I’m about to rain on most shippers’ parade …
Sasuke and Karin fucked in Canon. How do I know this for a fact? Here’s how …
The first time it’s suggested is when all of Team Hebi is together (yes, it’s all the way back into the distant past):
This is Viz Translation:
As you can see, Viz completely removed the sexual connotation; however, the actual suggestion, along with the correct translation, is explicitly backed by this:
Still not convinced? All right, how about this?
It’s interesting how the prospect of “Karin getting hot and heavy with Sasuke” and “both of them being third and fourth wheels between Sasuke and Karin” isn’t something that’s out of the realm of possibility for Suigtesu. In fact, he keeps teasing Karin over this over and over again. He also states that he wants to “break them up”; so if they were never together (or as together as Sasuke would’ve allowed it), why would Suigetsu even suggest this?
How about this? Karin’s spent far more time with Sasuke, and that’s proven by the fact that Suigetsu was experimented on by Karin (yes, she isn’t some dainty girl who Sasuke ruined that many Sasuke haters keep suggesting) while she had more knowledge on his summons when others didn’t (keep this in mind that the first time Sasuke met Jugo was at the other hideout):
Still not convinced? Well, Sasusaku fanatics keep posting the following stupid scans to make some point (Lord knows which point):
(Sasuke’s making a face as Karin’s saying that in a very angry voice; he isn’t disgusted.)
(He’s only asking her that why’s she lying, but it apparently means, “oh my gosh! He loves Sakura!”)
(This one doesn’t go like this in Viz; as there, he asks all of them “to hurry up and head out” and look at every Akatsuki hideout; talk about idiotic cherry-picking.)
Is that supposed to be some devastating rejection along the lines of three “you make me sick!” rejections (I’m not even counting others), one brutal “I’m breaking your heart!” Genjutsu rejection, three clap backs with full killing-intent, and several instances of outright leaving Sakura to perish horrifically (vaporized in case of Jubi-Obito’s four Bijuu Damas; melted in case of Kaguya’s Lava Dimension)? Haha, I’m in stitches; and the translation is completely different. We’re also shown the members looking for the said hide-outs:
Then we have these from the Sasusaku shippers’ side:
That’s not how it goes in Viz. In fact, in Viz, Sasuke’s exceedingly mild about the situation, even though he’s very much aware that Karin’s locked both of them in:
(Sasuke’s dialogue that Karin’s “always” impulsive is very peculiar.)
Sasusaku wankers really put a lot of force into the argument that he’s trying to push her away; but does it even matter? He fucking bites her! Her whole breasts are covered with the marks he’s given her!
Yes, she did have marks before as Suigetsu stated, but she’d been letting Sasuke bite her for quite some time:
How can I prove this? Well, look closely at the marks on her body when Sasuke’s biting her during the Killer Bee battle. They’re very deep and very clear; and now, look at these:
You can barely see the marks, which means that all of the marks on her body at that point were made not that long ago. If you don’t see anything sexual about healing through biting, I don’t know what to say. The whole idea about vampires is rooted in psycho-sexual impulses. There’s research on this in anthropology. Really, I don’t know what to tell you people. It’s mentioned again in the Databook IV’s entry:
What does this over-done, over-read, and over-analyzed screen shot (the defining moment of Sasusaku, apparently) even mean …
… when Sasuke straight up digs his teeth into her body? Notice, it’s “body”, not “arms”. How absurd can you shippers be when he’s healing himself in a way that’s loaded with sexual connotations, never mind the rest of the implicature I posted before this? And this isn’t the first time Kishimoto has left things up in the air with regards the hidden “suggestive” threads in the narrative. Itachi, apparently, had lovers, not a lover, at the time he fucked up everything (including the manga’s future arcs):
That’s as suggestive as it’s ever going to get in this manga that’s aimed at children, and it does show that Itachi was secretly a complete fuckboy (he was changing through his lovers faster than his canon characterization; all right, maybe not that fast, but still); he was probably being passed around like a blunt among the elders (and that’s how he contracted the Will of Fire’s disease that killed him and the manga); and Sasuke’s interactions with Karin are quite overtly sexual: he bites her all over her body, for fuck’s sake! Can you think of anything even remotely sexual from Sasuke’s side (or any other character’s side) for any other character? I know I can’t. I’m sure you can over-read into things to reach that conclusion, but in canon, it’s always been Karin. Couple that up with Suigetsu’s implicature, and am I truly supposed to believe that nothing went on between the two? And that’s repeated again in Gaiden:
Interestingly enough, it’s not “I didn’t know Sasuke was a pimp”, but “I didn’t know Sasuke was that much of a pimp”. As usual, Viz cut out any sexual connotation from the dialogue:
The fact that Suigetsu automatically thinks of Karin again links back to the various suggestions Shippuden made that Sasuke and Karin did engage in sexual activities. This is literally the most overt display of sex in the entire manga that’s aimed at children. This is the author who drew Asuma and Kurenai with far milder suggestions compared to any of this; and that’s true for every other canon pairing, as well. Heck, Minato and Kushina happened because he liked her hair, and she blushed in response. Kishimoto’s shown immense restraint with every other pairing (or suggested pairing) but this one. Most of the time, he only showed people blushing. No male (or female) character ever bit into the body of his comrade for group-bonding. Come the fuck on! Are you people thick?
Look, you can ship Sasuke with whomever you want, but let’s stop pigeon-holing Sasuke into your preferred ships when the only sexual content that ever involved Sasuke always involved Karin. At best, I can give you pansexual Sasuke as he’s the kind of individual who doesn’t care about social constraints; however, a strictly homosexual or Sakura-sexual Sasuke? Get outta here!
sasuke uchiha sasuke sasuke uchiha karin uzumaki karin karin uzumaki sasukarin sk i don't ship anything but the sexual content between them is too damn overt especially given the restraint kishimoto showed towards other pairings anti sakura anti sakura fandom anti sasusaku anti ss anti sss suigetsu jugo team taka team hebi orochimaru naruto naruto manga
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