afterward was spawned from two separate projects I was workshopping in my spare time. I had ideas for a first-person point-and-click adventure game in the style of Paradigm, and I had ideas for a cerebral OFF-styled RPG by the name of Beneath. Both games would have offered a surreal tone and lean quite heavily on the fourth wall, but the unnamed adventure game was a very light-hearted adventure that would have featured narration all-throughout (which I disposed of quickly when I realized how much effort that would take; I might come back to the underlying idea one day but today isn't it) while Beneath would be much more dark and oppressive. The adventure game formed the backbone of afterward while I scavenged for parts from Beneath to flesh out its world. The idea of a protagonist in the wrong body and an ambiguous ending were lifted from older rewrites of Beneath, and combined became the first chapter of afterward.