(Scene 1: Open with Craig packing clothes, supplies, etc for camp)
Craig: (opens his shirt drawer and grabs his favorite shirt) I’ve been waiting all year to wear this to camp! *cheers* I can’t wait to show everyone once they see me, *poses like a model* Craig Stevenson, main character in every play ever to be produced by the Filming Arts & Acting Industry! (opens his luggage and places the folded shirt on top of a stack of other shirts, next to a stack of pants and shorts)
*cell phone rings*
Craig: *pulls cell phone out of pocket and answers* Hello?
Jerald P: You all packed and ready for camp yet? ‘Cause I am.
Craig: I’m just about ready for camp. I’m just finishing packing up my clothes. So, for camp, what’s the first thing we should do when we get there, besides signing up for auditions for their Summer Musicale?
Jerald P: What I thought we could do was see if anyone else has been a lead singer before like us two have been. And see if there are duos or trios or even quartets. We might even see people who do A Capella!
Craig: You know how we always wanted to join an A Capella group. That could maybe be one of the things that we can audition for, besides the main characters in the Summer Musicale.
Jerald P: That would be (in goofy voice) fabulous! (normal voice) Although, I think that since we’re already going to be signing up as the main characters in the Summer Musicale, we may have really no reason to do A Capella, except for fun when we aren’t doing anything else.
Craig: I’m pretty sure we’ll always have something to do. That’s just how we are. That’s how we’ve been since Elementary School. Remember that one time where we had to sit out in that soccer game and we had nothing to do? So we decided to…
Both: Beat box!
Jerald: Oh, those were the good days! I remember when we even won 1st place prize in the Terry Middle School Talent Show for beat boxing and singing A Capella!
Craig: Yeah, and now look where we’re at. We’re both about to leave to a Summer Camp where singing, playing instruments, and anything musical is encouraged.
Jerald P: Which is exactly why we chose to go there this summer! By the way, did you remember to pack your Bible?
Craig: *looks at his desk and notices his Bible is still there* Uh, yeah. I did. *walks over to his Bible, picks it up, and packs it in his luggage next to his shirts* I’m guessing you did already?
Jerald P: You know me so well.
Craig: Why wouldn’t I?
(a brief pause in the conversation)
Jerald P: *away from phone* What?! *back on phone* My mom’s telling me that it’s time for me to get my stuff in the car.
Craig: All right, I guess I’ll be seeing you in a few hours at camp.
Jerald P: Sounds like a plan. See you then.
Craig: Right back at ya. *hangs up cell phone* Looks like it’s time to go. *hurries to kitchen, with his luggage and cell phone, and grabs his car keys* There we go. Love you mom and dad!
Mom: We love you too sweetie!
Dad: Have fun. *points his finger* And stay out of trouble. *smiles*
Craig: *smiles back* You know I will. See you guys later! *walks out the front door and closes it* *inhales deeply, then exhales* Time to go and have some fun! *cheers as he climbs in his car, starts it, and drives off to the camp*
(Scene 1 ends)