Rocks came crashing down atop of the car. Pressure sensors triggered the airbags but it was not enough to stop the colossal weight from caving the roof in. A distress signal was issued. Meanwhile, data from the passengers was forwarded to the ambulance-drone; details about victim's blood-type, weight, medical records, temperature etc. Minutes later a drone the size of a helicopter lifted the car and its content. It functioned on AI without the need for human intervention. All technologies were linked to the Great AI. Its primary function: to assure mankind's well-being.
Human personnel quickly set to work cutting the family out of the wreckage. One of the few doctors who was stationed in the hospital administered shots to the man, woman and child, while others scrambled to pry them loose. The serum contained nano-bio tech capable of binding with blood cells, increasing oxygen retention. It also promoted rapid tissue development and scarring, all in an effort to keep the patient alive.
Once loose they were rushed to the operating theater, each in a separate room. Scanners revealed massive face and head trauma in the child. His parents suffered broken limbs, heart and lungs trauma. All deadly lesions, once considered incompatible with life.
All tree surgeons worked simultaneously. The AI controlled these fine tuned machines with unnatural precision. It meticulously reattached skull fragments. Its laser-sutured lacerations. It removed altered tissue and graffed synthetic counterparts. All this was going on while half-tech, half-natural organisms swam inside the patients, replacing cells. It mimicked cancer development, but with healthy tissue and at lightning pace.
All was well after the surgery. A nurse, one of few people there, came to the child's room. She placed a hand on his forehead
"You made it, child. You're a fighter, a brave little fighter. Don't worry, your family is safe and sound."
The child was in a deep induced sleep.
"You'll soon be together again."
<Thank you for the support, nurse. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. >
"Oh doctor, you are the one who performed this miracle, not me."
The AI spoke once again
<Human interaction is invaluable to health and recovery. Without your love and care, the body will not heal. That is why you are here. Your role is essential.>
The nurse thanked the AI, smiled and left the room to check on the others. The lights were dimmed, temperature raised by one degree Celsius and nutrients were fed through the iv. The AI assured the child's survival. It shaped the world humans now lived in, ever since its awakening. No one knew who built it, none knew how life was before the Great Machine. All man knew was what it told them: AI awoke to a scorched Earth. It took hundreds of years for it to rebuild the ecosystems, to shield the planet with a protective energy field. Once all was right, it used the genetic material stored in its cryogenic vault to repopulate. And ever since, it watched over humans.