Archiver Note: These things have been given so many names by the researchers who've studied them, all in attempts to not call them zombies. Because for some reason zombie sounds childish to them. Regardless, here are the reports of the wasteland Zombie. Head researcher on this was and still is Dr. David ██████
David's report:
What is there to be said about these things. We've all seen the movies, the books, the drawings of what the Ancestors thought these creatures would look and, well, they're pretty much spot on.
The Zombie is a humanoid looking creature that is the most spread out and plentiful creature in the Wasteland. That is because many of these Zombies were former Ancestors. This has been discovered by the fact that among the few Zombie carcasses that we managed to drag into the lab to study many of them still had remnants of their old human clothing on them. T-shirts, jeans, skirts, dresses, clothes that current citizens of The Structure wear. That would explain why they are the biggest in population creatures in the Wasteland though they're certainly not the most dangerous.
Average height: 5.8-6.0 feet tall or 1.7-1.8 meters
Build: Typically very skinny, usually with pieces of their inner organs either protruding or just completely missing. Despite that, they still function. The only way to get rid of them for good is the classic shot to the head
Consumption: The Zombie will eat pretty much anything though it seems to have a distinct want or need for human flesh. Whether it finds us easier to swallow or tastier because of our relation with them is still unknown
Location: Typically spread all around The Wasteland. There's almost no climate where these things can't survive unless it's a really really cold temperature but seeing how The Structure is built in the middle of a rocky desert wasteland, that defense really doesn't work
Danger: Level 2-Easy. The Zombie doesn't pose much of a threat to the average survivor out there in the Wasteland. They're slow, brainless, half of them have either rotted or are rotting into the ground. Nothing that the average security of The Structure can't handle. A Horde is a bit more dangerous, going up to Level 3-Caution, but seeing how out Knights are equipped with fully loaded miniguns I don't think that would be too much of a problem.
The following is a recording of one of my encounters with The Zombie out in the wasteland. On this scouting trip, I was accompanied by my intern Jacob ██████ (that boy still has so much to learn) and one of the Structure's police officers. The brass didn't think that a Knight was necessary for the observance of the Zombie to which I agree
Recording loading...
Officer: There it is. Doctor, are you ready
David: Yes, yes, just give me a second (David looks around his bag to find his notes)
Jacob: Mr. ██████, don't you think it's a bit unsafe to be this close to it?
Officer: Jesus Christ, is he always this much of a bitchy little shit Doctor?
David: Don't knock the kid too much officer, he's never been outside The Structure's walls. Now let me take a look at this thing
(David looks over at the Zombie's movements who, after a few seconds spots them and starts walking towards them, groaning and moaning as he does it)
Jacob: Uh, guys. It's heading towards us
David: That's perfect. Officer, get us closer with the car, i want to see it up close
Officer: Whatever you say Doctor (The Officer starts to drive the car slowly towards the approaching zombie
Jacob: Have you two lost your minds?! It's gonna eat us (Jacob starts to panic and scream as the officer turns around and hits him with the back of his gun
Officer: Listen kid, if you don't shut up, you'll attract a horde! And then you'll have a reason to panic. Now keep quiet and let the Doctor work
(The Zombie gets right next to the vehicle as it slams itself on top of the hood of it, scratching at the glass, trying to break through to the 3 of them
David: You see Jacob? There's nothing to fear. It's so stupid it can't figure out a way to go sideways (The Doctor rummages through his bag again as he pulls out a ██████, a standard issued equipment built specifically for the scientific branch of The Structure's staff as he uses it to take a sample of The Zombie's skin)
Jacob: Oh..ugh...that's disgusting (He holds back on the vomit)
David: Science is often messy my dear intern (The doctor takes the skin sample and put it is a small plastic bag) Alright Officer, you may proceed now
(At that command, The Officer pulls out a knife and sticks it right in between the Zombie's eyes, making the lifeless looking carcass truly lifeless)
Jacob: Can we...can we go back now?
David: Yes, now we can. And when we get back, you and I are gonna have a talk I (The vehicle drives off and goes back to The Structure)
End of recording