Ansel awoke in a cold and uncomfortable metal chair, his aching wrists shackled with huge cuffs of iron attached to a matching silver colored, cold, and bland table. His hands began to feel tingly and soon they became numb, the room around him felt cold and sterile, the walls were made up of five by five foot stark white tiles and the floor made of white marble with the occasional random blotch of black.
To Ansel's right hand side there was a black wall and a door next to it. A one-way window. Ansel looked straight into the black wall and gestured with the tip of his head towards the white door that clumsily camouflaged into the white walls.
Within seconds, high pitched feedback filled the room and a deep and weak voice soon replaced it. Worshiping Jesus. God Ansel, what were you thinking, how foolish of you," Said the man who sounded distressed and vastly disappointing. "You know for fact Herr Hitler is the one true messiah, do you not son?"
"Yes Father." he said gulping down the necessary lie, when in fact he was not actually worshiping Jesus but actually holding the forbidden funeral detesting the Fourth Reich amendment that stated that once someone reached the age of 70 they would be executed by a firing squad. Ansel and his two friends ran a protestant group that hid civilians so they can live life to the fullest. But this time was far more somber, because this time it was Ansel's Grandfather, Kirk.
"As for your friends," said Ansel's father who was president of the Fourth Reich's social committee. "They have said their last prayer, they will be executed tomorrow. I still love you Ansel, I hope you know that." Ansel's eyes teared up as he was on the edge of his chair, and rested his head on the cold table in mournful defeat.
"Your only punishment according to Fourth Reich law for Assisted sacreligion, will only have to watch the execution."
* * * * *
A pale and skinny man outfitted in full traditional Nazi regalia guided Ansel, stiffly holding him by the arm, placing the other arm on the opposite shoulder blade. He guided Ansel down a set of concrete stairs, a striking contrast from the interrogation room.
The stairs led down to a narrow concrete hall with small 5x5 iron barred cells on either side. The pair reached the second jail cell from the staircase, before the guard forced Ansel's head against the concrete wall with one hand, using the other hand to grab a key ring and unlocked the cell and pulled the bars and inside, throwing Ansel into the cold concrete prison.
The cell was scarce, containing only a wooden bench with a pillow and a think blanket stood adjacent to a grimy and feces covered metal toilet. He was exhausted and now that his tears had dried up and his eyes still sore he laid on top of the bed and pulled the thin wool blanket over his legs and rolled over, falling fast asleep.
* * * * *
Ansel awoke sore all over with splinters infested his bare arms and sides from the hardness of the wooden bench. He heard heels click down the hallway towards his cell, he got up to see the guard from the night before swinging his key ring on one finger.
"Wake up!" shouted the man in German. Ansel did not know much German just like the rest of America, but he could understand the frustration in the guard's voice, so he hazily got up and walked over to the bars and met eyes with the guard's empty white eyes.
Without a word the guard unlocked the cell and grabbed Ansel by the arm and guided him up the stairs and out to a wooden deck that looked down on a lawn of otherwise normal green lawn, if there weren't two metal poles with Stein and Sakae bound to them with stiff metal wire.
The guard let Ansel go but stood guard at the stairs leading down to the lawn. Ansel walked over to the edge of the orange wood deck, looking down on the green lawn and at the metal poles in front of the white vinyl fencing that encased the backyard.
Looking around, Ansel noticed something increasingly odd, the "prison" appeared to be just an ordinary townhouse, noticing the the rows of tightly packed townhouses on all sides, a typical post-ally defeat, and yet another clue he could hear children playfully shouting and playing basketball in front of the house. The sound of children playing eased him, as it seemed for just a moment he was in a free country.
The stomping of Nazi soldiers adorning rifles aimed and repeatedly shot at the two strapped to the metal poles, leaving them mutilated and unrecognizable. Ansel's sadness and pit in his stomach turned into a belly of fire and a spirit of vengeance to avenge his two best friends. He declared from that moment on Axis America was a country at war.