The second region of the mankind. Always the second someone could say. The Green Grove is more agriculturally based region than Gregorian.
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Green Grove lies on east from Gregorian. Their southern border is also washed by the Eldritch ocean. Their eastern border is protected from the Forbidden Territory by the Wall of Sorrow. And the north of Green Grove borders with the Ashnaton forest.
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Green Grove was also an independent kingdom before the war of unification. Kingdom led by the court, because no one had enough power to proclaim himself as a king. Royal family is virtually inexistent in the Green Grove from it's very beginning as a kingdom, after the fall of Alcritan Empire.
Royal family has always been in Gregorian, as well as the most of the nobility and wealth. Therefore the Green Grove had no unified lead, but instead it had branches of the court that took care about all the things in the kingdom.
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Before the Wall of Sorrow was built by the Empire, Green Grove bordered on east with barbaric tribes of the Dark Ones. These savages were constantly raiding Green Grove's farms. The court functioned on voting basis when they had to decide something that would affect the kingdom as a whole. When they finally chose to act, and use the army against the tribes, they had one more thing to vote about... It was the unification proposal from the king of Gregorian, Gregorian Tyrant.
As the court had no intention and time to vote about this issue, it was postponed.
However, the king Gregorian took the postponing as a refusal, and declared war with the Green Grove.
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Officials of Gregorian handed over the declaration of war to the court, while Gregorian army was already on the border, apparently the king Gregorian hoped for their refusal.
Desperately unprepared army of the Green Grove was slaughtered to the last man in battle on the Green Fields, or so it's said. Rumors are, that some Green Grove's soldiers were dragged to the forest, where Gregorian's soldiers were committing inhuman experiments on them, including something with magic. Truth is that a new Green Grove's government forbade it's people to enter a place called "Dead Forest", and blamed the Dark Ones for this regulation.
When Gregorian himself walked with his army into Grimfell, Green Grove's capital, members of the court refused to swear their allegiance to him, and rather accepted public execution.
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General Garon the Red, who led the battle on Green Fields (afterwards jestingly called the Red Fields), became the new king.
Soon Gregorian found out about the Dark One's tribes on east, and the Forbidden Expedition started, ending with building the Wall of Sorrow and expansion of Green Grove's territory.
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Green Grove as the part of the Empire has no army in it's real meaning. Instead their defence forces consists of self operating garrisons of Green Grove's forts and cities.
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The Empire's war with the Dark Ones changed the face of the Green Grove forever. Most of it's population was butchered, cities burned, and villages razed to the ground. When the emperor Enric ruled, it's population was slowly recovering, with help of the People of the desert.