Recipe for My Life is an exclusive recipe with extravagant ingredients carefully chosen to sum up to my life. It is a very rare product that you get at the end of this recipe. First step is to find a moderately fat body shell (me). Then you may proceed to procure the following requirements.
A cruel stepmother
An oblivious father
An orthodox grandmother
A lovely younger sister
Art supplies
Many diaries
A heap of insults and comebacks
A tablespoon of honey (What? I am sweet or I think I am.)
One cup of savage sprinkles
250 ml of witticism
And last but not the least,
A wonderful, caring best friend.
-Train the body shell to do simple commands and teach her all the insults. She has to understand them and give according the correcting burning sassy comeback.
-Lock her up in a house with the people around her (stepmother, father, sister, grandmother and friend) so that she could get used to them.
-Now set it aside for a day.
-Take her out of the house which will probably be a hell hole for her soon enough and take her to shop hoods.
-Add honey and witticism slowly. You don’t want her to explode, now do you?
-She is a creative person. Give her art and writing supplies. She will be content without a company.
-Lastly, add savage sprinkles and stir her mind well. Make sure no lumps of stupidity are formed. Now, bake her for 1 hour at 170 degrees centigrade. Make sure you don’t exceed the limits or she may turn out to be hot. (I am not beautiful) It may result in serious global warming.
There! You have the finest version of me. Rare, aren’t I? Take care of her. I mean it.