“Ugh- Huh?” Emily Anne Hardnerstein woke up to the sound of the school bells echoing throughout the small, bright school filled with high-schoolers around the country of Azdangraid. “Is it dismissal already?” Emily thought out loud as she looked around to see some of her classmates leaving standing up, getting their bags, and leaving the room.
She yawned softly, but the yawn was cut short when a sudden loud voice called out to the student. “Emily Hardnerstein!” Mr. Frisk yelled out, filled with disappointment and anger as he saw one of his students just waking up from their nap that lasted for the whole lesson. “When are you seriously going to learn how to listen to my class!?” He pinched the bridge of the nose as if he didn’t want to have this conversation... Again.
Emily just shrugged and began stretching her arms as her teacher stared at her intensely in the eyes. He opened the drawer on his desk, grabbing a pile of papers, and marched his way towards Emily’s desk, slamming the papers on the desk with flares coming out his nostrils. “Don’t you dare disrespect me, Hardnerstein!” He yelled. “You have been failing in my history class since the start of the school year-!” His sentence was cut short when Emily spoke.
“Lessons? Doesn’t humanity have no understanding of the past? I feel like all you’re talking about made-up heroes and artifacts and a bunch of fake nonsense!” This caused Mr. Frisk to get ten times angrier at his student. He shook his head and grabbed the girl’s hair, pulling her out of the class. The other students turned to look back at the scene, afraid of what happens next. Some of them wanted to interfere, but they knew that wouldn’t do anything but get scolded alongside Emily.
“Don’t you dare talk back to me like that, Hardnerstein! That’s it! I’m getting you expelled at once!” Mr. Frisk yelled in frustration and anger as he stomped his foot on the ground. Emily still kept an “I don’t care” face as she shrugged at the old man. The shrug tipped him over the edge. He held the stack of papers up in the air, ready to swing it at her... The pile was thick enough to cause a little damage to her.
Emily held her hand up to hopefully block the attack, and suddenly - “Mr. Frisk? What on earth are you doing?” Thankfully for Emily, the principal came in the scene, the students ran to the side to give the women a path into the scene. Mr. Frisk’s angry expression turned into a fearful one when he turned to see Ms. Finley in her formal outfit with a frown. Ms. Finley was a beautiful woman with curly hair and brown skin.
“Ma’am, expel this girl at once! She’s failing in my class since this school started, and she has been so disrespectful-!”
“For god sakes, Mr. Frisk, she is fourteen! People in her age would mostly have that attitude!”
Without wanting to cause a commotion and an argument, especially with the principal, Mr. Frisk had no choice but to turn around and leave the scene, mumbling angry words with a scowl on his face. Ms. Finley sighed heavily as she walked up to Emily, helping her stand up. She jerked her head to the students with a frown. “Now, go home, all of you” She ordered. The students quickly nodded and walked away from the scene. Leaving Emily, who was looking at the ground, away from the principal, and Ms. Finley.
Ms. Finley proceeded to drag Emily to her office, letting her have a seat. Emily sat down in front of the desk while the principal sat down behind it. Ms. Finley sighed as she held the student’s hand. “I know how you feel. Miss Emily” The Principal sighed. “Between me and you, I do think that history lessons shouldn’t mean to exist...” This caught Emily’s attention, out of all the things, a principal not wanting one lesson is the last thing she would think of being possible.
“But it isn’t meant to be just about knowledge, it’s meant to be inspirational” Ms. Finley chuckled softly. Emily raised an eyebrow and tilted her head, a little confused about what the principal meant. “Heroes, whether they’re real or not, they still inspire people to accomplish things. Just like how Orion Cavalier the Sword Warrior got inspired by the first generation of heroes across the land. Because of them, he found his future, he found a way to live”
The principal’s words weren’t working for Emily, but she did know what Ms. Finley meant to say. “But what if I don’t want to know my future? What if I don’t have a goal? Surely, not all people can be inspired by some warriors...” Emily sighed like it was a complete dead end.
“That may be true, Miss Hardnerstein, but that doesn’t mean you’ll have one in the future” Ms. Finley winked as she chuckled, opening a drawer in her desk, and pulling out some sort of thick book. She placed the book on the desk beside Emily. “For many years I have been trying to keep this journal to learn all about the history, the stories may be fake, but the message isn’t...” She chuckled. “I want you to keep it. Miss Hardnerstein...”
“But- What makes you think I won’t read it?” Emily asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked directly at the book. “That is it, I don’t” Ms. Finley chuckled at the student as she wrapped her hands around Emily’s hand tightly. “But... The impossible is always the possibility, as Zoe the Majestic once said...”
“Ok, please stop quoting heroes-“ Emily said. Ms. Finley shrugged as she let go of Emily’s arms. “Now, why don’t you go home? I still have an important business to deal with Mr. Frisk if you know what I mean” The principal chuckled as she showed Emily out of the room with the book. Emily stared at the book intensely as she walked out of the school.
The next few weeks have been going really “well” for Emily, their history teacher, Mr. Frisk has been fired and has been replaced with a much greater and friendlier one. But one thing has been going through Emily’s find during those next few days... The book her principal gave her...