Brisk gusts hit a slim male in dark blue unbutton blazer. He had pale skin short dark wavey hire. In an hour and a half, the flight would take off. Only the prior night's had left him in a poor state. The man swaggered like a pole in a storm.
"Move aside slim!" An aged woman with a dark curly bop pushed through. Due to the streaming crowd. The mass of boarders field gate four of Trask cities Aero Harbor.
"Morning Captin Harlow!" Another woman beaconed the man. Who then squirmed and slithered through the masses.
"Thanks, Juliet." The sturdiest held a side door open for him. The two entered as room as luggage valets stemming by. Harlow took a deep breath. Slowly yet earnest made his way to check-in. The ticket master stood behind a large counter. With flickering flight locations in neon blue and count downtimes in red.
Harlow dashed by folks getting their tickets checked. Through none-public entrance. When he spotted Captain Lafayette at Neon Draper bar stand.
Shaking his mind off it, he produced to the loading docks. Upon stepping out through cool breeze across a lot. And right into a busy boarding line.
"Sorry, Harlow! But I need it out! No fraternizing while on the clock!" Warned man in a sleeveless orange coat.