"Grandpa Kirk died yesterday, at the blessed age of Seventy eight." Said Ansel as he spoke into the microphone mounted to the dark wood podium scratched and banged up from years of neglect, rain dripped through the church's ceiling the air was dank, dirty, and moist. Morning light beamed through the huge stained glass window behind him, some of it shattered and discolored. "We were able to give Kirk a joyous extra eight years, before he died a peaceful and natural passing, in a way we saved him from the ruthless fate he would've faced at the hands of the Nazi Regime, that he would've faced eight years before his death."
Ansel wiped tears from his eyes, as he stepped down from the literal soap box, and walked towards the brown coffin, walking past puddles on the darkened red carpet. He held a bouquet of roses and rested it on top of the coffin, he then pushed down on the coffin, it sank down into the floor and fell into a chamber of countless other coffins, the ones Ansel saved.
Ansel turned around towards the wooden benches, to see that he was alone, all but two people. Stein was a bulky man with wide shoulders and a hard edged head that donned a very short buzz-cut, the other was a girl who had a stunning hourglass figure, she was a head taller than Stein but much skinnier, she was half Japanese and half American a child forbidden to be conceived, her name was Sakae.
"That was beautiful Ansel." said Sakae as Ansel walked down the creaky wooden stairs that led off the stage and onto the main floor. She batted her eyelashes and put her hand on his shoulder as the three of them took a seat on a bench on the first row in front of the defaced bronze statue of Jesus' crucification.
The face was completely covered in black spray paint, his arms were sloppily sawed off, and a Nazi Swastika was sprayed in red paint on his chest. Just being in this neglected and vandalized church disgusted him and only reminded him of his grandpa Kirk who started the revolution the three currently were now leaders of since his death.
Suddenly a volley of bullets shot through the door, letting beams of light shine through the door and into the otherwise dark and dank church. "Come out now Democratic Dogs! We know you are in there."
The three stood up and defiantly and walked down the aisle, hand in hand as they walked towards the double dark oak doors. They opened the doors and were blinded by the sudden bright sunlight, but before them stood a small army of soldiers clothed in black with the rising sun emblem on their chests and had German military hats, holding Pulse rifles that would send waves of pressurized air towards them and rip them apart if they hadn't listened to the captain's orders. Two tanks sat behind the soldiers with their cannons aimed towards the church.
The three fell on their knees and held their hands behind their heads in surrender. Viva la Revolucion.