Now it's not like Creston was a very honored elite school. it was more of a boarding school for the middle class working parents who probably just wanted their kids sent away with the thought that they were anything special.
I grabbed my backpack and headed to the stairwell, 7:25, the rush hour of dormitory C. Everyone's shuffling downstairs to grab a small snack from the commons area ,because none of us are willing to wake up and walk across campus to a dining hall for Cheerios and orange juice at five thirty in the morning.
It it was unusually crowded today near the vending machines so I decided breakfast is useless and skipped it. I walked out of the main doors heading to the reading and English halls.
Creston prep was only a high school but it was built on an old college campus that shut down years ago due to low student attendance, so all of the old building as are still here and we use that to our advantage.
School had been in for about a quarter now and there were only a couple more weeks left in the semester, so that means mid semester projects and exams are on their way.
I entered the reading hall five minutes before my first class. Walking around Creston campus wasn't like your typical passing period at most schools, meaning there was no passing periods.
Classes got out after fifty minutes and started usually thirty minutes afterwards. Due to the size of the campus there were no periods, only hours.
My first class of the day was English literature, a class every junior will have to take by the end of the year. English lit wasn't hard it was just boring, 7:45 in the morning and I'm sitting in a dark boring room learning about old white writers and their clearly out of date stories.
But English Lit had its perks, we paired up every week with all of the American lit students, another core Writing class.
When the two classes got together it was really entertaining we all acted out scenes from the books we were reading in class. But the best part is at the end of each month when we read the same story and had to pair up with another student from American lit and work together on a full fifteen minute presentation.
And may may I just say the American lit class wasn't just full of fun people, it was full of hot fun people.