Life as we know it can be the as boring, as an old black and white movie is boring to a kid who loves cartoons. We all dread the work and struggles of it. Most ask: What’s the purpose? There’s seems to be no point.
Somethings have no point. I agree with that. But as boring and problematic life can be. We have to deal with it. Here’s a question.
Can you enter a locked door without the key? Without breaking or picking at the door in any way. There isn’t. You can break it down, but that comes with consequences. Picking at the lock you can get caught.
As life goes on we move through doors. Our parents gave as the key to the door of school. Now we’re stuck there till we can leave it and graduate. There are ways out of the room, you could jump out the open windows or run into the endless lightless hallway. Or you can leave through the next door. But the only way that can happen is with the next key. Which is provided from the school at graduation.
We all hate it and there and many others in that hatred room with us. Sufflering as while. But once you go through that door lies freedom. Beautiful yes. But now we have another crossroad. Another door of school, or the window of freedom.
The window sounds nice right? Well, what happens after you jump out? Is there a ladder to get back? Maybe. For some people there is. But, some aren’t so lucky.
We all hated life at one point to another. We all wanted to throw that stupid homework assignment across the room and scream. but, as much as we wanted to. We knew, somewhere deep down, we’d have to do it at some point, if not then. So, what keep us going?
Everyone has their reasons. All different, but all in one similarity to succeed in life.
There is one thing that has to be addressed.
What about those people that jumped out the window or ran down the endless hallway? Do you know what they rushed into?
A short time of light brought to a lifetime of darkness. Some make it back. Some don’t. It all depends on the person. But it also depends on if we care. We can help them back up. Some won’t and will only damage those even more. Or with a slight chance encourage them. We all can help each other.
We all want to do something in life. Some may not think that. But if they think about they will. They may need help to get there. Some willing to help more than others.
But all in the end. We’re all the same, trying to get somewhere.
And it’s not going to help with the ones fighting to be on top. But, no one is on top. We’re only on top of ourselves. We will have rules over our head that’ll seem useless. But they’re there for a reason, as useless as they may seem.
You can come up with a million reasons to drop out that window or run that hallway. But there will be more reasons not to than to rush away from the problems. Because, only more problems will follow you down.
But, if you look there's is a way out. You just have to look and keep trying. Even when it gets ruff. Go on, even if it seems like the worst.