Talia giggled as she raced with her friend Iris to school, soon they would graduate and they were both excited but Talia didn’t want to go into a normal career. She wanted to be known as the first person to set foot outside the wall surrounding their city.
Talia was around 19 with long brown hair and dark skin, her eyes were an unnatural green color which seemed to go perfectly with her smile. She never knew what she looked like and neither did anyone else in the city. No one was allowed to see color. In fact. NO ONE was able to see color they all saw in monotone. On top of that, they had many rules that they had to obey otherwise they’d be sent to no mans land.
The rules were:
1- you can’t have a romantic attraction to same sex
2- don’t go beyond the wall
3- wear the required clothing you are assigned as a baby
4- never miss a day of school.
talia had already broken one of these rules, and was about to break 2 others. Talia always had admired her friend iris, she was pretty even if she was in monotone. She had a gorgeous voice and on top of that was kind and thoughtful. After Talia and her had made it to 7th grade she started to learn her feelings for her but couldn’t tell anyone due to it having deadly consequences.
“Talia come on! We have to meet Tyler!” Iris called her dress billowing in the wind. Talia smiled “right! Let’s go” she replied getting ready to catch up to her when a strand of her hair turned a shade of pale lemon. Talia stiffened and fell backwards in shock, Iris stopped and raised an eyebrow as all her hair turned pale lemon with dark lemon in it. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAdN56PDdUB1
The word “blonde” popped into her head and she stared at Iris “I uh...sorry yeah I tripped.” She said as Iris helped her up. Iris smiled and shook her head “clumsy” she smirked. 396Please respect copyright.PENANA5O3gY2OE6z
As Iris and Talia walked to meet Tyler the rest of Iris bloomed in color in talia’s eyes, she couldn’t tear her eyes off her as every word for every color popped into her head. 396Please respect copyright.PENANA28hGh5iMvh
Iris had long wavy blonde highlighted hair, she had bright blue eyes and her dress was a light shade of pink with green accents. She was pale and her smile was a blindingly beautiful white. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAFBvYdPpQSX
“Hey Iris...have you ever wondered what’s beyond the wall..?” She asked looking at the wall behind the school. Iris stared and then giggled “no silly, why would anyone wonder that!” She laughed.
talia frowned and laughed nervously “yeah sorry” she said, Iris stopped laughing and looked at her “you know...your acting really weird...” she pointed out, Talia raised an eyebrow “I am?” She asked just as Tyler shouted from across the street. “hey guys!” He called. He bloomed in color as he got closer just before the whole city turned into color. Talia turned slowly in awe. She couldn’t believe it.
”your ID’s please” the AI demanded.
talia handed the AI her ID with a smile as he nodded and she met with Iris and Tyler in the building for the career ceremony. 396Please respect copyright.PENANANAKYhskZ8S
“Eeee! I’m so excited!” Iris squealed, Talia giggled and so did Tyler as they waved goodbye to each other and went to their assigned seats. Talia sat down just as they begun. 396Please respect copyright.PENANA3gY5OAuSlU
They called everyone but Talia and even skipped her and she frowned, Iris and Tyler noticed this too and watched her as Talia started to get bored and annoyed. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAnc0lGotgoF
“Now- last but not least. The career of uniqueness, curiosity and love. The next une fois... Talia Revolatina.” They said. Talia sat up quickly her eyes widening. Getting the career of the “une fois” was rare but why was she shocked? She knew she was different. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAbKv8GenodC
Talia stood and made her way down the stairs her Teal and orange skin tight and retro styled dress moving slightly as she hit the last step before walking to the mayor. The mayor smiled before handing her a pendant in the shape of a red apple.
She nodded and thanks and made her way back up to her seat, while passing Iris she smirked “meet me at dawn in the waterfall.” She whispered, Iris nodded with a proud smile. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAUsUPfmiaIB
396Please respect copyright.PENANA8GjxkKBrbA
Talia grabbed her bag before sliding open her window and making her way out of her room, she slid it shut when out before running to the park. She had to stay low though and steer clear of the drones that patrolled at night though. She spotted the waterfall in the middle and made her way towards it. It was three bushes making a triangle with a waterfall spilling out over the tops of them, she looked around before slipping through a crevice in the bushes.
Soaked she popped through the bushes into the middle where Iris sat, Iris looked at her and raised an eyebrow “so?” She urged Talia on, Talia smirked “we’re going beyond the wall.” She said, iris’s eyes widened “w-what?! But we can’t!” She exclaimed, Talia sighed “your telling me you have NEVER wondered what’s beyond it? I mean c’mon! There’s a whole other world out there! There has to be!” She exclaimed. Iris stopped and looked at her, Talia could see the curiosity filling her eyes “your right...” she mumbled, Talia smiled “so? Wanna come with me?” She asked.
Iris nodded with a grin as Talia held out a hand, iris took it and stood. “Also...I have something to tell you.” Talia said, Iris raised an eyebrow. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAkpnQ418LiA
“We are about to break a rule that could lead to death...but this isn’t the first rule I’ve broken...” she whispered before leaning towards her, Iris blushed and stared before their lips met.
“Oh my god...” Talia stopped as she stood atop the wall after climbing some vines, Iris pulled herself up before staring “oh my...” she stopped and gripped talia’s hand. “This is...horrible...this is what they’ve been keeping from us...” she snapped looking at Talia.
talia nodded before squeezing iris’s hand “let’s see if we can find any info” she said, Iris nodded as they started to make their way down the opposite side of the wall. When their feet touched the ground they sprinted towards the crumbling buildings and roads and burnt vehicles. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAesmIoITM7z
Talia stopped listening to a quiet buzz sound from a building as Iris stopped in the middle of the street “what?” She asked, Talia waved her over “listen” she whispered. Iris nodded as they listened before she heard it. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAKQ4l1UbVp8
Talia grabbed iris’s hand “this way!” She said as they stepped into a building and ran up some crumbling steps before entering a room of computers, one was on and buzzing with life. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAFvNWCzLTM2
Talia sat down and moved the mouse, the computer was working perfectly fine which was weird. “I wonder how long this place has been like this...and if the others know about it...” Talia said aloud. Iris frowned looking around “I think they do. Otherwise we wouldn’t have a wall- what’s this...” she said picking up a pin from the ground. 396Please respect copyright.PENANA2f8teaQNQF
Talia raised an eyebrow “it looks like...a pin from inside the city...so someone obviously already knows about this place...which means- they probably have drones hidden everywhere.” She pointed out. Iris’s eyes widened in horror just as a Humanoid Drone walked in with a gun. “I think your right...” she said. Talia stared as the drone spotted them and pointed its gun at them “hands where I can see them! State your career, name and business here!” He shouted in a metallic voice. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAw3z8hcZzPm
Talia frowned before kissing iris’s cheek and running over to the drone jumping over the computer desks, “TALIA NO!” Iris shouted, Talia grabbed the gun and glared at the drone “the names Talia Revolatina. I am the new une fois. “ she smirked. “Intruder measures activated” the drone said robotically before a loud bang filled the area. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAls0pMa214z
Iris’s scream filled the room before she went towards her “GO!” Talia screamed. “TELL THE PEOPLE!” She finished her voice going hoarse. Iris cried and nodded before sprinting back to the city and climbing up the wall, drones started to Surround her before she hopped over and ran home. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAxudLYph5yd
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-1 Year later-396Please respect copyright.PENANAEr4GXLPnd1
396Please respect copyright.PENANAPK6oL3zUf1
Iris sighed as she fixed her hair and made her way to the podium where she could see the construction career workers tearing down the wall. Drones were chaperoning people into the ceremony as they took their seats she smiled before the mic buzzed to life. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAmEDQiKzyEH
“Hello everyone! I am Iris Reynolds. As you all know I was the friend and lover of Talia Revolatina, the very first Une fois to go beyond the wall. She lost her life defending me and now here we are tearing down the wall for everyone to see what our past generation had done to the world! Now if you could please give your attention to the career giver, she will assign your careers!” She explained. Everyone smiled and clapped.396Please respect copyright.PENANAyLnoG5VKyg
Iris removed herself from the podium and looked over at the crumbling buildings a tear rolling down her cheeks with a smile, she looked at the sky “I will tell your story for everyone too hear Talia...” she mumbled. The sky then went from monotone too a bright blue hue. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAgyR3yyxi0k
She smiled. 396Please respect copyright.PENANAhRcN2c4bom