Archiver Note: Since the reports of the WSO are vast and large, a lot of them have been lost or incomplete. Therefore, for the sake of consistency and understanding, I will only release the fully completed reports in this document which will be available for public consumption to The Structure's residents immediately. This is a report on The Mutated Rats which were discovered inside the water pipes of The Structure about 12 years ago. Head researcher on this was Clara Jennings
Clara's report:
I can't believe I am doing this. Out of all the things I am to write a report on they stuck me with oversized rats. I don't care if the brass or the Archiver sees this, you put me in charge of studying rats and god damn it, I'm gonna bitch a little bit. What am I supposed to write down anyways? They're big, smelly, creepy looking rats. Not much to it. I'd rather report on anything than this. Hell, I'll take zombies over this at least they're threatening. But, work is work so let's just get to it.
The Mutated rats were discovered in one of the water pipes of The Structure for the first time around 12 years ago. I will point out that this is not where they live, one of them just happened to get stuck there. In order to make sure that this little incident, which nearly poisoned The Structure's water supply doesn't happen again they sent the rat lose outside and made me and one of the WSO interns follow it to its lair. I was afraid that I was going to have to go far, therefore needing more help but luckily for me, the rat buried itself in an already dug out hole. That's...i guess you could say the only interesting part about this though that's a bit of a stretch. Due to it's increased size the rat can make bigger holes and bury itself inside, effectively making something of a rabbit hole for itself. Once we found that it can do that I found multiple holes scattered all around The Structure's exterior. Since I wasn't equipped to deal with that nor did I want to I called the Exterminator units to deal with it. I guess at the end of the day I could feel accomplished with the fact that I prevented a water crisis by finding those holes but still...fucking rats? Seriously ██████ if you put me on another stupid report like this I'm filing a complaint. And don't expect a recording to follow either, I'm not bothering myself with that.
End Of Report