I came from the cosmos to the jungle. My name is mentioned21Please respect copyright.PENANA4DaGGncmmg
in convos where the sun go. To keep it a buck we're playing dominoes not chess.21Please respect copyright.PENANAqwZ4ZKNj20
Folk peep I don't duck when they praying for me not to make honor roll cause21Please respect copyright.PENANAHtzcxpp56l
I'm bless.
Walk in alignment. Talk in assignment. I don't want your21Please respect copyright.PENANA8Pd55Lp53i
dead roses. I won't take your dead doses. Worldwide. The Word won't hide. We21Please respect copyright.PENANAP36AM1H86T
need more miracle influencers. We need more spiritual influencers. We need more21Please respect copyright.PENANAjmbmufrKRM
biblical influencers.
You inspire me. The truth like a fire in me. God kept it a21Please respect copyright.PENANADwY3xrfZja
hundred. They slept on me like if the sun dead. If it's detrimental then stop21Please respect copyright.PENANABgbfdImb8B
cause the cost is no longer sentimental. They try to make it harder on me but21Please respect copyright.PENANA3tu42ugIut
my God is stronger than me.
This ain't a movie role. You can't move my soul. Clearly you21Please respect copyright.PENANA5X7K8V8PLm
didn't even glance over the Scriptures. They fear me cause my plans got me21Please respect copyright.PENANAud9va4P0U5
richer. See higher dividend. Watch the fire make the river bend. Don't believe21Please respect copyright.PENANAtUYiwv9WvH
the hype. Don't receive the vibe.
There's a difference living your blessed life than living21Please respect copyright.PENANAM3BrNoRO2O
your best life. They thought I drowned but I rose out the water with the crown.21Please respect copyright.PENANAka3KfvQlh3
When Iwas in hunger they thought I was conquered but now they with the plunger21Please respect copyright.PENANAoeIJm0Ybbf
cause I got stronger.
Keep it a hundred. Only God I dread. Doing right got them21Please respect copyright.PENANAdqEWgKfcQT
with the vodou at night. They don't understand me cause they want to underhand21Please respect copyright.PENANAL7yx9xiosc
me. They try to wonderland me and rubber band me. I bounced back with clarity.21Please respect copyright.PENANACB39JwrJEH
Every ounce of my heart is rarity.
You still playing while the takeover is taking place. Start21Please respect copyright.PENANA4AnwU6DVuf
praying thru the trial of the makeover in breaking space. Stop bucking up21Please respect copyright.PENANAd39qgYUikQ
against God. Drop ducking when it gets hard. Persistent even in earth's21Please respect copyright.PENANAv2Vq1M5chZ
existence. Cursed system will burst the instance.
I'm gon win the right way. They wrong in sin for the night21Please respect copyright.PENANAMEd3DqjobE
prey. The strong tin is for the light clay. Been a champ and now it's official21Please respect copyright.PENANALffJdZHEEO
by the stamp. Seal of God. Healed by God. Full of love. Wool of dove. Pull up.21Please respect copyright.PENANAjlyBaUIrRH
What up. Don't get caught up.
Keep the convo at a minimum. Peep the cosmo synonym. The21Please respect copyright.PENANAKmFFYUBWyc
love of many are waxing cold. Nothing made up they taxing the soul. I shed21Please respect copyright.PENANAaDnvfoeJKu
tears. I bled fears. Imperishable seed of salvation. Commercial need of every21Please respect copyright.PENANA8lydon9THs
nation. Right virtues. Devil tryna curse you.
Now they shocked cause you ain't get rocked. God opened the21Please respect copyright.PENANAuLYILdwoag
doors they locked. They want to see you in their image. Pray not to bluff when21Please respect copyright.PENANAE1m7hClKWn
the truth free you cause we're vintage. The world lying that's why the Word say21Please respect copyright.PENANA6lZLrPXVti
it'd be dying.
Read the Scriptures thru your lens. They bleed the pictures21Please respect copyright.PENANAQCLC2HUobA
for the gems. The world is being ran by occult masters. The Word is being21Please respect copyright.PENANA8cdcEBXR0X
banned by occult pastors. Do you even care about your heart. Why you on demon21Please respect copyright.PENANAyjBv6q3CIS
time if you care about the whole start.
How's your energy. They made vows to be your enemy. Stop the21Please respect copyright.PENANAkNGky8XMTi
spamming and scamming. Live righteously. They act like I don't see. I ain't21Please respect copyright.PENANAsCLZAqmhKh
stuck on stupid. I ain't struck by cupid. Read the Book. Take heed don't get21Please respect copyright.PENANAvVPCiEVS6F
shook. Society is cooked.
I'm gon tell you like this you better put your faith in21Please respect copyright.PENANAuVXv24DRHt
Jesus. The sun got them to tell you the weather cause when you are saved they21Please respect copyright.PENANAic5yYK8rEk
try to freeze us. Not talking about skin folk. The dot locking the twin yolk.21Please respect copyright.PENANAtrTDhIwR2y
So what, everybody woke. Life ain't a joke.
What's going on is the prophecy of the biblical. My soul21Please respect copyright.PENANANR2BYy72jN
can't be bought cause obviously I've seen the miracle. Jesus is Lord over all21Please respect copyright.PENANAAEgygkZGMD
whether you like it or not. Increase us in the core to be sober being a feather21Please respect copyright.PENANAvuZYgnnQJp
in the light of thought.
My thoughts are salvation driven. There's a drought in every21Please respect copyright.PENANA23MLiVLdtZ
nation. Ain't nobody making a comeback. The saints don't party from the pack.21Please respect copyright.PENANAt46byvzk54
Don't believe the world. Why won't you receive the Word. Love will destroy21Please respect copyright.PENANAtKICMdI8fe
evil. The dove will destroy the ego.
The inhabitants focused on the matters of the body. It's21Please respect copyright.PENANAWYKNag92Ka
evident the hocus will shatter the party. Prioritize your meaning. Seen the21Please respect copyright.PENANAMqc0VzKNQq
eyes crying cause of a demon. Talking about what was happening behind the21Please respect copyright.PENANAbeUllSPD4q
scene. What about your soul gene.
I can tell you don't care about heaven and hell. That's why21Please respect copyright.PENANAJ8SEYLvJOk
it's so easy to put society under a spell. They act greasy cause when it21Please respect copyright.PENANARi3DjSe64w
thunder you won't find me near a wishing well. They blitz when you won't sell.21Please respect copyright.PENANA4iUrrXFslj
Don't kiss the bell.
The matrix is going to reshuffle. Be gracious cause you21Please respect copyright.PENANAMrFZr1HjDO
knowing in the jungle. Didn't I warn you. They sitting on thorned fruit.21Please respect copyright.PENANAkLpzZKA0Af
Society wants to bleach what Jesus preached. The Word is the salt. The world is21Please respect copyright.PENANAtGp9wk8KEZ
the occult. Ill crazy. Still don't phase me.
Secure in my destiny. Pure as the One blessing me. Maintain21Please respect copyright.PENANAYCqyaq3jeI
my health. Attain my wealth. Folks living foul. The yoke driven owl. They try21Please respect copyright.PENANApLLop3n70n
to bring your energy down cause the enemy sees your crown. They all got a text21Please respect copyright.PENANAguex9q4k7G
what's gon happen next.
Recycled waves. They don't like it when you saved. This is21Please respect copyright.PENANA1pVNjW1D3a
not rocket science. They tried to lock it in silence. Troubled waters. Fumbled21Please respect copyright.PENANA9JJZiMRwD8
starters. A lot of people claim. Read the Word and you will see the blame. The21Please respect copyright.PENANAp9jp6SrjiQ
enemy is the devil on any level.
Keep a smile through the trial. Repent with intent cause the21Please respect copyright.PENANAljQnFdl4dG
devil won't relent. The game is fraudulent. The name got them charging it. The21Please respect copyright.PENANAYYg9jLBZjs
flame gon make them caution it. The Word is slaying all those who playing in21Please respect copyright.PENANAa63Zr9eFG1
the world. Prayers no more players.
Let the peace steep in. Don't forget the beast won't sleep21Please respect copyright.PENANAfNpwtYJT75
in. When you read the Word you can feed the world. The earth is up for a reset.21Please respect copyright.PENANAC43QqHA6Sc
The birth is love no defect. Humility is not humiliation. Immunity is not21Please respect copyright.PENANAvfUjN6ZKOF
fooled by the nation.
The wise is in God's hands. They devise sin in odd plans.21Please respect copyright.PENANARdcZnxRFPR
Pray that hollywood gets destroyed along with the rest of the diabolical21Please respect copyright.PENANAQtwYR3yjjF
industries. Don't play cause they probably could if you ain't bless in the21Please respect copyright.PENANABImFsc9oDJ
Messiah's soul endlessly. Prevail over presale.
You a star for the Word not for the world. Your potential is21Please respect copyright.PENANATRilCBmFxF
biblical. Your credential is spiritual. They throw rocks at you cause they21Please respect copyright.PENANAIMcvKFNlIq
don't rock with you cause the Rock with you. Folk see they couldn't break you.21Please respect copyright.PENANA8BLaOB76TL
Set free they couldn't take you.
The righteous always prevail. The crisis always presale. The21Please respect copyright.PENANAljAly9MF2m
world is in the furnace. The Word is the win for learners. There's no more21Please respect copyright.PENANAl6XJ5GL3Jm
balling. At the core is the falling. I didn't take the bait. They bidding to21Please respect copyright.PENANABDRcJ0RbGM
fake the fate.
The world glorify evil but downgrade righteous. The Word is21Please respect copyright.PENANA6vV6ZN6NL8
more fire for the ground raid of the crisis. God wants you to win not to sin.21Please respect copyright.PENANAImsiPHUcrz
We need all souls in Christ. The seed of trolls is the price. It's not about21Please respect copyright.PENANAdbTjKIAZUJ
titles. The earth locked in idols.
The Word is the witness of the highest power. The world is21Please respect copyright.PENANA3Cx9fwGLeH
in the business of the wildest hour. The root of all the suffering is spiritual21Please respect copyright.PENANAOWCSk8azlQ
which is sin. The fruit of the fall of buffering is the biblical glitch of the21Please respect copyright.PENANAh0ZQaaxkSP
win. Stay on guard. Pray to God.
Strength and meekness. The banks hold the secrets. So much21Please respect copyright.PENANAeJjl6uFtXq
debts. So much bets. Courage and pain. I came from the struggle of the rain.21Please respect copyright.PENANAwy4EIFwXCI
God said I gave you heart muscle so it's not in vain. I learned to obtain21Please respect copyright.PENANAtFEGxvViV2
peace. I burned the stain of the beast.
Watch the party die. I won't dodge Illuminati no fear in my21Please respect copyright.PENANA9s5eKVxUaO
eyes. Apply the pressure. The lie don't measure. The sky is treasure. Deny your21Please respect copyright.PENANAjzqJ3G6VMr
pleasure. They want to catch you off your vibration. They want to snatch you21Please respect copyright.PENANAZrkGyANKcn
off your hydration.
Each day holds it's own power. Each ray holds it's own21Please respect copyright.PENANAT5RkqfEoEU
flower. Time is running like a athlete star. My prime stunning like a cat's21Please respect copyright.PENANAo3BsBp7jxU
feet scar. The world is satanic and needs a fire cleanse. The Word is atlantic21Please respect copyright.PENANA2QrvkBYJpH
and pacific for the higher blends.
Ain't no more ignorance. The saints is at war with triggered21Please respect copyright.PENANAZOBXkSFkO2
plans. If possible to deceive the elect. The myth is a obstacle to receive and21Please respect copyright.PENANAYCar6wH1pZ
collect. Christ is the real. The price is in the deal. I'm all in for Jesus.21Please respect copyright.PENANAQezvrsfL8X
Time gon fall in all seasons.
Automatic touchdown. They erratic with the dutch crown. They21Please respect copyright.PENANAtMHpmG6DMp
thought I lost. I was caught in the cost. I was naive by the ways of those who21Please respect copyright.PENANAOhEV3kRlhG
don't believe. Thank God that salvation I received. The Gospel version. Every21Please respect copyright.PENANABCi6MkUGCN
soul needs Jesus the surgeon.
Just know it. Don't trust the voted. For them it's a must to21Please respect copyright.PENANAvtHqDwBQoO
be goated. This is not a race war. They blitz cause grace turned me to a star.21Please respect copyright.PENANAX7Rs1bqfCf
Only a few percentage live in the now. The holy truth is the advantage to give21Please respect copyright.PENANAajpYvplZYI
in the now. Bluetooth damage is now.
We're in the beginning of birth pangs. Everywhere is sinning21Please respect copyright.PENANAUuP0EOyOaH
of earth's fangs. The serpent is their power. Discernment is needed in this21Please respect copyright.PENANA5Airvbu89x
hour. You can't flirt with covid. The saints raised the dirt cause they sold21Please respect copyright.PENANATJSD1YOKTB
it. Salvation is opportunity for immunity.
It's faith over everything. It could be the grave for21Please respect copyright.PENANA6z0lHXk68M
anything. You ask God forgiveness not try to fight thru the karma. The truth is21Please respect copyright.PENANAHP6URma37w
class for the heart of more glitches in light of pharma. The world is lost21Please respect copyright.PENANAdGrIcEraxX
cause they don't accept the Word at its cost.
Pray for the power of the holy spirit. Folk slay in any hour21Please respect copyright.PENANAjpVduvSxlf
cause they only fear it. The light is shining already in these dark times. The21Please respect copyright.PENANAljQAfl59iQ
night is blinding already in the heart's crimes. Evil is evil no matter who.21Please respect copyright.PENANAnySFijdoNS
It's lethal if you shatter the dew.
God is compassionate. Just know the world God's crashing it.21Please respect copyright.PENANAvE8MXVSTZG
Why you begging when there's always a segment. The last portion is cash21Please respect copyright.PENANAHXD1ST3l1h
abortion. When you gon say no to evil. Repent so you when pray there is no ego.21Please respect copyright.PENANAPmRWiBwK58
The Gospel is the only way to holy slay.
Love wins all battles. Free the doves and cattle. You not in21Please respect copyright.PENANA5PJlj07jpG
control. Do not sell your soul. The secrets is being brought to the light no21Please respect copyright.PENANAGSivMXyXUM
matter how locked it is. The regrets is being caught up to the night cause the21Please respect copyright.PENANASivpq3JZEF
glow shatters the rock of the wiz.
It's all about your heart alignment with God's assignment.21Please respect copyright.PENANAivBQDJoZ0Y
Don't lose zeal for the Lord. Don't choose the deal for the award. Break free21Please respect copyright.PENANAxuWEHknmVY
of the matrix thru all biblical virtues. On the stake Jesus was gracious thru21Please respect copyright.PENANAYusQMfWOug
all spiritual earth's truth.
We love. Free dove. The showdown cause they know time can't21Please respect copyright.PENANA2Ox8OxSvfA
slow down. Do the work causes the world is berserk. You don't need a deal to be21Please respect copyright.PENANA4v0dJR1KqO
real. All you need is zeal and folk gon feel. Don't believe in society. They21Please respect copyright.PENANAr0kiMqvBDL
receive sin as priority.
So much information to compute. Out of touch with the21Please respect copyright.PENANAtqSdJk21ib
transformation of my truth. Rewire your mind to do right. Inspire the blind to21Please respect copyright.PENANAuKbEU89VTK
new light. Don't be deceived by intellectuals. They won't receive you cause you21Please respect copyright.PENANANaYciDLk9h
won't sell the extra gold.
Clean hope like faith soap. I don't need no label. Watch me21Please respect copyright.PENANApay0yHvAZD
flip the table. This ain't on cable. I was built for the scourges. That filth21Please respect copyright.PENANAH75LvRAokO
ain't gorgeous. Delivered by grace. By the river I see God's face. My soul you21Please respect copyright.PENANA3AZJJm7aKa
can't copy and paste.
Seek God's face. The meek is God's grace. Be unique in the21Please respect copyright.PENANAhjKEOM51rS
heartspace. Things ain't the same. Wings on my name. Erase the game. In my face21Please respect copyright.PENANAvrCKQ1wHgZ
they tame. The world is do what you want. The Word is true cause society is21Please respect copyright.PENANAjd6ZT2AjP2
glued thought. You can't cage the page.
Be quick to hear and slow to speak. They quick to fear and21Please respect copyright.PENANAIonyIeXzop
know how to sneak. Stay out of hollywood and still fulfill your soul purpose.21Please respect copyright.PENANADJR4pu5LKz
Pray cause they probably could and be real to heal your soul service. No21Please respect copyright.PENANAvAlJfrg3bR
idolatry. Glow like an olive tree.
Plant the gem. Don't slant the stem. The world is in a21Please respect copyright.PENANAtowKVumMQU
spiritual crisis. The Word don't need a biblical license. They cast the past21Please respect copyright.PENANA9SKEbtoMUK
but my heart will last. Living in the now. Given the win I won't bow. When they21Please respect copyright.PENANAAnLJ1SX5G6
see me folk asking how.
To win is the transform. Truth is sin ain't the norm. 2421Please respect copyright.PENANA3BwdpvfpKO
hours equals 24 powers. Each person is gifted with those. Teach the version of21Please respect copyright.PENANAWm3ag6m0r3
how you still rose. Your heart got to be in sync with love. This is the start21Please respect copyright.PENANADxoabKvFSd
of the part to be the link of the dove.