Gregorian is located in the south western corner of the Alcrita continent.
Western border is demarcated by the Spiry Mountains. North borders with the Great Desert. Southern border is washed by the Eldritch ocean. And lastly on the east Gregorian borders with the Green Grove, the second of human regions.
Before the war of unification, started by the king and after the emperor Gregorian Tyrant, Gregorian was a kingdom. Kingdom was called simply the Alcritan kingdom. Because it's origins ranged from the ancient Alcritan Empire. But that is thousands of years old past.
Under the rule of the emperor Gregorian, the army was widely improved, as it was the only thing the emperor cared about. The borders of the Empire expanded after the war with elves and the forbidden expedition.
Nobles had a long tradition in the Alcritan kingdom and the Empire. They had power over the politics of the Empire and were using it for their advantage, slowly gaining more and more influence over the country. However their goals mostly consisted of getting more wealth for their families. Until prince Emeric indirectly executed most of them by giving them to the prince Zarius.
After the first war of the Empire with the Dark Ones, when the emperor Enric Tyrant Merill ruled over the Empire, economy was rising high. Enric established trade with Stormers, Elves and People of the desert, and also allowed them to live in Gregorian and Green Grove. Enric was so focused on improving the economic situation of the Empire, that he wasn't aware of the institution, which was slowly getting the power, that the nobles held before. The Mage Watch and it's wardens.