(Scene 2 opens with Craig arriving at camp)
Craig: *walks in through main entrance of camp carrying his luggage* *looks around for Jerald* Where is he? *continues walking and looking around in the building for Jerald*
Jerald P: *walks through the entrance doors with luggage* Finally! My dream has come true! *pauses* That sounded very cliche!
Craig: No kidding. So… we’re finally here. At the camp we’ve been dreaming of for what feels like years!
Jerald P: *exclaims* I’m guessing you feel like singing right about now?
Craig: You know me so well.
Jerald P: *chuckles* Oh, great.
*music for opening song starts*
Craig: I’ve been excited since the day, the day that we were told that this is the camp to which we have been enrolled. Now we’re here and it’s so exciting and the people seem so inviting! Singing has been the one thing we’ve dreamed to do, and now that dream has finally come true! Singing is the one thing I could do all day! Here at camp, I may be the one to sing in the play! But first, the auditions I must attend and give the judges 100 percent! Because singing is why I’m here, and here, I have nothing to fear! Here at camp, I can sing A Capella and perform a singing extravaganza! Or even rap with some friends, all the way until the end! Maybe even vocalize, with my friends to socialize! I can even beatbox and rap, making my singing look like a snap! But if I don’t make it into the play, then I might have a singing rage!
Jerald P: If you have a singing rage, you may be placed inside a cage!
Craig: And then, I may cry, not being in the play would make me mentally die!
Jerald P: But if being in the play isn’t God’s will, it’s no reason for you to be a pill!
Craig: Not being in the play would make me so mad, but getting angry would be really bad!
Jerald P: Not being in the play is not a big deal, and that is how I really feel.
Craig: When I think about it all I need is practice, and when I practice, I know I’ve got this.
Jerald P: All I want to tell you is that I know and I believe you can do this!
Craig: Here at camp, I can sing A Capella and perform a singing extravaganza! Or even rap with some friends, all the way until the end! Maybe even vocalize, with my friends to socialize! I can even beatbox and rap, making my singing look like a snap!
*music for opening song ends*
Craig: All right, now that that’s done, let’s go get ourselves signed in.
Jerald P: *scoffs* You think?
Craig: Your sarcastic comment is sarcastic. *walks up to sign-in desk with Jerald*
Christopher: *checks name off of list and notices Craig and Jerald* Well, hello. Who might you two be?
Craig: My name is Craig Stevenson and this is my friend Jerald Peter.
Christopher: *checks both names off of list* All right. Now all you’ll need is a mark to show that you are a part of the Filming Arts & Acting Industry.
Both: *place their right hands on desk*
Christopher: *marks a cross on each of their right hands* You’re all set! I hope you gentlemen have a wonderful experience.
Jerald P: Thank you, sir. We definitely will. *walks away from desk with Craig*
Craig: *looks around at other teens* There’s a surprisingly small number of teens who enrolled into this camp.
Jerald P: You just now realized that?
Craig: Don’t judge me.
Both: *approach Zachary Flaughy, who is holding two large bags of luggage*
Zachary: Oh, hello there! *waves his right hand wildly then smacks his lips loudly* My name is Zachary! Zachary Flaughy. But most people call me ‘Laughy.’
Jerald P: Cool. My name is Jerald Peter and this is my friend, Craig Stevenson.
Craig: So, what brought you to this camp?
Zachary: Well, I’ve loved singing since I was about two years old and I’m only singing more the older I get. And that’s pretty much the main reason I’m here.
Craig: That makes three of us.
Zachary: By the way, what do you guys plan on doing when it’s time for auditions for the upcoming Musicale?
Craig: We plan on performing A Capella. Although now that I think about it, what kind of A Capella should we perform, Jerald?
Jerald P: Hmm… *thinks for a brief moment then snaps his fingers* I’ve got an idea! We could perform a popular theme from a popular video game. And I’m pretty sure you know which one I’m talking about.
Craig: *grins* Does this video game’s main character’s name start with an ‘m?’
Jerald P: Indeed it does.
Craig: We’ll show everyone who does A Capella the best.
Jerald H, Mary, John, and Marcus ‘Mute’: *approach Craig, Jerald P, and Zachary*
Jerald H/KJ: So, you must be the new arrivals. My name is Jerald Harriet and these are my friends. *points to Mary* That’s Mary Ferill. *points to John* John White. *points to Marcus ‘Mute’* And finally, Marcus Bett, but we call him ‘Mute,’ since he sadly cannot talk, but he kills it on the drums.
Craig: Awesome! I’m Craig Stevenson and my friends are Jerald Peter and Zachary Flaughy. So, are you guys like a band or something?
Jerald H/KJ: That’s exactly what we are. We are the Jesus Jammers. We all agreed on that name since we’re all Christians.
Jerald P: That’s sounds pretty catchy.
John/SS: Thanks. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you guys do?
Craig: Jerald, Zachary and I can all sing and Jerald and I can do A Capella.
Mary/BB: That’s neat.
Christopher: *on stage in stage room* Students of the Filming Arts & Acting Industry please be seated in the stage room. I have an announcement!
All: *walk into stage room and find seats*
Christopher: Now as you all know, the summer Musicale is at the end of the week, in approximately seven days. Although, we cannot have a Musicale without singers! So, in about an hour, auditions for the roles in the Musicale will be opened!
All: *cheer and shout*
Christopher: I know you’re all very excited but patience is a virtue. In the meantime, do whatever you tend to do while waiting whether it’s singing, vocalizing or whatever you want. Students dismissed.
All: *stand and leave the stage room*
Craig: *inhales deeply, then exhales* I seriously cannot wait for auditions! Plus, if I don’t get the lead role in the Musicale I might lose my mind!
Jerald P: Craig, we sang about that earlier. There’s no need to again.
Craig: Still, you would probably feel the same if you wanted the role as badly as I do. *bumps into Stacy Vulgan, who is talking to Walter Petersburg* Oh, my apologies!
Stacy: Oh, you’re fine. I forgive you. By the way, I’m Stacy Vulgan and this is my step-brother Walter Petersburg.
Walter: What’s up?
Craig: Just waiting for auditions to start up. Oh, my name is Craig Stevenson, and these are my friends Jerald Peter and Zachary Flaughy.
Zachary: *waves his hand wildly*
Walter: So,why are you guys here? Can you even sing or act or anything?
Stacy: Be nice, Walter!
Craig: Oh, no, he’s fine. Because in fact, my friends and I can sing quite well if I do say so myself.
Walter: Really? Can you prove it?
Jerald P: Yes we can, once auditions open up.
Walter: Unless you get passed by.
Stacy: Walter! Remember what mom said to us?
Walter: About treating others kindly?
Stacy: Yes! She said, ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’ That’s Luke 6:31.
Walter: Sorry. I’ve got a bit of an anger problem that I’m currently dealing with. So don’t so surprised if I’m acting like a jerk.
Zachary: It’s all right. We’ll still hang out with you, but in the meantime, we should all be practicing for the auditions.
Jerald P: Agreed. Well it was nice meeting you, Stacy and Walter.
Stacy: It was nice to meet you as well, Craig, Jerald and Zachary. Good luck with the auditions.
Craig: Thanks, you too.
Stacy and Walter: *walk away towards cafeteria tables and practice acting for auditions*
Craig: Okay, so we both already know what we’re going to do for auditions, but do you think it’s going to be good enough for us to get the lead roles in the Musicale? Because we’ve got some tough competition.
Jerald P: We’re not ‘competing’ for the lead roles, Craig. We’re just auditioning for any part in the Musicale. And our friends are not competition.
Craig: Maybe not to you.
Jerald P: Anyway, Zachary, would you like to join Craig and I when we audition?
Zachary: Oh, absolutely! What are you going to be doing?
Jerald P: It’s going to be awesome! *walks up to Zachary and whispers into his ear what they’re doing for auditions*
Zachary: Yes! I love that!
Christopher: *in stage room with microphone* All right students of the Filming Arts & Acting Industry, I am proud to announce that the auditions for the Musicale are officially open!
All: *cheer*
Christopher: Auditions will take place right here in the stage room, or as we shall call it, our performance room. Now that auditions are opened up, I have placed a sign up sheet for the auditioning which is located directly in the main lobby by the entrance doors!
Jerald P: *whispers* Why didn’t he just put the sign up sheet there before everyone started arriving?
Craig: *chuckles quietly and nudges Jerald* That’s a good point.
Christopher: Now, go on and get your selves sign up!
All: *rush towards audition sign up desk by entrance*
Craig: *notices that Jerald H and his friends are first in line for sign ups* Hey, Jerald.
Jerald P: What’s up?
Craig: Jerald Harriet and his little ‘gang’ are the first in line for the sign ups. They must really want to be in the Musicale.
Jerald P: You do realize that the list doesn’t actually go in order, right?
Craig: What do you mean by that?
Jerald P: Well, sometimes the manager of the Musicale just picks auditionees at random.
Craig: So, there’s actually a chance that either we might get to audition first and/or they might audition last?
Jerald P: Yes, there’s definitely a chance.
Craig: Sweet! I really want to go first, honestly, because I’m dying just sitting here, waiting to perform!
Jerald P: Don’t get ahead of yourself. We’re not performing, we’re auditioning.
Zachary: He’s got a point, Craig. I mean, don’t get your hopes up for the Musicale because what if you don’t get the lead role or even a role at all?
Craig: Then I’ll just have to persuade him into giving me the lead role.
Zachary: Craig, Proverbs 3:5 and 6 say ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.’
Jerald P: I know you really want this role, but don’t confuse God’s path with yours.
Craig: I’ll try not to.
Zachary: We really want to be in the play too, don’t get us wrong, but it’s really not a big deal if we don’t make it in. I mean we’re still talented whether we’re in the Musicale or not.
All three: *approach sign up desk*
Craig: Should we just sign our regular names or should we come up with a group name?
Zachary: Ooh! I’ve got a good one!
Jerald P: What is it?
Zachary: How about ‘A Capella Auditionees?’
Craig: That’s pretty catchy. I like it. Let’s do it. *grabs a pen and signs group name*
Jerald P: All right, A Capella Auditionees, who’s ready for auditioning?!
All: *cheer and high five*
Jerald H and friends: *approach Craig, Jerald P, and Zachary*
Jerald H/KJ: Well, well, well. I didn’t expect to see you guys again so soon. Signed up for auditions I’m guessing?
Jerald P: Yes, Craig just finished writing our group name on the sign-up sheet.
Jerald H/KJ: What’s your guys’ group name?
Zachary: It’s A Capella Auditionees. I think it’s got a nice ring to it.
John/SS: That name sounds ridiculous!
Marcus ‘Mute’/DD: *nudges John and shakes his head*
Mary/BB: I think it’s pretty catchy.
Craig: Thanks. By the way, what are you guys doing for your audition?
Jerald H/KJ: You guys’ll have to wait and find out for yourselves, but I can guarantee it’s going to be spectacular.
Zachary: I bet it will be.
Christopher: *walks into main lobby* All right, everyone! Sign ups are closing very shortly and then the auditions will start! *walks back into performace room*
Jerald H/KJ: It was nice talking to you guys again. I’m sure we will again some other time but my friends and I have got to go practice our song.
Craig: Okay, we’ll catch you later.
Jerald H/KJ: Sounds like a plan. *walks away with friends to back room to do rehearsal*
Zachary: Is it just me or is that Jerald already starting to act strange?
Jerald P: It’s not just you.
Zachary: Oh, thank goodness! I thought I might have been going a bit insane there for a moment.
Craig: Strange or not strange, we’ve got some auditioning to wait for.
Christopher: *walks into main lobby and picks up sign-up sheet then looks at Craig, Jerald P, and Zachary* If you gentlemen signed up for auditions, I’ll be looking forward to seeing how you perform.
Jerald P: Thank you, sir. I can almost guarantee you’ll be blown away.
Christopher: I’m hoping to be. *laughs then smiles* Good luck. *walks back into performance room* Auditions are now beginning! I repeat, auditions are beginning now! You may wait in the performance room until you are called or in the back room to practice.
Zachary: Where do you guys think we should go?
Craig: We should go in the back room so we can practice our A Capella.
Jerald P: That’s sounds like that’s the only choice we’ve got if we want Mr. Bartholomew to be blown away.
Zachary: Wait a minute. His last name is ‘Bartholomew?’
Jerald P: Yes it is, now…
Zachary: How on Earth do you know that?!
Jerald P: His name tag says his full name. Now, let’s hurry into the back room before we get called on for auditioning.
All three: *rush to back room, leaving their luggage at nearby table*
Zachary: I just love the fact that we carried our luggage everywhere until just as we’re heading back to practice for auditions.
Craig: Now’s not the time to point out what we did in the past.
All three: *stop running and enter backroom*
Craig: All right, guys. We’ve got to practice non-stop until we get called on! Are you guys prepared?
Zachary: Well…
Craig: That’s the spirit! Now, if everyone knows the theme we’re doing an A Capella for, then Jerald, would you like to do bass?
Jerald P: Sure thing.
Craig: And Zach, can you do the percussion?
Zachary: I thought you’d eventually ask!
Craig: Great! Now on my count, we’ll start. One, two, three, ba-ba, ba, ba-ba, ba!
Jerald P: *slightly too low-pitched* Ba. Oh! Dang it!
Craig: It’s fine. Let’s do it again. One, two, three, ba-ba, ba, ba-ba, ba!
Jerald P: *correctly pitched* Ba.
Zachary: *starts beat-boxing the Super Mario Bros Main Theme*
Craig: Ba, ba, ba, ba ba ba-ba, ba-ba ba-ba, ba-ba ba, ba-ba-ba. Ba-ba-ba-ba ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba. Ba-ba-ba-ba ba, ba, ba-ba! Ba-ba-ba-ba ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba. Ba, ba, ba!
Jerald P: *simultaneously with Craig* Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ba. Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ba. Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. Ba, ba, ba! Ba-ba ba ba.
Zachary: *stops beatboxing the Main Theme*
Craig: That was great! That’s exactly how it should sound when we perform!
Zachary: I’m a bit surprised at how fast we were able to do the theme correctly.
Jerald P: Well, we are the A Capella Auditionees.
Zachary: Touche.
Craig: Now, do you guys want to practice again just to make sure we’ve got down perfectly?
Christopher: *from performance room* First up to the stage, Stacy Vulgan and Walter Petersburg!
Jerald P: *sighs* Whoo! I was a bit worried for a second.
Zachary: If you want us to rehearse the theme once more then I’m totally fine with doing so.
Craig: It just has to be perfect.
Jerald P: *sighs* Craig, I know that we told Mr. Bartholomew that we would blow him away but that doesn’t always mean it has to be ‘perfect.’
Craig: Yes! It does. If we want to be in the Musicale then we mustn’t have any mistakes!
Jerald P: *deeply inhales then exhales* Fine. I’ll do it once more, only because we’re friends.
Craig: Okay. We’ll do it just like before. On my count. One, two, thr…
Christopher: *in performance room* Thank you Stacy and Walter. Harold, Karry, what’d you guys think about their act?
Harold: *in performance room* I felt that it was quite… sophisticated.
Karry: *in performance room* *groans* Harold, you and your sophistication! I honestly think you guys were fabulous!
Harold: I think it could have looked more professional even though she thinks it’s ‘fabulous.’
Christopher: I enjoyed it greatly. But the question is, do you think they would be good in the Musicale?
Karry: Of course!
Harold: Well, I think with a bit more practice, you guys could definitely pull it off.
Stacy: *cheers then hugs Walter* Thank you so much!
Christopher: You’re very welcome. We expect big things from you guys, like today, in the Musicale.
Walter: We’ll do our best.
Christopher: Okay. You are dismissed.
Stacy and Walter: *walk off stage into back room*
Christopher: Next up is, the A Capella Auditionees!
Craig: *in back room* Oh, great. We needed to practice our A Capella again!
Jerald P: *in back room* It’s too late for that now! *turns Craig around* Our time is now!
All three: *walk into performance room and onto stage*
Christopher: Hello, gentlemen. What will you be performing for us today?
Craig: You’ll have to see. But I’ll give you a hint: we’re going to be doing an A Capella of a famous video game theme.
Karry: Ooh!
Harold: I hope you guys sound great.
Craig: Me too. *looks at Jerald P*
Christopher: All right. You may begin whenever you like.
Craig: Okay. *whispers* One, two, three, ba-ba, ba, ba-ba, ba!
Jerald P: Ba.
Zachary: *starts beat-boxing the Super Mario Bros Main Theme*
Craig: *simultaneously with Zachary* Ba, ba, ba, ba ba ba-ba, ba-ba ba-ba, ba-ba ba, ba-ba-ba. Ba-ba-ba-ba ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba. Ba-ba-ba-ba ba, ba, ba-ba! Ba-ba-ba-ba ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba. Ba, ba, ba!
Jerald P: *simultaneously with Craig* Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ba. Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ba. Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. Ba, ba, ba! Ba-ba ba ba.
Zachary: *stops beatboxing the Main Theme*
Christopher: *stands up and claps loudly* That was brilliant!
Harold and Karry: *start clapping*
Harold: You guys nailed it! You guys definitely have got some skills.
Karry: You guys could establish a quartet if you get one more person to join.
Christopher: You guys will definitely be in the Musicale!
Craig: *cheers* Thank you, sir!
Zachary: If you don’t mind me asking, which roles do we get in the Musicale?
Christopher: You guys will do A Capella in the Musicale.
Craig: Wait a minute. That’s it?
Christopher: I believe so. Is there a problem?
Jerald P: No, there isn’t.
Craig: Yes, there is definitely a problem! How did I only get the role of doing A Capella?! I should’ve got the main character’s role in the Musicale!
Christopher: Now, Craig, your guys’ audition was A Capella, not acting.
Jerald P: He’s got a point, Craig.
Craig: I don’t care! I want the main character’s role in the Musicale and I’m going to get it even if I have to use force!
Harold: Use force you say?
Craig: I could call my parents and let them know what mistake you’ve made or I could even sabotage the Musicale!
Jerald P: Craig! Sabotaging the Musicale will only make things worse!
Craig: If it can’t be my way, then it can’t be anyone’s!
Zachary: Craig, who’s plan do you think it is for you to have the main character’s role in the Musicale?
Craig: It’s mine!
Christopher: Craig. I would like you to listen to me for just a moment, please.
Craig: *inhales deeply then exhales* Okay.
Christopher: Now, if you want the role of the main character in the Musicale, then we’ll see if we can work something out… under one condition.
Craig: What would that be?
Christopher: No. More. Threats. Or there will be consequences.
Craig: Yes, sir. I apologize for my unsuitable behavior.
Christopher: Thank you. You men are dismissed.
All three: *walk off stage into back room*
Christopher: Next is the Jesus Jammers!
All four: *walk into performance room and onto stage*
Christopher: Hello, gentlemen and lady. What will you be performing for us today?
Jerald H/KJ: We’re going to be playing an instrumental song that we’ve been practicing for months now and we believe that we can play it near flawlessly.
Christopher: All right. You may begin whenever you guys are ready.
Karry: Good luck.
Jerald H/KJ: *turns around and whispers* All right. John, you got your synthesizers up and ready?
John/SS: I most definitely did.
Jerald H/KJ: Mary, is your bass connected to John’s synthesized amplifier?
Mary/BB: You bet.
Jerald H/KJ: And Mute, are your drums synthesized?
Marcus ‘Mute’/DD: *nods his head*
Jerald H/KJ: Sweet! Let’s show them what we’re made of!
All four: *walk over to their instruments and begin playing Fiber Bundles*
(song continues for 2 minutes without dialogue)
Harold: *whispers* These guys are doing an amazing job, don’t you think?
Karry: *whispers* Yeah, it sounds like they’ve been practicing for quite some time.
(song continues without dialogue until 4-minute mark)
Christopher: *whispers* I already want these guys to play the background music for our Musicale! They’re phenomenal!
(song continues until it ends)
Christopher: *stands up and claps loudly* Bravo! You guys were astounding!
Jerald H/KJ: Why, thank you very much, sir. We practiced pervasively until we got it just right.
Christopher: And it turned out beautifully! And now, time to make a decision, which I believe was already made before you guys finished performing. How would you guys like to play the music for the upcoming Musicale?
Jerald H/KJ: Absolutely!
Mary/BB: We would be honored!
Christopher: Splendid! I’m looking forward to rehearsals already! Now, you guys are dismissed.
Jerald H/KJ: Thank you again, sir. *walks off stage into back room*
Jerald P: Hey, Jammers! You guys sounded fantastic up there.
Jerald H/KJ: Thank you. We really worked hard on that song.
Zachary: We could definitely tell.
Jerald H/KJ: So, how did you guys do? I’m guessing it didn’t go so well based on what everyone heard from Craig.
Jerald P: It went very well, but Craig wanted the lead role and threatened Mr. Bartholomew.
John/SS: You had a temper tantrum just because you wanted some stupid role in the Musicale?!
Craig: *walks up to John and points at him* Watch it. I’ve never been given another role other than the lead and I’m not starting now.
John/SS: You may never start for all we know.
Craig: *grabs John’s shirt* If you don’t shut up right now…
Jerald P: Let go of him, Craig! *pulls Craig away from John* It’s bad enough you threatened one man today.
John/SS: Yeah, Craig. Haven’t you learned your lesson yet? Or do you just keep hearing that singing voice in your head?
Mary/BB: Don’t push it, John.
Zachary: We should probably go put our luggage in our room before we forget about it.
Jerald P: That sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it, Craig?
Craig: *growls quietly* (sarcastic) Sure. It sounds wonderful.
Jerald P: Good. Now, let’s be on our way. Take care, guys. *leaves with Craig and Zachary*
John/SS: Now that that’s done, I would say it’s time to celebrate!
Jerald H/KJ: And how are you going to celebrate?
John/SS: You should already know this. *grins*
Both: Rapping.
John/SS: Cue the music!
(John’s Rap instrumental starts playing)
John/SS: I can’t believe that we are the band!In the Musicale instead of the A Capella man! Practicing that song got us in the show! I am truly grateful for the part we were bestowed! Rapping this song shows you how I feel! Us playing in the Musicale is for real! And I’m gonna tell you that I’m feeling great! Playing in the Musicale must have been our fate! We have made good use of our time! This is the opportunity of our lifetime! That’s the end of my rapping song! If only you guys would’ve sang along!
(John’s Rap instrumental stops playing)
Jerald H/KJ: You still have it in you.
Mary/BB: And he always will.
John/SS: Well, rap is my favorite genre of music.
Jerald H/KJ: That’s one thing you and ‘Mute’ have in common.
Marcus ‘Mute’/DD: Mm-hmm.
John/SS: That is true. Speaking of truth, I think we’ve seen the true side of Craig today after what happened when he and his friends finished their audition.
Mary/BB: I agree with what John’s talking about. Craig must’ve seriously wanted the lead role in the Musicale if he’s actually being a menace towards the camp manager and the assistants.
Jerald H/KJ: I think someone should be assertive and stand up to Craig.
John/SS: It still ticks me off that Mr. Bartholomew allowed Craig to take the lead role by force!
Jerald H/KJ: You know, I think I have an idea of what to do and who to talk to about Craig’s little ‘incident.’1102Please respect copyright.PENANA896T8iA3UW
(Scene 2 ends)