For the starters, I am sixteen. But, I feel I am already an adult. I guess I was destined to have it like that. I probably like to think that very few people out there, that is my age of course, have suffered an acute case of aggressive depression. Out of all the tragedies that I have been through, the one that ran over me like a truck was death of my mother when I was seven. It left a gaping hole in my tiny heart that still is fresh as it was yesterday. I would rather not go into details. That wound still has grief oozing out off it every waking and sleeping moment.
You would call me crazy, but I used to think I saw her every night, sitting on the edge of my bed and looking at me as subtly as ever. It was silent but peaceful. I knew she loved me and would protect me from any harm. My father took over both the roles- his and my mom’s.
That was until a she-devil decided to pay a visit. In her disguise called stepmother. And she stayed. For a very long time. She still does. But, I stopped caring. I turned my emotions off when people were around me (Yes, I just quoted The Vampire Diaries).
Writing, as I have mentioned, takes away some pain in my life. Drawing is one of my two stress busters. The other one is reading. The words and sketches are my gift and when they come down on paper, they are simply good. Sketching pencils, pens and books are my weapons.
My younger sister has been through it also, but she shoved everything aside. And she was to naïve to understand what was going on around her. I took it upon myself to raise her just like my mother wanted to.
I love socializing and reading and drawing and writing. My writing mostly includes poetry, short stories, essays and a few non-specific genre books that have been started but not completed.
Hey guys! Thank you for reading my sob story! Before anyone asks me about how I am now, I am jolly. I have wonderful virtual friends and a best friend and a lovely sister. I am extremely okay and I am trying to stay strong for myself and people around me. I aspire to become an author and poet. Also a psychiatrist cum counselor because I hope to help people fight back everything they’ve suffered and not go through something like I have. Cool beans. Stay tuned. Bye. Peace and chill out!