The rough forest ground scraped the girl’s hands as she tripped in her frenzied run. Panic overwhelmed her senses as she scrambled up from the cold ground, the smell of dirt and her own blood filled her nose as she continued through the trees. Everything was a blur, the amount of blood she had lost was slowing her down and those, things, were right at her heels. Although what made no sense to her was that they hadn’t just caught and killed her already. She had seen their inhuman speed, and she knew they could’ve easily caught her minutes ago.
It was as though they were toying with her. Giving her so many chances to escape just to watch her try and fail. She felt like a mouse being tossed around for the amusement of a cat. Playing with her fear and emotions before getting tiresome of the game and finally killing her. The thought made her sick, it seemed the best chance she had was to amuse the cats for as long as possible. It was after all hopeless to truly escape.
“Just kill her already!” Skoll snarled impatiently his dark brown hair moved rapidly in the wind as they ran. Aeron remained indifferent as he kept his deep blue eyes on the target “not yet, this is the fun part” he murmured, a wicked grin flashed across his features as he sped quickly past him, Skoll frowned slightly yet his green eyes remained lit with hunger.
The girl yelped as he sped past her, he chuckled lightly in response. She froze completely, too terrified to move. She shivered as she realized they had completely surrounded her, no matter where she went she would end up standing before one of the creatures. Aeron smirked and sped past the girl again, this time knocking her to the ground. She stayed down as the two slowly closed in on her, smiling in amusement. Her eyes widened in terror as she trembled on the forest floor, her wide eyes filled again with tears that spilled over her already red puffy cheeks.
They slowly emerged from the shadows with wide grins showing glistening fangs. The girl closed her eyes tightly and faced the ground, refusing to even glance at the two. She flinched as an icy finger lifted her chin, bringing her face the face with the black haired male. Aeron pursed his lips slightly, tilting her head from side to side. He looked up at Skoll and smirked as he crossed broad arms impatiently, tapping his foot and telling him with his eyes to just get on with it.
“w-who are you..?” the girl stuttered apprehensively. Aeron smiled widely at the opportunity to further scare the girl, he leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear “hungry”, his jet black hair brushed against the side of her warm face as he spoke. And with that Skoll snapped the girl’s neck in one quick, fluent motion. Aeron looked up at him with a frustrated pout, “fun sponge...” he muttered as he stood from his crouched position.
After they had finished their meal the two headed back into the city. LA was always awake and many people, good and bad alike lived on these crowded streets. Places like this crawled with creatures of the night. The large variety of humans included a large variety of demons as well. These largely populated areas had a high crime rate already, making it easy for these demons to sneak in a meal and have it blamed on a serial killer or sometimes even a wild animal.
The two moved silently through the alley ways and quieted streets, heading back to their lair where the rest of their clan lived as well. Chemung mine, home sweet home. The perfect place for vampires, as themselves, to thrive. Not only because on occasion a midday snack would wonder on in but also because of the perfect darkness and size. On top of the fact that it was an abandoned place presumed to be haunted made the disappearances more interesting and mysterious to the public rather than shocking and scary.
The two walked comfortably into their home, feeling satisfied enough to wait another day before hunting again. No one else seemed to be home, presumably still hunting, normally everyone hunted separately, Aeron and Skoll made an exception of hunting together every now and then thanks to their close friendship, it seemed strange to the others that they would chose to hunt together, especially since most vampires when feeding would grow excruciatingly agitated by another’s presence, in their world, food was not something to share but rather to greedily keep for yourself. It was more a dominance thing then just selfishness though. And on this note, Aeron and Skoll didn’t always hunt together. It was a rare yet considerably enjoyed occasion.
Skoll stretched with a groan and leaped up the cavernous wall to his bunk where he lay down for the approaching day. Aeron instead decided to wonder the mines, still to restless for sleep. After a while Arius and Cerin returned from their separate hunts, Cerin smiled at Aeron knowingly “I assume Skoll is back as well…?” Aeron nodded, a small smile dancing on his lips. Cerin chuckled slightly, his shaggy brown hair looked windblown, presumably from the run back. Arius stood quietly behind him, his pale blue eyes fixated on them as they spoke.
Cerin was always talkative and seemed like a genuinely kind person with his caramel hair and hazel eyes, although his temper was something to be weary of. Arius on the other hand was very quiet, and was kind when he was willing to talk. His short white hair barely framed his face and his pale eyes seemed soul searching. He also had a large scar that carved across his lips and down his jaw. He never spoke of where he got it, and none of the others ever had the audacity to ask.
“Well” Cerin announced “I’m off to sleep, I have a big night tomorrow” he stated with a small chuckle. Aeron raised a brow “what’s going on tomorrow..?” he asked curiously. Cerin smirked “I’ve been stalking” Aeron tilted his head curiously, “when did you start this session?” he asked. Stalking was an exciting game in their world. It wasn’t played very often for fear of raising suspicion. The basic rundown of the game would be to hunt a human over an extended period of time, a long and exquisite hunt. It sometimes involved leaving notes and other means to scare the human involved. Stalking could last as long as the hunter pleased. Although almost all of the time the human chosen for this game would be female, since they were the choicer of the two genders. Their flesh wasn’t as tough as males and was also fattier in certain places.
Cerin chuckled “almost a week now” he replied proudly, “tomorrow I’m going to kill her” he stated with a smirk. Out of the corner of his eye, Aeron noticed Arius flinch at Cerin’s words. A spark of curiosity bloomed in Aeron at Arius’s response to Cerin’s statement. “Goodnight guys” Cerin said, clearing his throat as he left to his bunk. After a moment’s hesitation Aeron approached Arius “what was that..?” he asked curiously. Arius glared down at him, “what was what?” he questioned firmly. “Aeron avoided Arius’s pale eyes and restated his question “why did you flinch…? When Cerin mentioned killing his victim..?” Arius looked away with a small scowl, he seemed guarded, and stiff at the question. After a minute or so passed he cleared his throat, “I was a human who was turned” he admitted in a gruff voice before finally meeting Aeron’s eyes.