy start is when the ego enslaves without giving you your powers, I will24Please respect copyright.PENANAGmQDhvTV1r
prosper, Lamb's Book I'm on the roster.
I heard they coming after me, I got a whole chapter named24Please respect copyright.PENANALV05RkzaeS
after me, No conspiracy theory, This what the mirror see cause they fear me, My24Please respect copyright.PENANAoPgfDoAHtZ
love is strong, The dove ain't wrong, The law is written in your heart and24Please respect copyright.PENANACtvHuxKrx0
mind, What I saw was hidden from the blind.
I ain't taking it there, I ain't faking it anywhere, The24Please respect copyright.PENANAiR1PO2cVNv
earth shaking I ain't scared, The holy spirit is moving through you overtime,24Please respect copyright.PENANAMjqzDSP1bm
They only fear it cause they can't prove it in their cobra mind, Your energy is24Please respect copyright.PENANAJNbAgNESTP
problematic, The enemy is automatic.
I know the deal, My glow is real, Don't fold under pressure,24Please respect copyright.PENANAK5taRGXG4w
Folk get cold when they see the treasure, The talk don't equate to the walk,24Please respect copyright.PENANApV74HpiLK2
They about to unlock the stock, Soon you gon see what orbit the corporate. It's24Please respect copyright.PENANAHLYwqSqs2W
getting wild, They betting mild.
I'm real not fiction. I healed from all addiction, I'm24Please respect copyright.PENANAsQZnI2BxZp
sealed even in affliction, I deal with it cause I'm Christian, I ain't talking24Please respect copyright.PENANAH0l0VjkfR3
religion, The saints walking enriching, They can't stop the matrix from24Please respect copyright.PENANAV5HlVMODDW
glitching, My heart is gracious I ain't switching.
I thought I was doing them a favor by showing my labor, But24Please respect copyright.PENANAO9OM5Opg7Z
know I see they got venom with vapor, People will see what they need to hear,24Please respect copyright.PENANAm1YB16aEyz
They in the ego which is the seed of fear, Just let your light shine, It's a24Please respect copyright.PENANAVP0tAtjkrM
must the more the night you grind.
As long as God is in your heart you won't be forsaken, You24Please respect copyright.PENANAmsulq949RW
were last in the start now ain't no more faking, Take your minerals back, They24Please respect copyright.PENANA751lV5aR3R
make subliminals jack, The devil is busy, Every level you got to be on your24Please respect copyright.PENANAtiH9gn3QuG
grizzy, Wilderness, Realer than the next.
Earth needs unconditional love, Rebirth to the one biblical24Please respect copyright.PENANAnJ8AWGoVox
dove, You think I'm playing, The world got to link and start praying, To God of24Please respect copyright.PENANAgNxL2iDVjh
course, The only source, They gon have to put me in a casket before I let the24Please respect copyright.PENANA3DRsCYAWsc
devil put blasphemy in my basket.
The light you carry is electric, The night you buried is24Please respect copyright.PENANA37izrp2cNR
hell's metric, Rare breed, They don't care what you need, The imperishable24Please respect copyright.PENANAJQS3pkd34c
seed, Our energy is not compatible, The enemy is ironical, Peace within won't24Please respect copyright.PENANAObFuMISK6C
let the beast sin, Love is the only dove.
Leave an imprint on whoever that God is love, Breathe out24Please respect copyright.PENANAt9lSAd0Mof
the tint newer cause the stat of the heart is dove, The world been infiltrated,24Please respect copyright.PENANAegDtviNXJr
The Word has seen the illustrated, The holy spirit is your bullet proof, They24Please respect copyright.PENANAVrdhGepF59
only fear it cause they see the truth.
Our God is providing, Why you hiding, Rules and regulations,24Please respect copyright.PENANAXLAUOtOT49
Schools of federations, They dread me cause I got the bread in me, Which is the24Please respect copyright.PENANABSssZAXJPW
Word of God, Witches playing with tarot cards, Game over for these masons, Be24Please respect copyright.PENANA9TanNzogGm
sober due to what the world facing.
Wake up and smell the oxygen, Don't fake up in the spell of24Please respect copyright.PENANAvrAtEqdjNH
toxic sin, There's only way to God and that is Jesus Christ, Nowhere is to play24Please respect copyright.PENANAsZfVyM6r1O
with your heart cause they after us believers, I don't coexist, Everybody know24Please respect copyright.PENANA9MjzGJyYm4
God exists, Can't laugh in the wrath.
I ain't in no religion, I'm in the paint no switching, The24Please respect copyright.PENANAtSKYKx2W1X
Lamb of God, Purify your camp before God, Only one is Jesus, The holy one of24Please respect copyright.PENANADUjm81G2d6
believers, The enemy know time is for the elect, The energy I glow is prime for24Please respect copyright.PENANAaxa4pwnGC2
respect, They shook cause I'm in my Book.
I heard it, The verdict, See thru the eyes of unconditional24Please respect copyright.PENANABE6w3jkeOm
love, Free thru the eyes of the original dove, If you don't get it then you gon24Please respect copyright.PENANAvopphHQBso
let it, Be bold in the Lord, The key is gold in the war, The world is24Please respect copyright.PENANAkFCq5cmfor
temporary, The Word is not the cemetery.
Conquer the fears, Getting stronger with the tears, Fulfill24Please respect copyright.PENANAvA2Z2566P5
your soul purpose, Blood spill when the gold is worshipped, The battle is the24Please respect copyright.PENANAi7DvYAQAON
Lord's, The cattle is the Lord's, Faith is required to be saved from the fire.24Please respect copyright.PENANA4VjOfKD9eQ
The heart testament, God is excellent.
They can't move me in this movie, From Lamb to Lion, From24Please respect copyright.PENANAJYUOy2DNzy
scam to lying, You can't postpone the toast to the throne, You got to be24Please respect copyright.PENANAbKzEn3kPmL
spiritually and mentally and physically strong, You got to be biblically and24Please respect copyright.PENANAQmdxhj1wEX
repentantly and instinctively strong.
We gon see who real, I won't run in the field, I done24Please respect copyright.PENANAbtlZDqx3QX
evolved, The sun they can't solve, Beautiful Lorraine made miracles with more24Please respect copyright.PENANAKRoLscxVLJ
rain, Can't play in pain, Pray my life ain't in vain, Proclaim Christ Jesus,24Please respect copyright.PENANAiF1lvzIbi1
The glow is flame when they try to freeze us.
You will give an account of what you did on earth, Will you24Please respect copyright.PENANAVK02Veswuw
live in the astounded of the one birth, Only Begotten Son, They forgotten we24Please respect copyright.PENANA5oHBZY97QU
won, What's wrong with this world, The Rock is strong in the Word, Christ24Please respect copyright.PENANAfa0QUgCJnO
redeemed, The price is esteemed.
The peace I carry is what the beast want to bury, They24Please respect copyright.PENANAvDKLtoZX9P
ostracize you, They can't authorize truth, The court of law, They abort the24Please respect copyright.PENANAjLBoqTAcvO
raw, Jesus paid it full, Believers can't fade in wool, They can't defeat us I24Please respect copyright.PENANAYaPQjXxz1A
ain't no fool, Trying to cheat us with the rule.
Our Maker has power over the undertaker, It's a miracle24Please respect copyright.PENANAf6oHUflPgy
obviously to see biblical prophecy, Repent and endure, Intent is when you pure,24Please respect copyright.PENANA6z0Vhncp5W
The world is falling, The Word is calling, Pick up your beeper, They stick up24Please respect copyright.PENANAktq92C7dLM
for the reaper, Jesus won't leave us.
Lamb's Book, Been a champ got them shook, They pressing24Please respect copyright.PENANAh6yXsILQxY
charges if you ain't blessing lodges, I'm tired of playing games, I'm wired in24Please respect copyright.PENANAsDX8mNl6zD
the name, Let the Lord take care of your foes, Don't forget we're in a war24Please respect copyright.PENANAKXBbf4u5h9
where they don't care about the woes.
My outreach is global, They can't out teach what's soulful,24Please respect copyright.PENANA7HKWkpjz7d
I don't dodge my enemy, They want to lodge my energy, Salvation is special,24Please respect copyright.PENANArYG6ssKAkh
Every nation has a nest of gold, I'm planting seeds of Christ, God's granting24Please respect copyright.PENANAdlhF9ZTypf
the needs of Christ.
Maximize your potential cause heaven is the limit, They try24Please respect copyright.PENANAkOa9zDkltv
to tax the wise cause your financial is not a gimmick, Peace is my riches, The24Please respect copyright.PENANA5cBK3w0ymO
beast is wishes, I'm praying to God, I'm slaying the devil's heart, You can't24Please respect copyright.PENANAwK81fkJePt
cheat me or defeat me.
Great hearts love alike, Fake hearts bluff alike, The24Please respect copyright.PENANAZLORRifJvk
outlook is I'm in the Book, They don't want to tell you, Rather they want to24Please respect copyright.PENANAEt58Xb0GJP
sell you, Practice righteousness like 1000 hours in the gym, The cactus of24Please respect copyright.PENANAwvb5GZ4RAD
idleness like flowers that can't swim.
My heart opened that's when I start to know I was chosen,24Please respect copyright.PENANAhIBIcRjoot
When you figure out they trigger out, They think you don't know but they can't24Please respect copyright.PENANAvc9nsweQvP
blink when they see the glow, The hatred is real cause you turned sacred when24Please respect copyright.PENANA09eJuQNJo6
you healed.
I rather be in love than enlightened, They scatter cause the24Please respect copyright.PENANAh5AsUMukET
dove ain't frightened, My steps are ordered in the Lord, My reps can't be24Please respect copyright.PENANAmV9hsqq4In
loitered at the door, Holy spirit feel like a yellow scene, They only fear it24Please respect copyright.PENANApT2aljbe3l
cause I'm real in hell's snow for my gene.
I glow in the rain, I know sin is the pain, Don't be24Please respect copyright.PENANAHZkQtGcUx7
deceived by the world, I won't be received by the world, They turned sour when24Please respect copyright.PENANAgljr9t6tPJ
I burned their power, I ain't walking on eggshells, I'm locking the keg spells,24Please respect copyright.PENANARQrOi4pYko
My heart pray for God's way.
My journey is biblical, It concern me that you don't see the24Please respect copyright.PENANAleY8QjVOQi
miracle, Stop thinking people ain't woke, Stop linking the evil with a joke,24Please respect copyright.PENANAzFUq1XqLRL
They seen your light but tried to trap you in the night, Weeping is for a24Please respect copyright.PENANAXpwlBkKMiH
moment, You can't keep it or own it.
Restoration, Bless the nation, The world in totality, The24Please respect copyright.PENANAOf2l9rAYgr
Word ain't neutrality, There's no more playing, Where's those who know we need24Please respect copyright.PENANAxjdEigk6XG
more praying, The name Jesus is power, The game try to deceive us every hour,24Please respect copyright.PENANAqduQrmv5IX
If we the same why you sour.
Only the real will be sealed cause they faithful in the holy24Please respect copyright.PENANA77fpU5vxbG
field, No one can buy or sell, They want you to die and in hell, I'm back with24Please respect copyright.PENANANPuo5AhHdh
a fury, They trying to sack with the jury, Don't let nobody control you, They24Please respect copyright.PENANA6Mw2EJ3x1x
don't get the sun's soul of truth.
Put God first cause this world gon get worse, If you ok with24Please respect copyright.PENANARGZ8YAhiix
being demonic then you ok with freeing the atomic, The evil they plotting is24Please respect copyright.PENANAz6bD6yvw5G
cause the ego is rotten, Folks trying to finesse you cause they know God24Please respect copyright.PENANAuGLtojjIo1
blessed you.
My light source is peace, The night force is beast, They24Please respect copyright.PENANASyyX5x6HNt
want you in the grave cause your heart been saved, Not only they try to vex24Please respect copyright.PENANAxlld6kAT93
your spirit they also trying to hex your spirit, The enemy wants all your24Please respect copyright.PENANAJLK7alnkvG
energy, People know cause the evil shows.
Tap to continue, They cap cause the sun in you, I'm back24Please respect copyright.PENANAMOAr1i9D2B
out, The world might black out, That copper is a stopper, When you proper they24Please respect copyright.PENANAHGcrEgspOi
want you to be a hopper, My heart like opera that's why in the dark they got24Please respect copyright.PENANARv4CUEU2XE
that chopper.
Peace is faith, The beast blitz the saved, Make the picture24Please respect copyright.PENANAGokldwuB7k
perfect cause the Scriptures is worth it, If you don't want Christ then why you24Please respect copyright.PENANAfN0TI1YdPR
want me to pay the price, Biblical to be exact, The miracle is intact, Got the24Please respect copyright.PENANAYO92jTUlSF
dove glow, They red dot the love flow.
When it comes to The Gospel they don't want you to tell a24Please respect copyright.PENANAgF9zVCvqJd
soul but they want you to sell your soul, Jesus is Lord, Increase for more,24Please respect copyright.PENANAGlyDiWhaqE
Cease to do evil, Don't please their ego, Why you afraid to speak up, I ain't24Please respect copyright.PENANAo5pt7aQX5s
afraid even if you try to sneak up.
Put God's love first, Now they want to put the dove in a24Please respect copyright.PENANA5bX8eo7Yeg
hearse, I ain't seeking approval, They leaking removal, The holy spirit only24Please respect copyright.PENANAaXGLbd0q9J
dwells in a pure heart, They fear it cause they can't tell it depart, The enemy24Please respect copyright.PENANAWkY2rSAhEC
is distorting us, The energy is victorious.
I turned my life to Christ Now they want to burn my life for24Please respect copyright.PENANAuL9YDzsn2K
the price, The world ain't sweet, The Word is how I greet, War in the street,24Please respect copyright.PENANAiNMvNC8ptV
At the core they can't defeat, Don't faint when you in the paint, They steady24Please respect copyright.PENANAlhQHpBqFmP
faking and taking, The earth quaking.
Realize what it's about, The real will rise without doubt,24Please respect copyright.PENANAUzwRr2NcuD
Starched land. Parched sand, Keep it pushing, They want you idle on a cushion,24Please respect copyright.PENANAhVpIsFEZEN
Don't fall even if they ball, Practice righteousness at all times, They like24Please respect copyright.PENANAcrb2TYtw5k
cactus in wireless at the slime.
The higher you vibrate the more fire they can't hydrate,24Please respect copyright.PENANAV2ahgmqc7k
Don't let them sneak up on you, Don't let them leak the cup on you, Wool layer,24Please respect copyright.PENANAY0CCcwhtM8
Fool player, They put you on waiver not knowing you have favor, The world is a24Please respect copyright.PENANAovCsDcbjst
vapor, The Word is love thy neighbor.
Your peace attracts all kinds of people, The beast distracts24Please respect copyright.PENANA3GyrUC0Kx1
all kinds of people, If you irritated it's cause your fear is hatred, If you24Please respect copyright.PENANAUguVjWVTC4
living right every moment then you will be given the light cause they can't own24Please respect copyright.PENANAuFcms9CsRO
it, I made it out, It's played out.
I'm from the rose and folk know they can't come close,24Please respect copyright.PENANAeYKicBfdPL
Protected by God's hands, Connected to God's plans, I was throne in pain but I24Please respect copyright.PENANAbZKJqPBFLG
was born again, When I was hurt they wanted me in the dirt, Now that I'm24Please respect copyright.PENANAN0yEn6CXnX
healing they got a eerie feeling.
My heart like a diamond, They act odd when you shining,24Please respect copyright.PENANAdTV2ceS4it
Don't announce what you can't pronounce, From mistakes to I got what it takes,24Please respect copyright.PENANAfcfq9L3z1y
At all times only God I dread, At my prime the holy God is my bread, Christ24Please respect copyright.PENANAFfLxKQdJuh
Jesus, The price can't grieve us.
Watch your steps, Don't botch your reps, Do you know what24Please respect copyright.PENANAq2JMqtLS3K
you're dealing within, The true glow is the Rock healing within, They24Please respect copyright.PENANAb6AspxoNKZ
aggravated cause my heart been activated, Trust in God, They act odd, Love is24Please respect copyright.PENANAoaiUjrFk9A
salvation's grace, The dove is ancient in space.