Inside a small Children's hospital was a special ward made for the most special children. Children with disabilities and things that prevent them from being in touch with the outside world.
In one of the rooms was a little girl no older than the age of seven.
Her black, short hair bounced with a dark blue ribbon topping her chubby head. Her baby blue eyes sparkled like a new born infant's. A penguin stuffed toy complimented her appearance, and most of all, her smile shined like the sun.
A young boy watched her from outside of the one way mirror, and blushed, "Father, what is her name?"
A man wearing a white doctor's coat stopped writing on his papers, and said, "Well she is patient number 104, Heathers."
Heathers played with her toy and rolled around the white padded walls, while the boy admired her from the other side of the mirror, "Why is she here?"
"She's sick, son. There is nothing we can do about it for now, but with proper medication hopefully she will get better." his father clicked his pen and turned his chair in order to face the boy, "I brought you here so that she would have someone her age to talk to. Maybe it would help her condition."
Excitedly, the boy jumped up and down, "Really, father? Can I? Can I?"
He chuckled and pointed at a small blue button on the counter, "Sure, just press that little thing over there and she would be able to hear you."
Quickly, he went over to the counter to press it, "Hello?"
Heathers jumped and looked at the mirror of which she can only see her reflection, "Hello...?"
"Nice to meet you! Father said that I will be your friend starting today!"
To Heathers, the young voice was quite refreshing to hear, "Yay, a friend!" a friend. She hadn't had something like that in a long time. She walked over to the mirror and placed her hand onto the glass, "What do you look like?"
"I look like you, but with shorter hair and brown eyes. I'm also your age!"
A young boy, "So you're a kid just like me!" this was fun. It was a nice change to have a proper conversation for once. Questions like: 'how do you feel?' or 'what is this?' bored her to the core.
The boy's father smiled as he watched the two children interact with her. It was quite a good idea to bring his son in.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into a year. The two had been conversing with each other for quite a long time now, and they became the best of friends.
He had been searching around his father's files for quite a while now, looking for Heathers' birthday date. Finally he found it, and coincidentally it was today.
Pressing the blue button, he talked into the mic, "Heathers, happy birthday!"
Heathers ran towards the mirror and once again placed her small hand upon its surface, "Hello! What do you mean happy birthday...?"
"It mean that you are now one year older than you were last year! Eight years old, woo hoo! What do you want for your birthday?"
Closing her eyes she made a cute pout and started to go deep into thought, "Hmmm.... well," with a blinding smile and a twirl of her dress, she said, "I want to be able to go outside!"
From behind the mirror, the boy froze. Was he able to grant her wish? Was he allowed? He pressed the blue button, prepared to ask her for another present but he thought about how she had lived her life.
She never went outside, she never saw another human being, all she had were white walls and a stuffed penguin toy.
With a gulp, he pressed the button, "A-alright." he heard her clap and squeal in joy as he pitter pattered his way to the door that held her shut. Slowly, with all of his strength he pulled the door open.
The next thing he knew was that he was tackled with a hug, "Thank you so much! I love you! This is the best birthday present ever!"
In between her embrace, he was blushing to the point of looking like a tomato, "Y-your welcome!"
Heathers placed a kiss on his cheek, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he almost fainted, "You're very handsome... I finally know what you really look like now!"
His eyes swirled in dizziness. This was too much for him, "O-okay!" she never let go of him.
The sound of the door clicking open was heard, "Son, how---" his father dropped his things and stared with shock at the sight before him, "Why is she out!?"
The boy stuttered, "I-it's her birthday... and she said that th-this was her wish! So, I just had to grant it!" Heathers never let go of him, but turned her head just enough to take a peek. It was mr. doctor.
His father was angry, "She's sick, son! She's not allowed out of her cell!" roughly, he grabbed the boy's arm. An act that Heathers did no appreciate,
Suddenly, a loud screech filled the room, "I HATE YOU!" Heathers leaped onto the doctor, causing him to fall down. It was then she was able to bash his had onto the ground. She didn't stop with just one hit, but continued to smash his skull onto the hard tiles of the hospital floor.
The boy just watched shocked from the other side of the room, until he was able to find his voice, "H-Heathers!"
Immediately she stopped. Heathers turned her head to face him and smiled just as she usually would, but this time blood was sprinkled over her rosy cheeks, "Yes?" she asked in her timid voice.
"I-I..." what was there to say?
Heathers giggled and took his hand into her own, "Don't worry! When we escape from here we can do whatever we want for my birthday, and Heathers won't let anyone hurt you along the way!"
After leaving his father's dead body in that observing room, he and Heathers ran through the white walls of the hospital. His heart was pounding within his chest, and the blood was rushing to his head.
"What are you kids doing!?" a girl nurse spotted them.
Thinking quickly, Heathers found a scissor from a nearby metal table and stabbed the nurse's neck before she was able to yell out for others to come by. She giggled and retrieved the long scissors from the woman's throat.
The boy guided Heathers through the hospital that he knew better than the back of his hand, leading her to the paths that people did not often walk in. Unfortunately, at the back entrance was a group of employees.
"Don't worry! I will make them sleep fast!" in a flash, Heathers had killed them all using the weapons that they came across on their way to the exit. She wouldn't stop laughing, "Hahahahahahahah~! Look at them! They're becoming red!" not only were they red, Heathers' pale blue dress had turn crimson.
"Heathers!" he needed to stop her, but she was lost. She wouldn't stop stabbing them over, and over, and over again! He grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the dead bodies, "Heathers stop! STOP IT!"
Heathers became silent, and tears glistened in her baby eyes. Sobs escaped from her mouth as salty droplets fell onto the ground, "W-what's wrong? I didn't hurt you accidentally, did I?"
He shook his head rapidly, "N-no you didn't!" hesitantly, he held her by her shoulders and said, "What you're doing is wrong, Heathers! Killing is bad!" he flinched when he felt the stickiness of the drying blood when he made contact with her skin.
The boy was shocked when Heathers suddenly gave him a hug, "They're the ones trying to stop us from having fun. They're the bad ones, and at least I'm not going to make you sleep. I love you, you know!" she gave him a small peck on his forehead and gave him another smile, "I won't let anyone hurt you."
It was her usual smile, but there was something different about it. It was unnatural. It was just... wrong.
"I can't let you do this, Heathers!" he pushed her away. He needed to go get some help-- "Ack!" she jumped on him and forced the boy onto the ground, "H-Heathers!"
"You can't go! You're my first friend! I WON'T LET YOU GO!" Heathers flipped him around and grabbed a hold of his neck, "Why don't we just sleep together!? I'll let you go to sleep, and I will sleep afterwards! WIN WIN!" laughter started to erupt from her mouth and her baby blue eyes shined with insanity.
Was this what father meant when he said that she was sick? He had always wondered why he said that when it was clear that there was nothing wrong with her body.
He chocked and desperately tried to gasp for air, "W-wait!"
Heathers stopped and tilted her head, an action that would absolutely adorable if it were not for the blood that covered her lithe body, "Yes?"
He pulled her into a hug, not minding the red fluids that stained her clothing, and gave her a small kiss on her cheek.
At this point, Heathers was already blushing to the brim, "U-ummm..."
With shaky breaths that he managed to obtain moments after she stopped strangling him, he said, "H-happy Birthday, Heathers. Let's not go to sleep, okay? We'll go celebrate together."
Heathers made a grin so bright and returned his hug with two times the amount of love, "I love you so much! Thank you!"
A happy birthday indeed.
The End