When we think about it, our minds are like a heavily guarded steel safe. In it we keep a lot of things. Our normal thoughts, our strengths and weaknesses, our wildest fantasies, our deepest thoughts, what we like and dislike, knowledge about the outside world, our aspirations, the dreams we feel like we will never achieve, our trauma, events and people that are most dear to us, memories of the past, our secrets and then our darkest secrets. We even keep stored in our minds, multiple personalities, the type of person we only reveal to certain people. Only the most trusted people are allowed in. And they cannot enter that safe freely. It all depends on when we give them permission to access that content of that safe. And that’s only IF we want them there. The door of that steel safe can always but shut closed at any given time, for any reason. I’ve noticed something. When we speak to people, its like we are trying to crack a code, the code to that safe. We try each day to open their steel ‘safe’ and see what’s inside. We are curious creatures. We always want to know, what that person thinks, feels, acts, even dreams of when we talk to them. It all depends on how we feel about that person. However, no matter how hard we try, that code, combination, or key, whatever you want to call it, will never be given to a person. That requires a lot of trust. A lot of trust. Each time we knock on that steel safe door, we are asking for permission to enter, to see what that person will reveal about themselves. Sometimes it opens, other times its closed. Maybe we asked the wrong question, at the wrong time. Every action, every move me make around that person is recorded and documented thoroughly in that steel safe. They keep those thoughts stored about you; they keep it to themselves. Only when they trust you fully with that information, will they give you access to the steel safe to see. When you enter their steel safe, don’t wander off. The rest that’s stored there is none of your business. Everything is tucked away nicely so that you only see what they want you to see, only know what they want you to know.
And that’s where I’m genuinely confused now. Every day that passes you changed everything I knew about all this. You told me “Ask me anything.” You gave me the code, the key to your steel safe all up front. Sure, it took some time, but you surprised me. I didn’t think that one day you would drop it all on me and say, “Wherever you want to go in my mind, go ahead. I have nothing to hide from you.” That’s not how I thought it would work. When I ask you something, you never hesitate. Your open, your never closed off, you never put your guard up. You never look for an excuse to try and get out of explaining something. You subverted my expectations. Why are you so different? You dropped the key in my hand and told me to keep it safe. And I looked at you, completely confused because, no one has ever done that before. Why do you trust me so much? Why me? You are truly unique. You let me in that steel safe, freely, with no restraints, no security pat downs, no questions asked. I dare not abuse what you have given me, access to your mind. I would NEVER betray your trust. You're kind and gentle and my only wish is to protect you, to be the reason you smile. I hold on to your key, like my life depended on it. I keep it away from anyone that would take advantage, that would want to break into your steel safe. What’s inside that steel safe is precious to me. Its value goes beyond anything anyone in this world could possibly pay for. You know who you are…. my angel.